Chapter 215 Spy
This was a long-planned surprise attack, and the four former members of the Lone Wolf Commando returned to the camp where they sweated and dedicated their youth.For their arrival, the old members of the Lone Wolf Commando warmly welcomed them, but the recruits seemed a little at a loss.

Watching the usual unsmiling old team members, one by one hugging the shoulders of strangers, drinking and chatting.

The four of Xiong Guichuan consciously took charge of the barbecue, delivered the grilled food to the dining table, and then watched the four strangers chew and swallow unceremoniously.

"I said, Anan, are the soldiers you brought with you okay?" The paratroopers were aimless.

Pulling off his collar, Lu Nan pointed to Li Ai: "This is your senior, strategic sniper Deng Zhenhua, the sniper of Lone Wolf Group B, called Ostrich directly. Don't be afraid of him, this kid is grinning, that's all. "

Li Ai nodded blankly: "Hello, Squad Leader Ostrich."

Hearing this, the paratrooper put down the wine bottle.

"Is an ostrich your name?"

Li Ai was flustered immediately, so he stood at attention and saluted and apologized, and the people around him laughed from ear to ear.

The 026 logistics warehouse has not been so happy for a long time. Everyone started to chat about their lives after separation, which is considered okay.

Before he was drunk, a jeep drove up in the open space outside, and he could tell who was coming by looking at the license plate.As a single-handedly trained special combat team member, Kotou Lao Gao has always been very satisfied with this group of players, and tried his best to push them to a wider sky.

With his hands behind his back, the dog-headed Lao Gao came with his accompanying clerk.

Da Ma Jindao sat on the ponytail, took a look at a string of half-baked lamb skewers, and threw it on the charcoal fire to continue roasting in disgust.

Pour yourself a glass of beer, the dog-headed boss raised the plastic cup, Xiaozhuang and the others didn't dare to neglect, picked up the bottle and lifted it up.

"I am very pleased that you can come back and have a look. You are always welcome here. Don't forget that you also have a home in Langya. The brothers here will remember you, study hard in the academy, and strive to make new achievements."


The four drank it all in one gulp.

After saying a few words, the dog-headed Lao Gao was very happy for them to come back to visit their relatives, especially Xiaozhuang, who once promised to continue to serve after graduating from university.The semester of the director department of the university is five years, and Xiaozhuang has already completed the credits.

During the conversation, I learned that he came this time to shoot a short film about the special forces for the completion of the project, and even bowed to his father for a loan for the filming. The dog-headed Lao Gao asked him to write an application first. Getting a nod from a certain yamen in the military region is also an opportunity to promote soldiers in the new era.

As for Ostrich, the hygienist, and Qiangzi, they will leave the Special Warfare Academy this year for an internship in the army. After the internship period, they will be awarded the rank of lieutenant.Taking advantage of the holiday and free time, I came to visit relatives in the Wolf Fang Brigade.

After dinner, clean up the battlefield.

Everyone returned to the warehouse of 026 to cool off the air conditioner, and they talked about the short film that Xiaozhuang was going to shoot.

Regarding military secrets, the higher authorities have always strictly controlled them. It is okay to take pictures of other troops, but it is rare to take pictures when special forces are involved.For so many years, I haven't seen the military propaganda department come here to shoot, the reason is that leaking secrets is not allowed.

Lu Nan gave Xiao Zhuang an idea: "If you don't film the rookie training camp, it might be interesting. If you really film us, the short film will be filmed in the morning, and the dog-headed Lao Gao will be in the detention room in the afternoon."

"Forget it, don't mention this."

Just holding the attitude of trying, Xiao Zhuang also knows that the special forces are involved, and he must not leak the secret.All of you present here are a group of old killers. Maybe there are many people outside who want to see him. Just a few people who showed their faces in the international military competition may have already entered the intelligence systems of various countries.

After patting Lu Nan's thigh, Xiao Zhuang asked with a smile, "How is it? Is work going well?"

"Hey! Those mice, their legs trembled when they saw me. It's not like you don't know my skills, buddy. You can make a move without any mistakes."


It was the paratrooper and the health worker, two invincible partners.After entering the Special Warfare Academy, although I made some brain-twitching decisions from time to time, I still wrote some outstanding special warfare papers.

Lu Nan saw the two articles on the military area network several times, and they seemed to be doing well.Seeing that all his comrades have a good room for development, Lu Nan sat on the sofa and listened to their discussions, and also lamented their growth after leaving Langya.

Near the afternoon, the four of them left by car.

There are still training tasks in the afternoon, so they can't be left alone. They also know the rules and leave in a timely manner.

When he was leaving, Gou Tou Lao Gao chatted with Xiao Zhuang, saying that his previous service period counted as military service, and after he came back, he could take the special way and directly enter the Spike Brigade.This is simply a green light to drive to grandpa's house.

Lu Nan also wanted to call back the paratroopers, but Langya's wolf den was too small.Especially the special warfare officers, and the Lone Wolf Commando has a small establishment, and there is no room for three military academy cadets, once the internship period is over.

Obediently!The three lieutenants, should they be special forces members, or go to other special warfare squadrons, or join the agency.

The Spike Brigade was not with Yuan Lang and the others, and if they didn't take the road of professionalism, one radish and one hole could be filled in the sky.The Lone Wolf Commando A and B groups don't need so many junior commanders. They have a captain, a deputy team, and a special service team leader.

There are people in the captain's hole, and Lu Nan, the carrot of the deputy team, can be filled in at any time, and the field team leader who is responsible for leading the team to perform tasks in the field is gone.

Waiting for the expansion, from the expansion of the brigade to the top, how many years will it take?

These are not things that a second lieutenant in Lu Nan has the right to speak about.

The short reunion is over, and the boring and boring training of various contingency plans is continued every day, simulating actual combat training.

Under the scorching sun.

Carrying dozens of kilograms of weight on his back and sweating profusely on the training ground, Lu Nan would look back at the players behind him while running, telling them to keep on running.

"Come on! Don't fall behind, one two one! One two one!"

"One two one!"

Suddenly, an order came from the walkie-talkie hanging on his shoulder.

The dog's head Lao Gao's voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Coyotes, Timberwolves, come to the detention room immediately."


Putting down the marching rucksack on his back, handing over his weapons and equipment to Lao Pao, Lu Nan put on his black beret and ran to the brigade's detention room.

Trotting all the way to the detention room, Lu Nan didn't know why he let himself go to the detention room.

Under the vigilance of the soldiers of the police company, Lu Nan walked into the low brick building next to the barracks of the police company in a daze.Seeing that it was Lu Nan, the soldiers standing guard let him in.

Walking into the detention room, the dog-headed Lao Gao and the chief of staff are both there. There are several soldiers with guns standing in the detention room. They are in a position where they can be killed immediately when the opponent resists.

"Report!" Lu Nan stood at attention and saluted after walking in.

On the table in the detention room, there is a camera and many lenses on it.Technicians are taking fingerprints on the camera and recalling and backing up the memory card in the camera.

This is, Geng Jihui ran in panting, stood at attention and saluted.

"Report, what's wrong?"

The dog-headed Lao Gao sullenly said, "Spy."

(End of this chapter)

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