Chapter 116

Su You bought a total of five skill learning manuals. According to the ten silver coins for each book, fifty silver coins were spent directly here.

In addition to sewing and carpentry, the other three manuals are fishing, melee attack, and basic defense.


So far, Suyou has already bought everything that should be bought and can be bought.

Seeds cost about 4 silver coins, cotton and soft cloth cost 90 silver coins, materials such as animal skins and feathers cost 39 silver coins, dropped items cost 83 silver coins, tools cost 12 silver coins, and five skill learning manuals cost 45 (cloth fruit bargaining 5 silver coins) silver coins...

Adding all these things together cost 273 silver coins.

Because Yunli and the others haven't given Su You the money for selling the dagger, Su You doesn't need to pay... Not only does she not need to pay, but Yunli also has to give her 14 gold coins and 57 silver coins.

After getting the money, Su You called Lyle to move things. When Lyle came over, he happened to bring Lake over who had already dug the stones.

Looking at the piles of materials, Lyle had to be thankful that he had the foresight to come here empty-handed, but brought a wooden cart.

But even with wooden carts, they still walked back and forth three times before moving them all away.

Although the number of these things is not particularly large, the main reason is that there are too many types. There are only ten compartments in the wooden cart, which cannot hold so many things.

During the time when they were moving things, Uncle Feng was staring at Bu Guo all the time, and Bu Guo was not afraid, he just looked straight back, just like a child's unconvinced competition.

"Lord Su, this little girl is amazing, she is so eloquent at such a young age, I don't know how many caravans will fail to make a perfect deal with you in the future..." Uncle Feng was also embarrassed to keep staring at Bu Guo, so After looking at it for a while, he retracted his gaze and let out a sigh of emotion.

Su You smiled, then shook her head slightly: "I misunderstood, Bu Guo is not a resident of the Sunset Territory."

"Isn't she from the territory?" Uncle Feng was a little surprised but also surprised.

He looked at Bu Guo and then at Su You. He didn't quite understand the relationship between the two of them, but he didn't doubt the truth of Su You's words.

After all, there is no need for Su You to lie. Whether Bu Guo is a member of the territory does not affect the results of the completed transaction.

He doesn't think it's problematic for Su You to ask 'foreign aid' for help just because Bu Guo is not from the territory... The transaction is not a competition, there are no rules and regulations, and there is no rule that says that only one of his own can help with the negotiation price.

But having said that, after learning that Bu Guo is not a resident of the Sunset Territory, Uncle Feng's heart moved, and an idea came to him spontaneously.

He turned his head to look at Yunli, only to find that Yunli was also looking at him, his eyes met, and both of them understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

"Since Bu Guo is not Lord Su's person, then Lord Su probably doesn't mind me poaching a corner, right?" Yun Li smiled slightly, and although his tone sounded joking, he could also hear a bit of seriousness.

Su You said indifferently: "Buguo is not a member of the territory, so it is her freedom to go wherever she wants, so why bother to talk about it?"

It's not that she is not worried that Bu Guo will be poached by Yun Li, but because she knows that it is impossible for Bu Guo to follow Yun Li... At least it is definitely impossible now, after all, the things she and the priest agreed to are still in progress. It didn't work out.

If the priest's matter had been resolved, it would be even more impossible for Bu Guo to follow Yunli, because she had been deceived twice in a row, and it was impossible for her to easily trust a stranger for the third time.

"Here is fifty silver coins. It's your reward for helping sell the dagger." Su You ignored Bu Guo's dazed look, and directly stuffed the money bag she had prepared into Bu Guo's hand.

Before Bu Guo could react, Su You stuffed a smaller purse for her.

The first money bag is a reward for selling daggers, and the second money bag is naturally a reward for helping to bargain when buying things.

After giving both purses to Bu Guo, Su You touched her head, and then left the station, leaving room for those who were going to be poached and who were about to be poached.


Because she left the inn, Su You didn't know what happened inside. In short, she didn't leave the inn for a long time. Before she had time to arrange the whereabouts of these materials with Lyle and the others, she saw a small man running away from the inn. come out.

After Bu Guo left the post station, she was planning to return directly to the city where the previous priest was, but after hesitating for a while, she came to Su You's side first, apologized to her, and then said goodbye.

Whether it's for goodwill or something, when Bu Guo came to say goodbye, Su You took a piece of berry barbecue from the warehouse and gave it to Bu Guo.

But Bu Guo didn't accept the berry barbecue.

"Thank you... the three silver coins you gave and those copper coins are enough for me to eat a lot... I'm leaving." The three silver coins are the amount of money in the second purse Su You gave her.

In order to avoid the silver coins being conspicuous, Su You also stuffed some copper coins into the purse. The amount was not many, only twenty or thirty, but it was enough to buy some food on the side of the road.

"Pay attention to safety. Also, what I said before is always valid, and you are welcome to come back anytime."

Bu Guo didn't speak, she just hugged her package tightly, and then left the territory at a fast speed.

Her departure happened to be seen by Doli who came out of the sewing shop. Although Doli was a little curious about the identity of this little girl, she obviously had more important things to say to Su You.

"Miss Lord! My sewing skills have reached elementary level!"

Su You turned her head to look at her, her mood, which was already in good shape because of the rich harvest recently, became even better because of Dolly's words.

However, Dolly was a little frustrated after telling the good news... because although her sewing skills have successfully reached the primary level, her repairing skills are still stuck at the primary level.

"Unfortunately, my repair level still hasn't improved..."

"The improvement of skills is not something that can be achieved overnight... Speaking of which, I'm even more glad that you improved your sewing skills today." Su You's words were not meant to comfort her.

Although it would be a good thing to improve repair skills today, the only help for Su You at the moment is to repair the fire armor, but there are still a few days before the dark creatures attack.

Even if the dark creatures start to attack, it doesn't matter if she hasn't upgraded yet, after all, Suyou has many substitutes.

(End of this chapter)

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