Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 105 105. Staying at the Inn

No wonder...

No wonder she felt like something was wrong...

If it's a big city, that's fine, the gates of the city are wide open, and people are allowed to come in and out, so naturally it doesn't affect it.

But this is just a small territory, and it is not open to the outside world at first glance, so naturally they cannot enter and exit naturally like a big city.

And whether or not to stay overnight can only be decided after the arrival of the owner of the territory, that is, the lord here.

No matter how many good things she said and what she gave now, she was just embarrassing the two people in front of her.

After all, they are just residents and cannot be the masters of the territory.

Seeing that Yunli understood, Lyle continued: "Our lord has gone out for some business, but at most he will be back before noon."

Hearing Lyle's words, Yunli took advantage of the situation and gave his own reply.

"I misunderstood, then we will just go in and take a short break. We will discuss the matter of staying overnight after your lord returns."

Lyle nodded slightly, and then opened the stone gate with Dolly.

Yunli greeted the people behind him to bring their things into the territory in a regular manner, without doing any unnecessary things, and asked the person who had just picked up the fabric to put the things back, to remind others not to do unnecessary things.

In this way, Lyle and Dolly led these people into the station.

This station, like the tavern, not only has its own special functions, but also has the basic functions that should have been in place.

For example, a tavern sells drinks and food, and a post station is similar to an inn, which can be used for temporary residence of guests.

This inn is not big, the first floor is the place to eat, the upper floor is the residence, and above the first floor there are the second and third floors, the second floor is a double room, a total of eight rooms, two on the left and two on the left, There are four rooms in a row in the middle.

The third floor is a single room, a total of ten rooms, three on the left and three on the left, and four rooms in the middle row.

Calculated in this way, there are a total of 26 rooms here, which can accommodate [-] people. Although there are a few fewer people, the caravan itself is not many people, and it is more than enough to accommodate these dozen people.

Like the tavern, the post station can continue to be expanded in the future, but only its special functions are used in the early stage, and the basic functions of the building itself are rarely used, so it does not matter whether it is expanded or not.

"This is our post station, and you can see that our place is just a small territory, and the conditions are relatively simple in all aspects." Although Lyle said that the conditions were simple, there was no trace of similarity on his face. Emotions like embarrassment.

He can say that his territory is simple, and others know that what he said is true, not self-effacing, but they can't really show it on the surface.

"We're just borrowers, how could we mind?" When Yun Li spoke, the emotion on his face remained unchanged, at least he definitely didn't reveal any emotion similar to disgust.

They have lived in tents in the wilderness, how could they still dislike a shelter from the wind and rain?

What's more, from her point of view, although the territory is small, the buildings are neatly arranged, the ground is clean and flat, and some basic facilities on the road are also very complete... such as lighting, benches, and flower beds etc.

Except for some omissions in architecture, the rest are not much worse than some small cities.

Being able to have such an environment was beyond Yunli's expectations.

After all, she even began to worry about whether there was even a place to live in this territory. They were afraid that if they didn't live in, they would have to pitch tents, but fortunately, the facts were not as bad as she imagined.

"Then let's take a break here for a while. Although we only have 16 people here, we still have a lot of things. If we want to take over all of this station, how much will it cost?" Although there are only [-] people, they have a lot of things. , All kinds of big boxes and small boxes can fill at least six or seven rooms.

Important small items can be carried with you, but it is impossible to do so with large items.

But it is also impossible for them to put things outside the territory, let alone on the road of the territory, so they must also be placed in this station.

In the conversation just now, Yunli has learned that there are no other strangers in this territory except the lord and residents, that is to say, the entire space of the post station can be at their disposal.

That being the case, Yunli simply took over the entire station.

After thinking for a while, Lyle did not give an accurate price: "We never thought that there would be outsiders visiting, so these buildings are not open for business, so naturally there is no price. This matter can still be waited for after the lord returns. Let's discuss again."

Seeing this, Yun Li didn't say much, and seized the time to let these people tidy up and rest, so that if the lord really didn't let them stay overnight, they could at least rest here for a day time.

Lyle saw that they were all starting to rest, and staying here as an 'outsider' would only affect them, so after a few polite words with Yunli, he prepared to leave.

"I'm Lyle. The one who opened the door just now is Dolly. We live in the residential building opposite the post station. If you need anything, you can come to us at any time."

"Then it will be troublesome." After Yunli finished speaking, Lyle nodded towards them, and then left the station.


After leaving the station, Lyle saw Dolly waiting outside the door.

"...This group of people seems to be peaceful." He took two steps forward, briefly talked to Dolly about what happened just now, and then gave his opinion.

Dolly nodded, obviously thinking so too.

After all, she has also been to many 'wild' caravans, and this is the first time she has seen such a small caravan with such a good atmosphere.

That's right, in fact, the atmosphere among many small caravans is not very good. On the contrary, it is considered by many people that there are hundreds or even thousands of people in large caravans. Both are far better than small caravans.

Although there are few people in the small caravan, isn't everyone who joins the caravan for money?
The less people there are, the more incomplete the rules and regulations and the distribution of benefits will be. On the contrary, it is easy to cause conflicts over money, which is also the reason for the bad atmosphere.

The big caravan is different, there are many people, the division of labor is clear, and each performs its duties.

Everyone has their own special job, and the distribution of various benefits is also distributed according to the degree of work. Even if someone envies that others earn more than themselves, it must be because the other party has paid more labor.

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