Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 111 111. Blue Porcelain Vase

As for whether he can be doesn't matter, anyway, he didn't pay anything, it's best if he can be cheated, and if he can't be cheated, there is no loss. This is just a worthless transaction.

If he succeeded in defrauding money, he could easily fool Bu Guo to complete the ceremony. Anyway, Bu Guo didn't know anything, and she didn't know what the ceremony was like.

What's more, even if he didn't even fool him, Bu Guo couldn't do anything to him, just like she had nothing to do with the tavern owner who owed her money.

No one would choose to believe a homeless kid, they would choose to believe a church priest.

Bu Guo's hand holding the package trembled slightly, and he didn't know whether he believed it or not.

Seeing this, Su You didn't continue to convince her to believe in herself.

"How much money are you short?"

Although he didn't know why Su You asked this suddenly, Bu Guo hesitated for a moment, and still reported a number.

"He said he wanted a gold coin, and I've already saved half of it in the past two days."

It took only two days to save fifty silver coins?
Su You was a little surprised, but at the same time she had a clearer understanding of Bu Guo's 'ability'.

Leaving aside whether her way of saving money is 'correct', at least Bu Guo's strength in this area is worthy of recognition.

You must know that a person living a normal life with good food and drink can spend at most two gold coins in a year, and the Lyle brothers only spend a few dozen copper coins for a busy day.

In this way, this priest is really black-hearted... It's okay to cheat children out of money, and he cheated so much.

"You do me a favor, it's your compensation for stealing our stuff, but if you do well enough, I'll give you money too, the better you do the more money you get, there's no upper limit." Although Su You didn't Continue to persuade Bu Guo to stay, but what should be used still needs to be used.

After all, he is the owner of the 95 trading talent, and his skills have reached the primary bottleneck, so it's a waste if he doesn't use it.

It just so happened that the caravan had already arrived, so Su You could completely let Buguo trade with the caravan, and then give Buguo part of the money according to the profit difference obtained from the transaction result.

Let Buguo be cheated again, although this is not good for her, but only if Buguo knows that she has been cheated, can she stay, otherwise Su You can also see the current situation, Buguo Although the seeds of doubt had been planted in her heart, she still didn't fully believe in herself.

Bugo hesitated.

Although she had a good impression of Su You because of what happened just now, it was not enough for her to trust Su You... But she was short of money.

Very short of money.

And she knows she won't be able to make enough money tomorrow, and it's just a 'dying struggle' to keep trying to leave now.

Unless she is lucky enough to 'pick up' another beast core, but this is obviously impossible.

"What do you want me to do?" Bu Guo looked at Su You, although the defense in his eyes was still there, but obviously he didn't have such a strong desire to leave.

Su You smiled at her, and then said...



"Captain Yun, our lord has returned, and she is waiting for you in the tavern now." Lyle had been paying attention to the movements at the station, until he saw the door of the station was opened, and immediately walked over.

Yun Li nodded slightly at him: "Please, Lord Lord, please wait a little longer."

Saying that, Yunli walked into the station again, and she came out in less than 2 minutes.

Lyle couldn't see what was more or less about her, or why she had just gone in.

"Please lead the way." Yunli didn't care about Lyle's eyes on her. She didn't bring other people with her on this trip, but planned to meet Su You alone.

In this way, Lyle took Yunli to the tavern opposite.

The door of the tavern was closed, and Lyle knocked on the door. After hearing Su You's voice, he pushed open the door of the tavern. After Yun Li walked in, he saw a young woman and a girl who looked only ten years old. A few years old, a skinny little girl.

The little girl was sitting on a chair in front of the bar at this time, and in front of her was a delicious berry barbecue that was almost finished, and a glass of sweet and sour berry juice that had bottomed out.

Yun Li looked away, and then sat on the seat opposite to Su You at Su You's invitation.

"Hello Captain Yun, I am the lord of the Sunset Territory, Su You, I have heard about your affairs from Lyle, do you want to stay here?"

As if she didn't expect Su You to speak so directly, without any polite words, and directly cut into the topic, Yun Li was slightly startled, and then nodded after a few seconds.

"Yes, we want to take a short break with Lord Su for a few days. Of course, we are not rascals. The cost of living here can be discussed. If Lord Su needs anything, as long as we have it, we can do the same. discuss."

Since Su You didn't make any detours, Yunli didn't make any detours either, and directly took out a small box that he had brought out from the room just now, and put it on the table.

"This is a special product we brought with us when we passed by a territory a few days ago, as a gift, I hope Lord Su will forgive us for staying in the inn without permission." Yun Li also opened the box conveniently.

Because the box was opened towards Su You, Su You saw a delicate porcelain bottle inside the box.

【Blue Porcelain Vase】

Category: Trade Items
quality: green
Introduction: A trading item that is an ornamental item with a certain value. It can be used as a decoration in a building to increase the comfort of the building. It can also be sold to a merchant as a trading item to obtain money.

Although it seemed that the gift was a porcelain bottle, it was actually equivalent to sending money to Su You.

Su You was not polite either, and directly accepted the porcelain bottle.

The other party wants to take this opportunity to get closer to persuade her to let them stay, she is just pushing the boat along.

"The post station is useless even if it is empty. Since Captain Yun wants to rent the post station, let's set the price according to the post station on your side."

Yun Li's eyes lit up, she didn't expect things to go so smoothly, and she was worried that she would have to talk back and forth for a while...

But thinking about it, judging from the way this Lord Su spoke at the beginning, she is not a person who likes to go around in circles, and this really seems like a decision she will make.

Since it was said that it was calculated according to the normal price, and did not take the opportunity to increase the price, and did not propose any additional conditions, Yun Li naturally accepted it readily, and at the same time, his favor for Su You also increased a little.

"Then I would like to thank Lord Su." After Yunli thanked him, he began to calculate the price.

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