Under such circumstances, most people will only feel envious.

But if someone is jealous, such people are easily excluded from the environmental circle of the big caravan, and they will be cleared out of the caravan in a short time... After all, as long as they are managers with a brain, they will not be able to let this This kind of 'pest' that will affect the internal atmosphere of the caravan remains, affects other people, and destroys the harmony of the entire caravan.

After listening to Dolly's own opinions and explanations, Lyle had a deeper understanding of the caravan, and at the same time admired the woman he had been talking to just now.

"So, this small caravan is good, probably because of proper management, balanced or reasonable interests?"

Dolly nodded, affirming what he said, and at the same time giving some supplements: "In addition to the distribution of benefits, there is also the result of their transaction..."

If the business trip does not go well, there will be no benefits to distribute at all, and everyone wasted their energy on the trip, and the atmosphere will naturally not improve.

"Understood... In general, it's Captain Yun who has the ability." Lyle summed up the whole content in one sentence.

Why is the distribution of benefits balanced?
It's not because the captain's management is good, and the arrangements are reasonable and appropriate!
Why is the transaction process smooth and the result is good?
Isn't it because the captain's own ability is in place, so that he can earn more things in the process of negotiating the deal, and get out with the price!

Although some caravans are not decided by the captain of the caravan alone, most of the cases are like this, and at least this caravan is also the case now, otherwise the rest of the people would not follow the orders of Captain Yun so much.

"That's right." Dolly recalled the woman just now, with a hint of envy in her eyes.

After all, being able to lead a caravan to trade around was her previous dream, otherwise she would not have liked to run around with the caravan so much.

It's just that after what happened to Qin Yao, Dolly's dream has disappeared...

Maybe it's because I only had an open-hearted chat with Su You yesterday. After telling the things that have been depressed for a long time, Dolly's whole body is much more cheerful. It's not as serious as before.

After that, Dolly went to the tailor shop to continue the work at hand-you must know that her restoration skills have not been upgraded yet.

The most important thing for her now is to quickly upgrade her skills, and then help Miss Lord repair an 'item'.

The 'item' here refers to the 'broken fire demon armor' that Su You opened in the treasure chest of the fire demon lord before.

Although the broken Fire Demon Armor is only of gray quality now, their ability to repair items is determined according to the original quality of the item.

That is to say, she is only a junior restorer now, and she can only repair items of green quality at most. She is only able to repair items of blue and above quality when she is very lucky or has special materials or aura status.

And the original complete state of this Fire Demon Armor was of blue quality.

Dolly was busy with her own affairs, and Lyle was not idle either. He continued to go to the stream and picked up a hoe to dig the ground.

This is a new task that he only saw on the reward board this morning. It seems that the lord is about to open up new fields, so he released the task of digging the soil.

Lyle didn't think about why, but came directly to do it after accepting the task.

As for cutting down trees... I heard from the lord that the wood reserves are very abundant now. The amount of wood in the warehouse is about four digits, directly occupying the space of more than a dozen grids, plus some other materials. Even if he cuts the wood, the warehouse will not be able to fit it.

That being the case, Lyle also relaxes himself, and while doing other tasks, he also exercises his combat skills by the way.

Similar to life skills, combat skills are also gained proficiency through continuous fighting.

But as long as there are materials for life skills, you can continue to make things to improve your proficiency, just like Dolly who just went to the sewing shop, but these combatants can't find a way to fight monsters all the time.

Not to mention whether it is safe or not, there are not so many monsters or creatures in this world that they can kill... But not having something to fight doesn't mean they can't improve their fighting skills.

In fact, they can also gain proficiency by practicing their own moves, but the progress of proficiency in this way is relatively slow, and there is an upper limit, but it is better than nothing.

So after turning over this row of land and handing in the task of reward board, Lyle took out the fang dagger that Su You had given him before, and started his own practice by attacking trees.


I don't know how long it has passed, but there is a sound of opening the stone gate of the territory - it is Su You and Duoya who have returned.


Why does it seem that there is another person? !
Lyle stopped what he was doing and quickly came in front of Su You. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the girl who was controlled by Duoya, and whose expression was a little bit annoyed and uneasy...just scanned This time, I don't look any more.

Afterwards, Lyle told all about Yunli and the caravan, as well as his and Dolly's previous impressions and opinions on these people.

"...As Dolly said, although this caravan is small, they definitely benefit a lot...My lord, this is a good opportunity." Lyle focused on bringing them enough to fill the caravan. After talking about the items in the five or six rooms, the tone of the last sentence was a little joyful.

Isn't it a good opportunity!

This caravan has a lot of things, which proves that they can trade more things. If they can get some good things, the development speed of the territory will only get faster and faster.

"I understand, it's hard work for you and Dolly." As she said that, Su You first glanced at the post station, then pointed to the girl caught by Duoya and continued: "They should still be resting, so let's not disturb them for now. Now, I will go to the tavern with this little girl to chat, if Captain Yun or other people in the caravan wake up, please take them there."

"My lord, you are welcome. I will stay here and watch." It just so happens that Lyle has almost practiced today, and the proficiency that can be increased in a day is close to reaching the upper limit. The rest can be reserved for the afternoon or evening when you have free time Time to practice.

When Lyle said this, the girl caught by Duoya stared, and then looked at Suyou in disbelief.

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