After that, we all know.

It was nothing more than that when Bu Guo saw the two of them go to the back of the pool, after waiting for a while to find that they hadn't come out, he was ready to see if there was anything valuable among the things on the floor.

In the end, after searching, she really found the beast core!


"Here you are." Bu Guo gave an overview of the matter, and then reluctantly took out a green, bead-like thing from his package... This is the beast core.

In the process of taking the beast core, I don't know if Bu Guo didn't hold her hand firmly, or because she was too nervous and stood for too long, so her legs were a little numb. It fell straight down without holding it steady.

"Don't!" Bu Guo hurriedly wanted to catch the package. In a panic, the beast core also fell on the ground. After making a clear sound, it rolled on the ground for a few times, and then stopped. .

Su You was going to take the beast core, but after seeing this scene, she chose to help Buguo catch the package first.

Because the package fell suddenly, Bu Guo was so frightened that sweat broke out on her forehead. After seeing Su You reaching out to catch it, she only had time to say "thank you" in a fast voice, and then took it from Su You's hand. My own package was 'grabbed' back.

Su You was not angry when she saw this, but lowered her head and began to look for the beast core that had just fallen on the ground.

After she found the beast core in a corner, she turned around and saw Bu Guo heaving a sigh of relief, and then began to organize the package.

Maybe it was because he was frightened a little bit, so Buguo's hand to close the package was trembling all the time, so that he couldn't repack the package for a long time, so Su You could clearly see the contents inside——

It was an off-white ceramic jar.

Based on what Bu Guo just said, Su You suspects that it should be the ashes of the old lady who took her in.

A ceramic jar can't withstand being dropped, and this kind of thing has a special meaning, so it's no wonder that Bu Guo was so nervous just now.

The "soul burial" mentioned by Bugo just now refers to a ceremony often performed by the church. It is said that holding this ceremony can let the dead rest in peace, and at the same time, they can have a good pregnancy in the next life.

Although Bu Guo is a little liar, if she can live without stealing or robbing, how can she become the current liar?

Just because she was willing to take care of the old man who took her in, and carried the ceramic pot with her for two years, and even now she is thinking of paying people from the church to bury the old man's soul, Bu Guo's character is far superior to many of her peers.


After Bu Guo packed her things again, she stood up holding the package and looked at Su You quietly.

Perhaps it was because of Su You's help that 'saved' the ceramic pot, so although Bu Guo is definitely not close to her now, he is also much more friendly because of a little more gratitude.

"I really didn't lie to you this time. I gave you all the things I took." Bu Guo's eyes were actually a little red, but it wasn't from crying, but from being anxious just now.

Seeing her somewhat thin body, holding such a big package, and the slightly reddened look of grievance in her eyes, Su You felt that this child was really pitiful.

Because it's so real...

"Well, I believe you."

Saying 'believe' to a person who is used to lying, although Su You said that because she knew that she really did not lie this time, and Bu Guo also knew that she did not lie, but there was still a feeling in her heart. strange feeling.

Bu Guo grabbed his package tightly, suppressed his inner emotions, and then continued: "Then, can I go?"

She made an appointment with the priest to 'bury her soul' for her grandma in three days, but she had to save enough money within these three days, or the priest wouldn't help her.

And now two days have passed... Tomorrow is the last day.

It was difficult for her to save money in the first place, even though she has practiced some verbal skills now, it is not a serious way after all, so she still hasn't been able to save enough money.

Originally, she was really happy when she saw the beast core. Although she didn't know the exact value of the beast core, the person who took out the beast core said that with this thing, she could even buy a house in a small city. It should be worth a lot, at least it must be enough to hold the ceremony.

But it's wasted effort not to say it now, and she wasted so much time here... In short, Bu Guo doesn't want to stay here any longer.

Although Su You didn't know her arrangement, she definitely didn't want Bu Guo to leave.

Or how can I say it is an npc that is harder to recruit than Meck... With the thought of leaving, it is difficult for her to keep him.

Unless she can find her 'weakness', similar to Duoya's need for dragon bones.

Su You began to quickly recall the content of the conversation she had just had with Bu Guo, and she didn't know what she thought of, her eyes swept over Bu Guo's package again.

"It's okay for you to want to leave, but you must do one thing for me first as compensation for your stealing."

Bu Guo is now full of thoughts about how he can quickly save up the remaining money for burial of the soul, and it never occurred to Su You that he is still unwilling to let him go.

Because of the urgency of time, Bu Guo's mentality has also undergone some changes at this time.

With an unstable mentality, Bu Guo couldn't make a good disguise, and he didn't even have enough acting skills to lie.

"Not now, I need to save money. The priest said that I must give him the money tomorrow." Bu Guo was worried that Su You would not let her go because he didn't believe in him, so he made a promise to Su You seriously, Said that she will definitely come back when the time comes.

Although Bu Guo likes to lie, she still keeps her promise in some respects. At least Su You knows that most of what she said this time is true.

But she didn't lie, but someone else did.

"As far as I know, the burial ceremony is held by the bishop. Ordinary priests do not have this right, let alone the ability." The burial ceremony really exists, but Su You does not know whether it can achieve the legendary effect. clear.

But she just remembered that Bu Guo said that it was only an ordinary priest who promised to help her, and just like Su You said, only the bishop has the right and ability to hold this ceremony.

In other words, what Su You wanted to express was that Bu Guo was cheated.

How could an ordinary priest have the ability to help the bishop make decisions?

So it was probably because the priest saw that Buguo was easy to deceive as a child, so he took advantage of the fact that she wanted to bury the soul of that grandma to cheat Buguo of money.

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