Chapter 209 The Least Favorite Place
The muzzle of the black hole was aimed at the tunnel, and there was no body outside Ma Yunfei. Before the rocket was fired, he sneaked into the tunnel.It is impossible to escape. The shock wave generated by the explosion of the rocket is enough to shatter the internal organs of the human body. Never doubt the amount of charge, even if he escapes into the tunnel, he will not be safe.

Lu Nan kept throwing grenades, shock bombs and other throwing weapons into the tunnel, and the bullets kept shooting into the deep and dark entrance.Throwing all the grenades and shock bombs on his body into it, Zhuo Huan on the side finished the clips and exited the best shooting position, and Su Zhiwei on the side immediately connected them.

The tunnel was quiet and silent. Lu Nan put down his assault rifle, pulled out his pistol and loaded it, and turned on the tactical flashlight he carried with him.

"I'm going down."

Su Zhiwei stopped him: "I'll go down and check."

"Obey orders." Lu Nan rejected Su Zhiwei's proposal in an unquestionable tone.

As the team leader of Lone Wolf B, Lu Nan didn't want any team members to be injured or injured when he stepped in.Geng Jihui on the side nodded in acquiescence, fighting side by side for many years, the old comrades have habitually believed in Lu Nan.

Jumping down the tunnel, under the illumination of the tactical flashlight, the tunnel stretched straight forward for a distance of four or five meters. On the aisle lay a dead body in sevens and eights that had been bombed. There was a corner in front of the corpse. under the blood.Obviously, the tunnel was designed and built by experienced people, and it is a permanent fortification tunnel made of reinforced concrete.

Lu Nan stood at the entrance of the tunnel, biting the tactical flashlight with his mouth, and reached out to take a grenade from Geng Jihui.

After pulling out the bolt of the grenade, Lu Nan gently threw it to the corner of the tunnel, and the old Pao and Zhuo Huan above pulled Lu Nan up with force.After a while, the air wave generated after the explosion rose from the entrance of the tunnel, and several people continued to observe the situation in the tunnel.

At this time, Group A support also arrived.They are searching and suppressing the Ma's villa and destroying the remaining bandits hiding inside.

There were intermittent gunshots in my ears.

It is too dangerous to enter the tunnel rashly. Although it looks stupid, it is the most effective.Seeing that there was still no sound in the tunnel, Lu Nan took the smoke bomb handed over, unplugged it, threw it in, and waited quietly for the smoke to appear.

'cough cough~~~'

Suddenly, there was a slight coughing sound from inside.

Geng Jihui raised his head and looked at several people: "Who coughed?"

"It's not me." Old Pao said.

"No one is coughing."

"There's someone in there."

Lu Nan's eyes were sharp: "Keep throwing it away, Lao Pao brought the blasting explosives, let's kill him first, even if the hole collapses, at worst, use an excavator to dig it out."

"it is good."

After all, Lao Pao began to assemble the blasting module, took out the detonator and connected it with explosives.Lu Nan raised his hand to signal silence, then picked up a stone and threw it down.


'Bang bang bang! '

Suddenly there were several gunshots inside, and the bullets did not land at the entrance of the tunnel at all, but fell somewhere else.The people inside didn't even have the ability to maintain shooting, and they shot indiscriminately.

Lu Nan also admired Ma Yunfei, the unbeatable Xiaoqiang. After throwing so many grenades and bombing them shockingly, he is still not dead. God really hates him.

"Brother Ma, is that you?" Lu Nan shouted standing at the entrance of the tunnel.

"Cough cough cough~~~"

Ma Yunfei's weak voice came from inside: "Bastards, it's you again. I can smell the smell on your body a few kilometers away. It's unlucky to be caught by you. I didn't expect you to even think of this place."

"Don't mind, we didn't intend to arrest you, this time we came here with the idea of ​​killing you."

"You dare not kill me!"

Lu Nan looked up at Geng Jihui, and continued to ask, "Why are you so sure?"

"You'll find out later."

Ma Yunfei was lying at the corner of the tunnel, blood was all over his body, and the blood on his neck was continuously flowing.

"Father! The child is unfilial, there is nothing to do..."

"Brother Ma, let's talk again. I haven't seen you for so many years, don't you have anything to say?"

Ma Yunfei smiled sadly: "I shouldn't have believed you back then, you ruined my whole family, and even if I was a ghost, I wouldn't let you go!"

"Don't." Lu Nan squatted outside and said, "All my brothers and sisters don't believe in ghosts and gods. You still cursed us who were beaten to death on the battlefield, and this time you just came back to worship the ancestors?"

"I~~~I kill~~~ Bang!"

The sound of gunfire came, and Ma Yunfei inside was unable to speak.

After receiving the blasting explosive package, Lu Nan threw it into the tunnel without saying a word.Several people around quickly scattered and lay on the ground. A few seconds later, a deafening explosion sounded, the soil around the tunnel was shaken up, and the branches swayed and scattered leaves.

After a while, Lu Nan got up and walked slowly towards the entrance of the tunnel.Jump down, turn on the tactical flashlight to observe, raise the pistol and move forward slowly, stepping over the body that has been broken into pieces, the filth is all over the tunnel.

Enduring his nausea, Lu Nan walked to the corner, raised his pistol and aimed at the rickety corpse.

After the supplementary shot was completed, Lu Nan reached out and turned over the tattered corpse, and it was Ma Yunfei's face.It's just that at this time, he has completely closed his eyes, even half of the back of his head was blown away, and there are a few pieces missing from his body.

Dragging the corpse, Lu Nan climbed out of the tunnel.

When Geng Jihui and Lao Pao saw Ma Yunfei's dilapidated body, they relaxed their vigilance, and finally let this lunatic go to hell.

Geng Jihui used the communicator to report to his superiors: "Lone Wolf B reports that Ma Yunfei has been killed, and the operation is over."

"Received, hand over the scene to the police department, and the Lone Wolf Commando will evacuate immediately."


After the operation was over, Lu Nan and others returned to Yuanshan Town.Military vehicles and police vehicles have been parked outside the town, and the nearby residents are no strangers to these loaded vehicles. They have been under military management for half a year.

Lu Nan stood in front of the small two-story building where he used to drink wedding wine, leaned on the hood of the car, and looked at the house that had not been lived in for several years.The tiles pasted on the outside of the house have fallen off, a few tenacious fast-growing plants grew suddenly at the gate, and the open space in front of the house is full of weeds.

Without any weapons on his body, Lu Nan leaned against the car in a daze, the other team members were far away, Lao Pao was warning others not to disturb Lu Nan.Lu Nan, who was already weak and alone, seemed even more lonely.

Miao Lian got out of the car. He was wearing a full set of police combat gear.The battle was already over at this moment, he just wanted to return to his military career, even if it was just a little bit, he still didn't let it go.

"Company commander!" Old Pao saw the former company commander stand at attention and salute.

Miao Lian nodded: "Well, I invite you to drink tonight, you all come!"

"Yes!" Facing the company commander's request, Lao Pao couldn't give any reason to refute.

"What's up with him?"

No name was named, but everyone knew it was referring to Lu Nan.

Old Pao said with a half-knowledge: "Probably recalling the past, this is the place that coyotes dislike the most, but he has been here three times."

(End of this chapter)

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