"According to 20 copper coins per day for a double room, 15 copper coins per day for a single room... What does Lord Su think?"

Su You recalled the previous station pricing, and then nodded.

"A total of 160 copper coins for eight double rooms, and a total of 150 copper coins for ten single rooms." Together, it costs 310 copper coins per day.

Although it looked like it was a little less, in fact Su You still made money.

Because the layout of her inn is not perfect, although it can open normally, unless there is no place to live, most people will not choose this inn, because the conditions in all aspects are really not good.

No chef, no place to eat, no clerk, no bathing conditions... except for a bed and a shelter from the wind and rain, you can say that you have nothing you want.

But the pricing that Yunli said belonged to the pricing of a middle-level post station in a small city. If it was the lowest post station, even a double room would not be worth fifteen copper coins, at most ten copper coins.

But there is nothing to say, Yunli and the others are the demand side, and the price increase should be... Just like some tourist attractions on the top of the mountain, the price of a bottle of pure water on the mountain is very different.

"Let's count three hundred copper coins. Captain Yun needs to stay for a few days."

Although there are travelers and visitors who don't know when they will come during the territorial incident, if the travelers come and Yunli and his party haven't left, then the travelers and visitors will leave directly because there is no place to live... But it doesn't matter, the big deal is that The same is true for vacating residential houses for travelers from time to time.

Anyway, as long as there is a place to live, and the other party is willing to live.

The difference between a traveler and a merchant is that one is for consumption and the other is for trading. Other than that, the other refresh mechanisms are similar.

"Then thank you Lord Su." Yun Li was not polite, and took out nine silver coins from the purse he carried with him: "We want to stay for three days first, if we leave early, the money does not need to be refunded, if we still have to Stay for a few more days, then come and bother Lord Su again."

Anyway, it's the kind that Su You doesn't suffer.

"Okay." Su You accepted the nine silver coins, and then began to move on to the next more important topic.

Since it is a caravan, the most important thing must be the transaction link.

Su You glanced at Bu Guo who had finished eating, and then said to Yun Li: "Captain Yun can tell that this territory is in the basic stage and needs a lot of materials to develop..."

Yunli understood in seconds, and continued her words naturally: "Although we don't have many things here, Lord Su can also take a look. If there is anything we need, we can sell it to Lord Su at a preferential price. "It's hard to say whether there will actually be a discount, but the words on the scene are still nice enough.

Just like that, Yunli took Su You to the place where they stored their goods.

Along the way, she saw that the child who was eating just now was also following. Although she didn't know why, since Su You didn't say anything, and the other party was just a little girl, Yun Li didn't think she would do anything, so Didn't say anything either.


After entering the inn, Yunli took Su You into a room on the third floor.

"Here are some special products from various territories that we collected along the way. Lord Su can take a look." Yun Li asked everyone to open all these suitcases so that Su You could pick them out.

Since it is a special product, it is definitely not a particularly valuable or rare treasure, so they don't care, and directly show the things in front of Su You.

Here, Su You saw a lot of basic materials and some special supplies, many of which were really what she needed.

"It seems that Captain Yun has gained a lot from this trip." Su You just heard Lyle say that there are many things in the caravan, but because she didn't see it with her own eyes, she is not sure what the concept of "many" here is. .

But seeing it now, Su You admits that there are really a lot of these things...so much that Su You can understand that this is not the amount of supplies that a small caravan with only a dozen people can grasp.

It's no wonder that the other party chose to take the remote road like the forest, probably because he was afraid that Huaibi would be guilty and would be targeted by forces with malicious intentions.

Faced with Su You's emotion, Yun Li smiled: "It's just luck, the place I went happened to be hit by a natural disaster."

It turned out to be a natural disaster, no wonder there are so many things...

Territories that have been visited by natural disasters, unless the lord of this territory has expected it and made complete preparations, the prices of this territory will collapse in a short period of time.

Su You pondered for a moment, and then the first sentence was not to start selecting products, but to ask another question.

"Captain Yun, do you guys support bartering?" Su You must have the money to buy things.

Now she still has two gold coins on her body, plus the nine silver coins Yunli gave her before, she now has a lot of silver coins on her body, there are more than a dozen of them, if you want to buy it directly, it is not impossible , but Su You obviously has a better trade item now - that is the fang dagger that was made more before.

Money is universal, and there are many subsequent uses, so you can use it if you can, but the fangs and daggers are useless, and the best choice is to sell them as commodities.

When Yun Li heard the words 'barter', he couldn't help frowning slightly.

If it was in the past, it must be supported. After all, there are many ways for merchants to trade, and bartering is easier to obtain greater benefits when the negotiator is superior in ability.

After all, money is the basic unit of transactions. One copper coin is one copper coin. You can’t sell two copper coins. However, there is no fixed price for barter items. How much you can negotiate depends on your own ability.

It's just different this time. They really have too many things on them. If possible, she definitely hopes that they can be exchanged for money directly. Things are not easy to carry, but money is always easy to carry.

But the other party is the lord here after all, and they still live here, she still has to give a little face, and she can't refuse directly without mercy.

"It's definitely possible to barter, but Lord Su can also see that we have a lot of things here, so we can't take everything." Yun Li is now worried that Su You will use some odds and ends to trade, Although this kind of thing can also make money, but the amount of money is not small, but the weight is not small, and it is very troublesome.

"Captain Yun, don't worry, ordinary little things have no trading value, so naturally I won't waste time with this... why don't you take a look at the things first?"

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