This road can be said to be full of wind, food, and desolation. Obviously they are very rich, but there is no place for supplies along the way, which makes everyone feel disheartened... But this is also their own choice.

They all ran all night because they were worried that they would not be able to protect their things. How could they still take the 'big road' where there are so many people?
So their joy at seeing a territory suddenly at this time is not feigned or exaggerated. They are really happy that they can take a good rest soon.

But just when everyone was happy that they would soon have a comfortable place to rest, they saw the 'true face' of this territory.

Afterwards, the joy on everyone's faces was instantly replaced by disappointment.

"This...should be just a small territory that has just been established, right?"

Even though Su You spent a full day decorating the territory in the past two days, she was limited by the materials, no matter how good she was, it was impossible for her to use a pile of stones to create a resplendent look.

So when the small caravan saw the orderly but still simple stone walls and stone gates, it must be a lie if they said they were not disappointed.

But they didn't think it was a problem.

After all, in this wilderness, it would be great to have a territory to provide them with a place to rest. How good can they expect the conditions to be?
No matter how bad the conditions here are, it is still a territory protected by the city heart fire!

This is much better than sleeping in a tent every day, and having someone stay up late every day to watch the night... It's much better.

"Okay, with such a condition, it's a good thing for us." Sister Yun's words obviously meant something.

But for those who can understand, the disappointment in their hearts disappears in an instant, and then a trace of happiness rises in their hearts.

"What Sister Yun said is true." Some people echoed, and some shyly tugged on their companion's sleeves because they didn't understand, looking for an answer.

One of them looked at these bewildered people, sighed, then lowered his voice and said, "Good conditions have good conditions, and bad conditions naturally have good conditions."

"Although this is a new territory, the new territory means that there are few people, and the combat effectiveness in all aspects is very weak...Although we will certainly not do some bad things because of this, we must be defensive." To put it simply, although the conditions in the new territory are poor, they can't pose too much threat to them. They don't need to worry about someone's "seeking money". Even if there is, the other party is definitely not very powerful, and they can solve it.

The few people who were still ignorant suddenly realized after listening to what this person said, and then, like those people, their inner emotions gradually changed to joy.

While they were communicating, that Sister Yun had already knocked on the stone door alone.

After a while, the stone door was opened, and the person who opened the door was a very young and delicate woman... This person was Dolly who was left to 'look at the house'.

Dolly took a look at these people, and already had a vague judgment in her heart about their identities. After all, she used to be a member of the caravan, and she couldn't understand the characteristics of the caravan very well, let alone Su You before she left the territory. , I also told Dolly that there might be a caravan or a separate mainland businessman arriving in the near future...

Although Dolly didn't know how Su You knew about it, it didn't affect her trust in her 'Miss Lord'.

"You are..." Even though she already knew the other party's identity and saw the other party's purpose from the other party's state, Dolly still pretended to be somewhat defensive and dazed.

Don't look at her obedient and harmless behavior in front of Su You, but after all, she has participated in many caravan trades. She has seen many people of all kinds and knows a lot of strange things. It is impossible for her to be a naive Simple little white flowers.

What happened to her before was purely bad luck, and she met a stupid teammate, otherwise, such a thing would not have happened...

Seeing that the person who opened the door was such a young girl, Sister Yun's eyes and tone softened a lot.

"Excuse me, excuse me. We are a caravan passing by. We are willing to pay something. We just hope to stay here for a few days and have a rest." Sister Yun said quietly. Watching Dolly, waiting for her reply.

She could see that the young woman in front of her was not in a difficult manner, so if nothing unexpected happened, the other party would not refuse her request.

Of course, not refusing does not mean agreeing, but everything can be discussed.

They didn't live here for nothing, but paid for it... It just so happened that this was a small territory that lacked everything, and they just happened to return with a full load and everything, so naturally they wouldn't be able to afford the cost of accommodation.

Hearing Sister Yun's words, Doli showed a hint of hesitation again, then she turned her head and said something to the person behind her, and then a young man came over and took Doli's place.

And this young man was Lyle who was also left as a 'housekeeper'.

"If you just want to rest, we can let you in, but stay overnight..." Lairton paused and did not continue talking.

Sister Yun felt a little weird, but she didn't say anything, she only thought that they wanted some benefits, so she waved to the people behind her.

After one of them saw Sister Yun's actions, he immediately took out something from their boxes, and trotted it to them.

Dolly couldn't see anything because she got out of the way, but Lyle could tell at a glance that it was a piece of cloth of good quality.

Look at the weight, not to mention more, at least three sets of equipment (clothes + bottoms) can be made. As for the attributes, it all depends on the combination of other materials and the ability of the creator.

Under Sister Yun's signal, the person who came over with the cloth wanted to stuff the cloth into Lyle's hand, but Lyle waved his hand quickly and did not accept the thing.

"This..." Lyle frowned slightly, not knowing how to address it.

"My surname is Yun, Yunli, and I am the captain of this caravan." Sister Yun...that is, Yunli, after she briefly introduced herself, she waited to see what Lyle wanted to say.

If he just wanted to benefit, Yunli felt that the person in front of him was a bit too contrived, so presumably there must be other reasons for him to refuse them to stay.

"Captain Yun misunderstood. That's not what we mean. We are just residents of this territory. Whether you stay or not is not up to us." Lyle's words made Yun Li suddenly realize.

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