Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 117 117. The Waste Pile

Chapter 117 117. The Waste Pile

But the upgrading of sewing skills not only means that Dolly has a new skill, it also means that she can make many sewing recipes that she couldn't make before.

And Su You just bought a large amount of materials that can be used for sewing, such as cotton, soft cloth, animal skins, etc...

"Since your sewing skills have been upgraded, these materials will be handed over to you." Su You pointed to the cloth and cotton all over the floor.

Dolly never refused what Su You said, so she squatted down directly, and while checking these materials, she asked Su You what she needed to make with these materials.

"What are you going to do? But it may take a few more days for me to make it... because I have just upgraded, and I may not be very proficient in sewing skills. It is inevitable to waste such good materials. Wait for these two days. Familiarize yourself with this batch of materials before you start using this batch of materials." Dolly touched the soft cloth, and she couldn't put it down because of the excellent feel.

"If you feel unsure, you can practice with linen fabric first." Su You actually didn't plan to let her make things with these materials right now. She bought this batch of cotton and fabric mainly for making pillows, bedding and other things. There are clothes for everyday wear.

"Well, you should practice your hand with the linen fabric first... What is it?" Dolly was stunned for a moment looking at the booklet that was stuffed into her hand, and then she saw the eight characters of "Basic Sewing Learning Manual" on it, and she shuddered. Only then did I realize what it was.

Because she had seen a similar manual before, but it was not for sewing, but for a restorer.

"It was originally bought for you to learn sewing skills. Now that you have upgraded, this is not very useful, but if you encounter any problems during the production process, this can also help. "

Although it has already been upgraded, Dolly did not upgrade through systematic learning after all, and there are always some omissions in some details, so although this manual is not very useful, it is still useful.

The sewing manual had already been taken out, so Su You handed over the carpenter's manual to Lyle, and then handed over the elementary defense manual to Lake.

Combat skills are different from life skills. The learning of life skills is very dependent on talent, but the learning of combat skills is important even though talent is important, and acquired hard work is more important.

And not all skills are gifted, such as defensive skills, so the learning manual of basic defensive skills can be said to be a general skill, anyone can learn it, if you don’t learn it, you can’t learn it, only if you don’t want to learn it or don’t work hard to learn it.

It's a pity that there is only one copy of this basic defense manual in the caravan, otherwise Su You would definitely buy an extra copy.

"Lake learns first, then gives to Lyle after learning, and finally to Doya." The reason why Doya is the last one is because she is long-range after all, and it is difficult to be attacked under normal circumstances.

But seldom being attacked doesn't mean that you don't need to learn it. It's good to learn more, but it's not that urgent. It's more important for the two close combatants, Lyle and Lake, to learn this skill first.

"I see, I will learn this skill as soon as possible." Lyle and Lake said almost the same thing at the same time.


All the things that should be distributed to them have been distributed, and Su You started to process the remaining materials and prepare for another wave of construction.

Before processing the materials, Su You plans to increase the warehouse space of the territory first, otherwise there are so many things that are really too much to put down.

There are two ways to increase the warehouse space, one is to build another warehouse, and the other is to upgrade the warehouse, but this will undoubtedly take time, so Su You temporarily made a few wooden boxes to store things.

The difference is that Su You put the wooden box in Residential House 4 this time.

In fact, warehouses are not only constructed buildings. There is also a kind of "warehouse" that fills an empty room with wooden boxes. From a certain point of view, this can also be regarded as a "warehouse".

It's just that this kind of warehouse is not a warehouse recognized by the system, but a warehouse created by players using game mechanics.

Although it cannot be upgraded, because the number of wooden boxes that can be placed in a normal building is quite a lot, even if it cannot be upgraded, the number of items that can be stored will not be lost to that of a normal warehouse.

...But this method can only be used in the early stage. In the later stage, a warehouse is definitely needed. After all, it is difficult to find things if there are too many boxes, and it cannot keep food fresh. The most important thing is that the upper limit of stacking remains unchanged, and the space occupied by items That's more.

Su You emptied all the basic furniture in Residential House 4, and then arranged them in a 'U' shape. She placed ten boxes in Residential House 4, except that no wooden boxes were placed in the corners because they couldn't be opened.

According to the space of [-] grids in a wooden box, ten wooden boxes are [-] grids.


After these three buildings fell, half of the wood in Suyou's warehouse disappeared in an instant, but there were still a lot of stones. After all, Lake just dug a batch of stones back, which was enough for her.

"By the way, I set up a lumberyard near the place where the stone was dug. If you have trees to cut down, you can store the wood there." Halfway through the construction, Su You suddenly remembered such a thing, and turned around with the two brothers. Said.

While Lyle said that he knew, he also told Su You that all the soil in the farmland had been turned over.

After learning about this, Su You changed hands and took out a pile of wooden fences and fence gates from the pile of workbenches... These are the materials for building primary farmland.

In addition to these materials, there are also a lot of ash for the construction of primary farmland.

According to the construction of a primary farmland needs 20 ashes, she wants to build six farmlands, and make up ten of the previous four farmlands, so she needs 120 ashes.

But now there are only 19 ashes on her body, all left over from the previous farmland construction, let alone six farmlands, she can't even build a single farmland.

It seems that there is a lot missing, but in fact, ash is a very easy-to-obtain material.

Su You came to Chengxinhuo and opened the information panel belonging to Chengxinhuo. On the second page of the information panel, it was written as a 'waste pile' page, where a lot of ashes and charcoal were piled up.

In essence, the fire in the heart of the city is actually burning a fire, so it is normal to have ashes and charcoal after the burning is over.

(End of this chapter)

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