Chapter 114
In fact, Buguo really hit the spot. The middle-aged man had indeed seen many enchanted weapons before, but it was the first time he had seen a sharp attribute enchanted weapon. That's why he was so unsure of what Buguo said just now. Is it true or not.

Now Bugo let them try it out, the middle-aged man thought for a while, and beckoned someone to come over.

"you try."

When the other party tried it, Bu Guo didn't stop with a small mouth, but continued to babble.

"When I was in Ice River City, I went to the black market with my companions. Although there was no weapon exactly like this one in the black market, there was an iron sword that was also enchanted with sharpness. I paid fifty gold coins, but the stall owner still won’t sell it.”

Even though he knew that Bugo was probably making it up, the middle-aged man actually had a strange feeling in his heart... This feeling was probably "It seems that if you spend twenty gold coins to buy this dagger, you can buy it yourself." No loss'?
As this thought arose, the middle-aged man was taken aback, and then pinched himself severely to get rid of the effect of Buguo's words.

Bu Guo didn't care whether the other party listened or not, and he didn't care what he did. Anyway, whether he listened or not was his business, and he only needed to talk vigorously.

"...The final transaction price of the big knife was 63 gold coins! Although it is an iron big knife, the blade is iron, and the blade is also iron. Although the body of our dagger is copper, the blade is the tusk of a wild boar! Iron is no match for wild boar fangs!"

"The market price of wild boar's tusks alone has exceeded ten gold coins these days. This is an enchanted finished tusk weapon. Do you think thirteen gold coins are suitable? Only three gold coins are enough for the production cost of this dagger Do you think you can buy such a good enchantment with three gold coins?"

Middle-aged man: ...

Yun Fence: ...

Grass (a kind of plant), why the more you listen, the more reasonable it becomes.

Seeing that the little girl talked more and more vigorously, the middle-aged man gradually became a little dizzy, but the only trace of reason left made him somewhat fooled, but not completely fooled.

Su You saw that he hesitated to speak, but was too embarrassed to interrupt, then reached out and patted Bu Guo on the shoulder.

"Buguo." Su You called her name, Buguo paused, although there was still a lot to say, but he still didn't say anything, but decisively shut up.

Finally, there was room to speak. Just as the middle-aged man was about to speak, the man who had tried it out with a dagger came back. Not only did he come back, but he also seemed very excited.

"Uncle Feng!"

The person who tried this dagger was named Tong Lin, the one who liked to use daggers in this caravan, and the one who called 'Uncle Feng'.

Because it was a weapon he was good at, Tong Lin couldn't help feeling ecstasy as soon as he took the dagger into his hands.

When he really started to try it out, he was even more surprised by the sharpness of the dagger. He played with the fang dagger and gradually couldn't put it down.

If reason hadn't told him that the dagger was not theirs, he would have almost taken it away in his pocket.

He came back with the dagger, and the joy and desire in his tone were very obvious.

And the 'Uncle Feng' he called was exactly this middle-aged man... When Uncle Feng heard Tong Lin calling him, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Uncle Feng, this dagger..."


Tong Lin was about to share the results of his trial of this dagger, but he only started a sentence before being interrupted by Uncle Feng.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to realize, what, he immediately changed into a calm and calm look... Unfortunately, it was a bit late.

"It seems that this little brother is quite satisfied with the dagger." Su You said with a smile.

Tonglin wanted to cry without tears, and wanted to refute, but he couldn't speak out of conscience, so he could only spit out two words dryly——

"Fortunately..." Actually, I am not satisfied!Really dissatisfied!

Uncle Feng: ...You might as well shut up, kid!


Because of Tonglin's delay and Buguo's special ability, after some tugging and tugging, the final transaction price of this fang dagger was seventeen gold coins plus thirty silver coins.

At the beginning, Su You told Bu Guo that the psychological price was [-] gold coins, and as long as she could negotiate a price higher than [-] gold coins, the extra part would be her reward according to a certain percentage.

After learning the final transaction price, Bu Guo was obviously very happy, and the smile on her face has never disappeared since the transaction.

Afterwards, Su You took Buguo to sweep away the belongings of the caravan.

The first things to buy are seeds.

Suyou bought a lot of seeds, including wheat and rice seeds, as well as potato seeds and corn seeds.

There are ten packs of wheat seeds, with a unit price of [-] copper coins, five packs of rice seeds, also with a unit price of [-] copper coins, three packs of potato and corn seeds, with a unit price of [-] copper coins.

After some tugging, Bu Guo pressed the seeds with a total price of 480 copper coins to 430 three copper coins.

For this result, Bu Guo is obviously not satisfied. After all, for her, besides selling Su You's things at a higher price, she can get money, and letting Su You buy things at a lower price, she also You can also get some money from the difference.

But Bu Guo was not discouraged, but started to talk about the price of the second batch of goods with all his strength.


The second batch of purchases are some basic materials.

The basic materials Su You bought were mainly cotton and some ready-made fabrics, except for some other odds and ends.

According to the price of one silver coin for a group of cotton (50 balls), Su You bought a total of [-] groups of cotton.

Originally, she wanted to gather twenty packs of cotton, but the other party only had seventeen packs in stock, so Su You could only buy them all.

In addition to cotton, Su You also bought a batch of soft cloth.

Soft cloth is a cloth made of cotton, which is similar to cloth made of fiber, and its production formula is also similar. The difference is that the soft cloth made of cotton is softer and more comfortable. It is suitable for making close-fitting clothing or bed bedding.

Although the fiber-synthesized hemp fabric can be used in the early stage when there is no cotton, but in the later stage when conditions permit, it is more used to make decorations, such as curtains, tablecloths, daily necessities and so on.

But the advantages of hemp cloth are also obvious, that is, it is easy to obtain in the early stage, and the forest is full of fiber plants, as long as you collect it carefully, you can harvest a lot.

Cotton is different. Although cotton plants can occasionally be seen in the forest, the number is really too small.

(End of this chapter)

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