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Chapter 113 113. Bu Guo's Skill

Chapter 113 113. Bu Guo's Skill

Su You took out the fang dagger from the backpack and showed it in front of Yunli.

After all, it was a blue-quality weapon, and Yunli was the captain of a caravan, so he still had some eyesight. Naturally, he could see the extraordinaryness of this fangs and dagger, and he could also see its great value.

"Lord Su, may I have a look at this dagger?" The person who spoke this time was not Yun Li, but a middle-aged man who had been standing behind Yun Li.

Although Su You didn't know who he was, she could guess based on experience that the other party should be the negotiator in the caravan.

Negotiators, literally, are professionals who have trading skills and can negotiate more favorable prices for themselves during the transaction process.

The captain of a caravan may not be a bargainer, but there must be a bargainer in a caravan, otherwise, he will only be deceived by the other party.

"Please." Su You handed the fangs and dagger to the other party without hesitation.

At the same time, without everyone's attention, Bu Guo, who had been standing behind Su You, also slowly walked to Su You.

Bu Guo recalled what Su You said to him before, cheered up, and carefully observed the expression of the middle-aged man with a pair of dark and bright eyes.

About a minute later, the middle-aged man returned the dagger, and leaned against the cloud fence to whisper a few words.

"This fang dagger is of good quality. I wonder how much price Lord Su wants to set?" Yun Li, who learned about the general condition of the dagger from the middle-aged man, was a little pleasantly surprised...

Although she knew that the quality of this dagger was excellent, she couldn't boast too much. After all, praising the other party's things was actually equivalent to giving the other party room to increase the price, which was equivalent to cheating herself if she had nothing to do. Having said that, this dagger is not bad.

But Yunli said it was good on the lips, but he was very satisfied with the dagger in his heart.

She originally thought that this was just a small territory, and even if she could produce something good, it wouldn't be that great. Who knew that Lord Su's first move would be a dagger made of wild boar's fangs.

Moreover, it is also an excellent fang dagger!
Since the item was good, Yunli definitely didn't want to let it go.

You must know that among all the trading items, the most valuable trading items are equipment weapons, and the items they are most willing to trade are equipment and weapons, because even if they can't sell them, they can use them by themselves.

Strengthening one's own strength can also be regarded as increasing one's trading ability in disguise.

What's more, there is another coincidence that in their caravan, there happened to be a member who used a dagger as a weapon!

In other words, as long as Su You's asking price is not too high, even if it slightly exceeds their psychological expectations, as long as the price is not too much, Yun Li will take the dagger down.

"Captain Yun should be able to see a thing or two about this dagger, so I won't introduce much. As for the price..." Su You paused, as if thinking, "Twenty gold coins, or equivalent other commodity materials."

Twenty gold coins is actually a high price.

Although this dagger is of blue quality, due to material limitations, the body of the dagger is only made of copper ore, and its attributes are also restricted, so the price is not much higher.

It has two most valuable parts, one is the blade of the wild boar's tusk, and the other is the prefix of 'sharp'.

But in business, the price will only get lower and lower, so it is normal practice to quote a slightly higher price at the beginning, at least Yunli is not surprised by Su You's quotation.

Although it is high, it is not outrageously high, and there is still room for price negotiation.

Yun Li didn't speak, but glanced at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man took a step forward and smiled at Su You: "Lord Su, that's wrong. If it's an iron dagger, the price is reasonable. But it's just a copper dagger after all... What do you think of thirteen gold coins?"

This mouth directly cut off one-third of the price, Su You glanced at the middle-aged man, but did not speak.

"What's wrong with the copper dagger body? This dagger is enchanted. How can enchanted weapons cost the same as ordinary weapons?" Bu Guo's sudden voice surprised everyone present except Su You.

At first, they were a little surprised why Lord Su had a child by his side, but now it seems... Could it be that this child is the other party's negotiator?
Most of the language that the middle-aged man had organized was lost because of Bu Guo's age.

It's not that he looks down on this child, but this age is a bit too young...

Although Bu Guo's actual age is fourteen close to 15 years old, he belongs to the age that is neither too old nor too young.

But because she wanders all year round, she often doesn't have enough to eat, let alone wants to eat well, so this makes Buguo a little malnourished, and she looks thin and thin. Even if she is ten years old, people will believe it, so it is no wonder that Zhong Young men would be so amazed.

"Little sister, you may not know that although enchanted weapons are valuable, not all enchanted weapons are valuable." Although the middle-aged man didn't understand why the person who was negotiating the price Little brat, but since Lord Su didn't speak, and he was acquiescing, he could only start communicating with Bu Guo helplessly.

Bu Guo blinked. For her, the other party's words could be said to go in the left ear and out the right ear, and she didn't listen much at all.

"Yes, enchanted weapons are indeed worthless, but ours is a valuable enchantment." After saying this, Bu Guo didn't let the other party continue talking, but continued on his own: "This is what will The sharpness of the dagger has increased by nearly half of the enchantment, can this be the same as other enchantment attributes?"

"Half?!" The middle-aged man was taken aback, a little taken aback by what Bu Guo said.

But he is a professional negotiator after all. Although he didn't know why he believed such a child's words for a moment just now, he quickly adjusted his emotions.

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense. I have seen a lot of things, and I have seen enchanted weapons. If you ask me, this dagger is worth thirteen gold coins at most."

Bu Guo curled his lips and made a helpless look: "Uncle, you may have seen a lot of enchanted weapons, but you also said before that there are many kinds of enchantments. Have you seen our enchantment?"

"Just looking at it may not give you much experience, why don't you give it a try, and you will know whether what I said is true or not." After speaking, Bu Guo took the fang dagger from Su You's hand , ready to hand it to the middle-aged man.

(End of this chapter)

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