Chapter 216 Simulation Exercise Operation
With just a few photos, Lu Nan judged that the other accomplice had undergone military training or was someone familiar with the military.This made the people in the relevant units more cautious. This case is very big.

They are responsible for the arrest operation, and the troops can only cooperate with them in operations and beat them down.After the brief meeting is over, the situation will be introduced to the personnel of the local responsible unit, and other units will be responsible for the online launch.

It must be an accomplice to arrest the suspect now.

Get in the Jinbei car, and the local police will arrest him.

Lu Nan drove behind the police vehicle, the scene was already under surveillance, waiting for reinforcements to arrive before arresting them.

The car stopped at the entrance of the alley in the village in the city, and the police got off the car.After seeing them start to act, because they did not receive an order to act, Lu Nan waited in the car with someone, quietly waiting for the message to be delivered by the walkie-talkie.

Shaking down the car window manually, Lu Nan took the cigarette handed by Lao Pao and smoked it by himself.

"Lu Er, this time the impact is quite big." Lao Pao said after lighting his cigarette.

Taking a puff of cigarette, Lu Nan looked at the propaganda slogan written outside the alley.

"It's quite big, and the other party is a veteran."

Old Pao asked: "You say you are a veteran, but the idea is probably a bit tricky, maybe you still have a weapon."

"Who knows."

They chatted without saying a word, and after smoking, Lu Nan dropped the cigarette butt.

Suddenly, the roar of motorcycles came from the alley, racing from the alley like a strong wind.Lu Nan was almost stunned, hurriedly put down the handbrake, stepped on the gas pedal, and blocked the entrance of the alley.

The opponent slammed on the brakes, twisted the handrail to turn, and the rear wheel almost flew out.

The team members sitting in the car pushed the door and rushed up without saying a word. Lu Nan also unbuckled his seat belt, closed the door and rushed up.Seeing that there was an interception in front and pursuers behind, the opponent directly abandoned the car and jumped over the wall.

Lu Nan ran into the alley, and several operatives rushed out of the alley.

"Chase!" Lu Nan said.

Immediately, the members of the commando were swift in their hands and feet, stepping on the wall and turning up.On the training ground, the obstacle circle is much higher than this one, and everyone turned over in a few strokes.

Jumping down, Lu Nan looked up and saw that the other party was about to climb down a wall.In the yard, the owner of the house was standing at the door with a rice bowl in his hand, dumbfounded, and he didn't slow down for a while.

Lu Nan casually picked up the small flowerpot in the yard and threw it towards the opponent's back.

'Kang Dang' all over the body, the flowerpot hit the opponent's back, and fell to the ground and shattered.Lao Pao led his men to press him to the ground without saying a word. The opponent struggled and wanted to resist, but Lao Pao grabbed his hair and beat him hard on the concrete floor a few times, and he became completely quiet now.

After the other party obeyed, Xiong Guichuan groped him with both hands to check whether there were any dangerous objects, and found a switchblade and several bank cards in his trousers pocket.

After a while, the gate of the courtyard was pushed open, and the police rushed in with people.Once the person is captured and handed over to the police, the operation is considered complete.

Lu Nan smashed a flower pot of the house owner, so he had to pay for compensation.

After the operation is completed, return to the City Bureau and report to the Chief of Staff.

During the surprise interrogation, the other party had expected this incident long ago, and put it down quickly, and was ready to fight for leniency.Lu Nan didn't know the specific situation, and the matter was highly confidential, so he couldn't get involved. (I can't write it, I was killed.)
This operation was relatively easy, and it was easily completed. Lu Nan drove people back to the Spike Brigade.

After returning, the brigade urgently approved a sum of funds for the deployment of monitoring facilities, especially around some facilities.Patrol personnel have also been strengthened, especially the issue of sentry posts.

Autumn goes and winter comes, and spring buds spit out pearls.

Lu Nan was busy formulating next year's training plan, and added a bean on his shoulder, becoming a lieutenant and the deputy captain of the Lone Wolf Commando.Mainly responsible for the daily training of the commando, as well as field missions.

The captain of the commando, Comrade Xiao Geng, was sent to the training base to train middle and low-level officers, laying the foundation for him to be promoted to a school-level officer.His promotion was like flying on a rocket.

Hearing the ideals and the future that came out of the dog's head Lao Gao from time to time, Lu Nan estimated that the brigade would be expanded into a brigade, which would no longer be a unit of the military region, but a unit of the group army.

Sitting in the office, Lu Nan flipped through last year's training schedule when the phone on the desk rang.

After answering the phone, Lu Nan put down the ballpoint pen: "Hello, I'm Lu Nan."

"it's me."

"Senior Brigade Senior."

The dog-headed Lao Gao on the other end of the phone said impatiently: "The training department of the military region has issued an order to take people to the northern military region for simulated combat. The exercise order is now here. It is about urban street warfare and anti-terrorism exercises. You guys Play the Blues."

"He hasn't forgotten about it?" Lu Nan was also convinced.

Last year's debt will be repaid this year.Unexpectedly, the chief executive still remembered, Lu Nan thought it had been so long, his old man usually has a lot of things to do, so he had already forgotten all about it, he didn't expect it to be a year, and he still remembered it.

Lu Nan said with a look of embarrassment: "Deputy Captain, Xiao Zhuang will be back tomorrow. This kid graduated from college. Last year he was full of complaints when he didn't make a special warfare short film. And my family leave, the military affairs department doesn't even have the leave It was approved for me, and I will have to meet my prospective father-in-law when I go back this time.

It's not like you don't know that guy I'm dating. If you really put pigeons on her, she can beat me up later. "

On the other end of the phone, the dog-headed boss Gao said impatiently: "Don't complain to me, the holiday has been postponed. As for the Siberian wolf, isn't your rookie training camp being held there, let the gray wolf throw him back to the rookie training camp and rebuild After a few months, if he doesn't pass, he won't even think about coming back."

"Okay, I have no problem."

"Don't fart with me, I have more things than you!"


After hanging up the phone, Lu Nan shook his head and smiled wryly.

Just hung up the phone, and then the phone rang again.

Lu Nan answered the phone helplessly: "Hi, I'm Lu Nan."


Hearing the voice, Lu Nan knew who it was.As soon as the order for the exercise simulation combat was issued, our chief was impatient to urge people, and he had to train the team members below to death every day.

ah?I also practiced like this, and Lu Nan felt that it was fine.

Yuan Lang on the other end of the phone seemed to be in a good mood: "Your good brother, Lin Li from the Black Tiger Brigade, I just cleaned him up. On the plateau, although the process was a bit difficult, I still cleaned him up and washed him well." Wait for me on your neck."

Lu Nan asked curiously: "After beating us, do you want to go to Hu Dabao of the Falcon Brigade to fight next time? You have to practice for the brothers in our first team. The Vulture Commando is in the Gobi Plateau; the Lone Wolf Commando Fight in the city streets; falcons in the primeval jungle.

In this way, I will set a goal for you. After you finish fighting the Falcon, you will go to the Southland Sword, and then the Marine Corps, and try to fight all the special forces once. Do you think so, Chief? "

"I'm not that arrogant, just exchange and learn in a friendly way!"

Lu Nan couldn't help laughing and said: "Yes! I obey the order and immediately give the brother unit a wolf-like surprise."

(End of this chapter)

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