After Lake left, Duoya looked around and felt that she should have nothing to do with herself, and then hesitated whether to say hello to Su You before returning to the territory...

If it was before, she would definitely not go back so early, she would take her weapon and walk around to see if there was any prey... But now she has not recovered, and secondly, she has no weapon, so hunting this kind of Things are naturally impossible.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but when Duoya approached Su You to say goodbye to her, Su You suddenly stopped what she was doing, and then said that she would take Duoya to a certain place.

Duoya was stunned for a moment, and then responded directly.

Because of her injury and recuperation, she can be said to be the most idle person in the entire base. She has nothing to do every day. Although no one has any opinions, she herself is almost idle.

Anyway, she had nothing to do, so she just went, she believed that Su You would not harm her.

So after Su You built the last thing on hand, she took Duoya back the same way... Before arriving at the territory, that is, on the way, Su You took her to another direction.

After walking for about ten minutes, Su You stopped.

Duoya looked around and didn't seem to find anything wrong, but she stopped along with her.

"Lord, this is..."

Facing Duoya's suspicious gaze, Su You looked calm, then pointed to a few nearby trees and said, "This one is a willow tree."

Then she changed another tree and continued, "This is red maple."

As Su You's voice sounded, Duoya's eyes also moved in the direction of her fingers.

"...these are all good materials for making bows. You can choose the one you like." As I said before, the weapon is the most important thing, especially for a professional like Duoya.

This place was accidentally discovered by Lyle when he was cutting down trees. It happened that he also knew that Suyou needed wood for making bows, so he told Suyou about it, so Suyou decided to take Duoya with him. Come over and pick the material she likes by herself.

Duoya hadn't reacted yet, but when she heard Su You introduce the first kind of tree, she understood what Su You meant.

After all, as an archer, it is impossible for her not to know what kind of wood is suitable for making bows and arrows.

She looked at the trees, and then gave a universal answer——

"It will be all right."

Su You: "..."

Words like 'anything is fine' and 'casual' seem to be easy to talk about, but in fact they are the most difficult to deal with.

Seeming to have noticed Suyou's weird mood, Duoya paused, and then explained: "The main reason is that there is no material I like most here, so no matter what kind of wood it is, it is no different from me. "

I see……

Although the wood seems to be similar, in fact, the weapons made of different woods are still very different.

For example, some woods feel better, some woods are lighter or heavier, or some woods are more tough and can be bent with a larger arc...

If these differences are mapped to attribute data, then bows and arrows made of certain woods have a higher hit rate (hand feel, curved bow), and bows and arrows made of certain woods have higher basic attack power (attack, heavy bow) , some bows and arrows attack faster (attack speed, light bow), or have a longer range (toughness, long bow) and so on.

And Duoya likes light bows, because she is agile and fast, and has already helped her choose the most suitable bow in terms of her physical fitness.

"If it's a light bow..." Su You frowned slightly, and then slowly relaxed after a while: "The wood of the light bow should be yew wood. Although it is rare, it is not rare. If there is a chance to meet it, then I will collect some more at that time. , to craft a bow for you."

As for now... Although these are not suitable, it is better than nothing. It is better to let Doya use a bow than to use other weapons.

Su You took out the copper ax from the backpack, and collected every kind of wood suitable for making bows here.

[Get Willow*15]

[Get Red Maple*13]

【Acquire Cloud Oak*16】


Making a bow and arrow needs to consume a total of six corresponding wood materials, so Su You stopped after collecting about two parts of each material.

"Go back."

Afterwards, Suyou and Duoya returned to the territory.



"Sister Yun, look... there seems to be a small territory over there?" In the forest, a man seemed to have seen something, and suddenly walked up to the person in front of him with a little excitement, and then stretched out his hand to point One direction, while talking.

The woman called 'Sister Yun' looked in that direction and paused slightly.

Then she glanced at the group of people behind her, and then gave an order decisively.

"We have been exhausted all the way this trip. Although we have gained a lot, there is no need to be so harsh on ourselves...Since everyone is already tired, let's go to the territory to rest." After saying this, the people who were really tired Immediately cheered up.

They said things like 'Sister Yun is wise', while carrying things, they kept walking towards the territory.

This was a small caravan, not many people, only about a dozen people, but they brought more things than those caravans with twice as many people.

This is also the reason why this 'Sister Yun' said that their trip was fruitful.

It's also their luck, they are just a small caravan that has only been on the trade route twice, and this time, like before, they just pulled a carload of special products to test the waters, but who knew that the place they were heading to happened to have just experienced a natural disaster , and it just so happened that the 'specialties' they carried were things that the people in that place desperately needed... So the result was obvious, and they made a lot of money.

They exchanged the most worthless things for a large number of valuable commodities. The four words 'reaping a lot' are actually not enough to describe the benefits of their trip.

But more things are more. After all, they have few people, and it is easy to be unable to protect so many things.

Although this is only their third business run, they are not fools.

When they traded places, they already felt a lot of malicious eyes, but because the other party didn't understand their strength, and they had only experienced a natural disaster, it was a time when they were weak, so they didn't act rashly.

Sister Yun didn't give these people a chance to get to know herself, so after the transaction ended, she pretended to accept the other party's invitation and bring the caravan to stay, but in fact, she asked everyone to be vigilant at all times, prepare their things, and then run away overnight...

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