Chapter 115

Just a little cotton is not enough to make anything, and if you want to have enough cotton to use, you have to grow it yourself.

The amount of soft cloth on the caravan side will be less than cotton, but the price is much more expensive.


According to the price of sixty silver coins for a set of soft cloth (10 pieces), Su You also emptied the other party's inventory and bought a set and a half of soft cloth.

It is bound to be more expensive to buy finished products directly. If you buy soft cloth at the price of cotton, the cost price of soft cloth is fifty silver coins, and the extra ten silver coins are equivalent to processing fees.

But in fact, if the other party has sufficient stocks, Su You will definitely choose to buy cotton.

After all, the so-called processing is just a waste of time for her to use the workbench to make it. In fact, it is not worth the consumption of the ten silver coins.

But the other party didn't have enough cotton, so Su You could only settle for the next best thing.

Anyway, there is cloth fruit bargaining, in order to make money, she will definitely work harder.

The original price of seventeen sets of cotton plus one and a half sets of soft cloth was 107 silver coins. After Bu Guo's efforts, she lowered the price to about [-] silver coins.

Calculated according to the ratio, the price before and after the seed bargaining was equivalent to a [-]% discount, and the price difference before and after buying soft cotton cloth was equivalent to a [-]% discount.

And because the total price is higher, bargaining itself is not easy, so Bu Guo's success this time can be said to rely on his own strength to once again refresh Su You's view of her trading ability.

In addition to cotton and soft cloth, Suyou also bought some other materials, such as iron ore, feathers, sand, animal skins, charcoal, etc...

In short, as long as Su You thinks it can be used, she will not let it go.

Although there are many types, but because the quantity of these materials is not large, and most of them are not worth anything, Suyou only spent 39 silver coins in total to buy this pile of things.

Some of the more expensive ones are iron ore and animal hides.

Iron ore costs one silver coin, and they only have seven, so Su You only bought seven, totaling seven silver coins.

Due to the uneven quality of animal skins, it is calculated as 23 copper coins for a complete animal hide, [-] copper coins for a damaged animal hide, [-] complete animal skins, and [-] damaged animal skins. Twelve silver coins plus ten copper coins.

Perhaps it was because the previous price bargaining was too harsh, so the other party's attitude towards these odds and ends was very firm. No matter what Bu Guo said, Uncle Feng also killed the price of 39 silver coins.

Su You also knew that the advantage was almost enough, and she couldn't go too far, so she touched Bu Guo's little head that had drooped because of the failed price negotiation, and then paid 39 silver coins.


The third batch of purchases... is also the last batch of purchases. This batch of purchases is many and complicated.

There are drops, there are tools, and a few other things.

The caravan monster drops include but are not limited to the unknown bones (ghost skeleton), scale powder (ghost skeleton), animal teeth (long-tailed crocodile) and so on that Su You has obtained before.

The price of the monster's drop is not cheap, so even if Su You wants it again, she has enough money for her to buy it, but she doesn't want to waste money, so she chooses what is currently available and useful Material.

For those things that are not in a hurry, she can wait until later to collect them slowly.

She thinks that there are actually a lot of materials that can be used, such as the raw material bones that she plans to use to brush the seeds to grow fat—— Yunli asked the number of people to count, and there are a total of [-] bones, all of which were packaged and bought by Su You gone.

There is also animal teeth, which is one of the materials for making intermediate traps. Now that Duoya has recovered, as a hunter, she can just use bows and traps to catch more prey.

There happened to be one group (fifty) in the animal tooth caravan, and Su You also bought it in a package.

As for the scale powder, Su You didn't buy it, because it was useless to her for the time being, and it was a waste of money to buy it.

But although she didn't buy scale powder, she also bought some other things, such as eagle eyes, mucus, poison sacs, clay, unknown flowers and plants and so on.

Noteworthy among them is a material called 'Hawkeye', as well as a blue flower.

Hawkeye, according to the literal meaning, this material is dropped by eagle beasts or monsters, and its function is to make a prop called 'distance mirror'.

It is said to be far-sighted, but it is actually a telescope.

The name of this blue flower is 'Starry Night Flower'. Starry Night Flower is a special flower that only blooms at twelve o'clock at night. Its characteristics are similar to sunset flowers.

Su You didn't buy Starry Night Flowers to calibrate the time at twelve o'clock at night, but to make a 'clock' for the Sunset Continent.

That's right, Sunset Continent actually has clock-like props that can determine the time, and its raw materials are five kinds of flowers including sunset flowers and starry night flowers.

In addition to the yellow sunset flower and the blue starry night flower, the other three kinds of flowers are red vermilion flower, white frost orchid flower and purple daisy flower.

Although these flowers are not particularly rare plants, they still need to be collected carefully. It is very important for Suyou to be able to make a clock as soon as possible.


These dropped items cost Su You a total of 83 silver coins - this is already the result of the cloth fruit bargaining, otherwise it should have been 91 silver coins.

In terms of tools, Su You bought two fishing rods and a portable copper lamp.

The unit price of the fishing rod is five silver coins, and the price of the portable copper lamp is two silver coins, a total of twelve silver coins.

In the end, Su You also bought some skill learning manuals from Yunli.

The learning manual is not a skill book, and it cannot directly allow npcs to have skills. Its function is equivalent to that of textbooks, mainly to provide a condition for learning skills.

After a period of learning, the npc has a probability to learn related skills. After the initial learning is successful, it will be at the "apprentice" level. After the skills are further proficient and deepened, it will be upgraded to the primary level and displayed on the information panel of the npc.

Su You mainly buys sewing and carpenter's manuals, one for Dolly and the other for Lyle.

As for other study manuals, Su You also selected some according to the needs of the skills themselves.

The Skills Study Manual is not expensive, but it's not cheap either.

 Thanks for the unknown tip*2.

(End of this chapter)

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