Chapter 208 Destined Ending
The battle of last night is over, and a new battle is about to usher in.

Opening the cabin door, Lu Nan looked down at the familiar yet unfamiliar Yuanshan Town below.Looking up, there is a villa erected on the mountain on the east side of the town. It used to be the villa of Ma's family, and it was also the place where Ma Yunfei always dreamed.

Lu Nan remembered that there was a stand in the garden of the villa, from which one could overlook the entire Yuanshan Town. Ma Shichang stood there overlooking Yuanshan Town before his arrest, and watched the evil empire he built collapse.

The helicopter flew to the area where Ma's villa was located. Lu Nan saw someone rushing in from outside the villa. They had already discovered the existence of the helicopter.

Geng Jihui lowered his head to check his weapons and equipment: "The frontier guards and police support are coming, Lone Wolf Group A has 5 minutes to arrive at the scene, and the drone is expected to arrive within 2 minutes.

All there, rappelling ready! "

Standing in front of the cabin, Lu Nan and Lao Pao made a rapid descent one after the other.After landing, untie the safety rope, raise the muzzle of the gun and point it at the front for vigilance.The cable descended on the hillside outside the villa. When he saw the burned and scrapped trucks on the cement road, Lu Nan was full of thoughts, as if he had returned to the moment when he raided Ma's villa.

Six people landed.

Lu Nan, Lao Pao, and Geng Jihui looked at the past battlefield and fell into reminiscence, and they only reminisced for a few seconds.The other three didn't understand, and looked at the scrapped truck blocking the road in a daze.

Geng Jihui said: "Check the weapons and equipment, and start to act!"


Pulling the bolt of the gun, Lu Nan squatted forward and moved forward quickly. After reaching the scrapped truck, he raised his gun and looked sideways at the gate of the villa in front of him.Geng Jihui received the box dropped by the helicopter, opened the box, and inside was a small unmanned rotor reconnaissance aircraft.

Control the rotorcraft to take off, link the picture signal, and the picture will appear on the display screen on the control box.

Continue to fly forward, and the scene in the villa appears on the display.

In the mottled black and white picture, Ma Yunfei was surrounded by several people, holding three sticks of incense, standing alone on the grandstand in the garden, with the altar in front of him.He put the incense in the stove, took an M16 rifle from the subordinate beside him, and turned around to shoot at the rotor reconnaissance plane flying in the sky.

'Bang bang bang~~~'

After several gunshots, the drone footage was lost.It can now be confirmed that Ma Yunfei is here, and he cannot escape with his wings.

Geng Jihui reported the situation to Langxue: "Group B found Ma Yunfei's trace, and the target is Ma's villa. He seems to have expected us to come."

"Got it, act carefully."


After reporting the situation to Langxue, Geng Jihui did not agree to carry out an immediate surprise operation, and Lu Nan was also a little confused.This has nothing to do with being afraid of the enemy, but I don't understand why Ma Yunfei is not afraid. Judging by his posture, he seems to be planning to kill him.

Geng Jihui: "He appeared in Yuanshan County, wantonly recruited and suppressed local forces, and created vicious incidents. His purpose was to find us. Now he is a beast full of revenge. We are the ones who ruined his family."

"There are traps, that's for sure." Old Pao replied.

"What is his reliance?"

"Sarin gas?"

Lu Nan nodded: "It's possible, but it's definitely not just this. Otherwise, he wouldn't send someone to take away the sarin gas and put it in densely populated areas, so that he can vent his anger and cause serious social unrest."

Lao Pao looked sideways at the villa subconsciously: "He is a fugitive now, he used to be a fan, not an anti-humanity element. But who can say for sure, he wants to die, if he can gain some benefits in death, that would be even better .”

Geng Jihui: "What's the good of him being dead, revenge is hard to avenge."

Lu Nan: "Have you ever thought that he can't take revenge at all, we are violent machines, no one can resist such a huge violent machine, and no one dares to take revenge on such a huge violent machine."

"Then what does he want to do?"

Lu Nan rolled his eyes: "He doesn't want revenge at all, he just plans to go home to sacrifice to his father and brothers, otherwise he won't send someone to transport dangerous goods away. With his current strength, he is even a half of his father's strength back then None, Ma Shichang can be wiped out by us, what is he now?
One thing we misunderstood is that Ma Yunfei dare not take revenge now, he dare not even think about it.On the one hand, he came back this time to announce that the Ma family is still there, and that the suppression and inclusion of local forces is just to rebuild the Ma family. As for the dangerous goods, they are needed by the black hands behind him, so he sent people to transport them out. "

"I'm losing my mind."

Geng Jihui complained: "What does Ma Yunfei want to do with this psychopath?"

Suddenly, Wu Zhe's voice came from the communicator, and the reconnaissance drone had arrived in the sky and was flying in the air.

Wu Zhe: "What are you doing? They have already descended from another path. If you don't chase them, it will be too late. I have applied for an order to fire, and I can provide you with fire support at any time."


Lu Nan stood up and looked at the villa on the top of the mountain: "Ma Yunfei, that bastard, is playing with us. We have descended from the sky. He must be scared to death now. He pretends to be calm and tells us to be careful. You bastard, what a bastard!"

"The UAV team continued to follow up and provide air intelligence support." Geng Jihui said.

"Received, clearly."

Pulling the bolt of the gun, Geng Jihui shouted: "Start action, the target can be killed immediately without warning, this time he can't be allowed to escape again, the only way for him to go is Huangquan Road!"



With an order, everyone started to act. According to the information sent back by the unmanned surveillance plane, Ma Yunfei led people to flee crazily, fleeing for their lives along the path on the mountain behind the villa.The helicopter hovered in the sky, pulling up to a height that could not be shot by a small weapon.

Lu Nan was still the first to charge, and resolutely gave up entering the pursuit from the villa. Ma Yunfei would definitely have personnel in the villa to stop it. Lu Nan didn't want to waste energy on eliminating these remnants.Follow-up reinforcements are about to arrive, and Ma Yunfei cannot escape.

Walking through the woods, Lu Nan took a big breath of air, sweat slipped from his brows to his neck.

Passing through a dense moso bamboo forest that is highly ornamental, Lu Nan saw Ma Yunfei from a distance on the other side of the mountain surrounded by a dozen men in black and fleeing. flee.

"Call Lone Wolf B, the enemy is about to sneak into the tunnel and flee, Kestrel requests to open fire on the enemy's gathering point!"

"Got it, rocket fire!"

There was a 'swoosh' sound in the sky, the rocket fell into the target crowd with a long white tail smoke, and the explosion sounded violently.Then the smoke and the soil caused by the explosion flew, and after the curtain fell, only the ground was devastated.

Several people walked quickly with guns, and kept pulling the trigger with their fingers to shoot humanoid objects.After confirming that there is no movement ability, carry out supplementary shooting until there is no living person.

There was no one panting in the center of the explosion. The concrete floor at the entrance of the tunnel was pulled away, and there were traces of blood dragging on the ground inside.

"Get ready for throwing weapons." Geng Jihui pointed his gun at the entrance of the tunnel.

Lu Nan took out a shock bomb from his tactical vest, walked to the concrete tunnel and threw it into it.After waiting for a few seconds, the dull explosion echoed at the mouth of the cement pit. Zhuo Huan immediately picked up the rifle and pointed the muzzle of the gun inside to shoot.

'Da da da~~~'

There was another burst of shooting, and the cement tunnel was quiet and silent.

(End of this chapter)

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