Chapter 118 Guilt......
I don't want to talk too much about how much a month is worth with Sha Bao, it can only hurt myself.

Lu Nan also makes sense, Lao Tzu is for the sake of ideals, and is willing to suffer and sacrifice.The level of our thinking is high. I am on Mount Everest, and you are in the Mariana Trench. It’s just a big difference. Tell me how much a month is. Can money make up for it?

The old men are exhausted all day long, and it’s not all caused by you bastards, who bully the common people and do things that are completely devoid of conscience.Can I use the money from selling radishes in the vegetable market for a month to do the business of licking blood on the knife edge?

Can't!I can run five kilometers a day, which is worthy of being cultivated by the company commander. I am a backbone of the business, and the non-commissioned officer is transferred to go home. Isn't it good to live a comfortable life?
The crowd waited for more than three hours on the side of the mountain road, and the paratroopers who were on guard outside came running.

The dog-headed Lao Gao came with Group A, and he didn't even bring a bottle of water except for his stuff, so he rushed over as soon as he heard the situation.What is this, the one-year KPI results of the brother unit next door, if this is done well, everyone in the Lone Wolf Commando will have a little red flower on their chest, and the little Doudou on the shoulder of Goutou Laogao will have a chance because of this operation Add one more, at least there is an advantage when promoted.

Make an achievement, what is this, this is an achievement.

The lone wolf commando has the ability to take it, and other people should not be jealous when they see it. Whoever makes you fall behind, hurry up and come over to share a drink of soup.

"How's the situation?" the dog-headed Lao Gao came over with an assault rifle in his arms, and asked as soon as he came, sweating profusely.

Lu Nan stretched out his hand and pointed at the silly leopard lying in the grass: "That's him, the backbone of Ma Yunfei's hands. Get up, I didn't see our squadron leader coming, I have to stand at attention when I see him, please open your eyes Let's take a look?"

"Who is your leader?"

The dog-headed Lao Gao squatted down: "I am, what is the situation in Maxi Village?"

"Hehe." As soon as Silly Leopard pouted, Lu Nan unscrewed the kettle to feed him.

After taking a sip of water, Silly Leopard also knows that his life is still alive for a month, so why not tell him what he knows, this month can be passed comfortably, maybe he can still have a meal every now and then, and smoke every day .

"I want preferential treatment."

The dog-headed Lao Gao said without hesitation: "Yes."

"You can't have a public trial. I know what it feels like, and I don't want to be aggrieved before I leave."


"After entering, I have to smoke and drink every day, and there must be meat in the dishes."


The dog-headed boss is allowed to do anything: "We can give preferential treatment according to the highest standard. As long as it is not too excessive, any of your requirements can be satisfied. But you must tell everything you know, and you can't hide anything. This battle will be very difficult. Long, do you know?"

Hearing the last sentence, Sha Bao's eyes suddenly sparkled.

This battle will be long.

It also means that Shabao can live for a long time, at least until everything is settled.The dog-headed old man is very tempting when he speaks, and when he comes, he grasps the most urgent point of Shabao, the time of life.

He was injured, and even if he was not caught, he would die a tragic death. He died in pain in this mountain forest where there was little medical treatment.

Afterwards, the dog-headed Lao Gao asked Sha Bao in detail about the situation of Maxi Village, and Sha Bao also knew everything.In the end, Gray Wolf led several members of Group A to relocate him. He must not be allowed to appear in the sight of others. He must be relocated. He knows a lot about the Ma family and will help Yuanshan Town in the future. .

"All assembly!"

Following the order of Goutou Gao, everyone lined up and stood on the winding mountain road.

"Everyone must have understood the situation, money is touching~~~"

Everyone said in unison: "Loyal to the motherland, loyal to the people!"

"set off!"

Walking on the narrow and rugged mountain road again, Lu Nan was still the first team member to charge forward.It’s not a matter of performance or not, but of being a warrior who dares to charge, because there will be people aiming and shooting with weapons in front, who will rush to the front if they are greedy for life and afraid of death?

From day to night, a crescent moon hangs in the sky.

More than a dozen people hid on the hillside, and in front of them was the Maxi Village built near the mountains and rivers.For the sake of marching speed, the people in group A did not bring equipment such as night vision goggles, while group B carried special warfare equipment such as far-infrared night vision goggles and individual night vision goggles.

The dog-headed Lao Gao plans to teach the class personally and command the AB group to fight. Group B carried individual night vision devices and was responsible for sneaking into the attack, while Group A was responsible for providing support and ensuring the stability of the village.

in the dark.

Lu Nan was lying on a jute field, the leaves poking into his neck was very itchy, the scratching became more and more itchy.Seeing this, Xiao Zhuang broke the hemp stick and threw it on the ground. When he turned around, he found Geng Jihui glaring at him.

"Do not destroy the crops of the common people."


The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and Lu Nan continued to observe the situation in the village ahead.

In the night vision device, under the stone bridge by the stream, a girl carries a heavy load to the stream, then dumps the sweet potatoes in the basket to wash, and walks with a sprained foot.Lu Nan stared carefully not far away, and always felt that this person was somewhat familiar.

"Report to Langtou, I found a person, I know it. Why don't you let me go up to scout the situation, over."

After a while, the dog-headed old Gao's voice sounded from the communicator: "Will he believe you?"

"I don't know, but she has communicated with me. She hates the people of the Ma family group very much."

"Coyote, are you sure?"

Lu Nan thought for a while: "I will try my best to convince her, if not, I can still continue to act."

"Allowed! Over."

"Received, finished!"

Patting Xiaozhuang on the shoulder, Lu Nan pulled out the jute field, crawled half-body and chose to walk under the bridge.Stepping into the stream with both feet, the sound of water flowing halfway caught the girl's attention. She picked up the pole and looked at the people walking in the river.

"It's me, don't make a sound." Lu Nan walked up quickly.

The girl frowned hesitantly: "Who are you?"

"Forget, I'm Anan."

After wading across the river, Lu Nan hunched his waist and hid under the bridge. He waved to the girl and said, "I told you I'm not a bad person. If you don't believe me, come and see for yourself. See what clothes I'm wearing and what I'm wearing on my hat. "

Hesitating, the girl still didn't put down the pole in her hand, and walked towards Lu Nan step by step.Lu Nan, who was squatting under the stone bridge, took out his tactical flashlight, covered the light with his palm, and revealed the flag on his shoulder and the logo on his chest.

The girl stretched out her hand to grope, and suddenly knelt down and couldn't help crying.

Seeing her crying, Lu Nan scratched her head anxiously: "Don't cry, I'm not a bad person. I came here this time to catch bad people. I'll tell you one thing. I caught all the Ma family members, even Silly Leopard. Killed by me with one shot. I am a soldier, a member of the army. If you don’t believe me, you can see my armband and red flag.

In the past, I lied to them and stayed with them for the purpose of grasping the situation. Now I came to arrest them, and they were all taken away by me and put in prison.Don't cry, I don't know what to do when you cry. "

Hearing this, the sobbing gradually became smaller.

The girl said aggrievedly: "Grandma is gone, my grandma was taken away by them, and my dad gave my grandma for money for sex, and beat me every day."

Reaching out to stroke her dry and greasy hair, Lu Nan unfastened the tactical gloves on his hands, and tightly held her rough, scarred hands.Her hands were very cold, very thin, stained with water and mud, and her fingertips were no less callous than Lu Nan's.

"Sorry, I'm late." Lu Nan said guiltily.

(End of this chapter)

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