Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 118 118. Balanced Arrows

Chapter 118 118. Balanced Arrows
The burned waste will be automatically collected to this location. The space of the waste pile is ten grids. Items cannot be placed actively, and only burned residue can be automatically stored.

Once the space is full, the excess residue will be automatically destroyed by the system, so if you want charcoal and ashes, you must collect them in time.

【Get Charcoal*187】

【Get Ash*598】


Because Su You hadn't cleaned up the things inside before, so when she checked this time, the burning waste for nearly five days and five nights had already taken up all the space in the waste pile.

Among them, charcoal (superimposed limit 50) occupies the space of four grids, and ash (superimposed limit 100) occupies the remaining six grids.

With these ashes, Su You immediately arranged all the remaining six primary farmlands.

The construction time of the primary farmland is two hours, that is to say, after a while Suyou can use these six farmlands to grow things.

While waiting for the farmland to be built, Su You built another 'matchbox' using about five wooden boards.

Building a 'Matchbox' does not require construction time, or in other words, the construction time is very short, only a dozen seconds, so a bare house will soon be added to the territory.

The 'matchbox' here is not really a matchbox, but a square building without any decoration.

The name Matchbox is also spread by the players themselves. In the construction list, the real name of this 'Matchbox' is 'Self-built Empty House'.

This self-made empty house is not only without any decoration on the outside, but also its interior is similar to a rough house, with nothing and empty.

The size of the self-built vacant house can be customized. The more materials you invest, the larger the space you will build, and the more time it will take... But even if you build a vacant house the size of a stadium, it will cost a few dollars at most. Minutes only.

The function of Suyou's self-built empty house is somewhat similar to the function of the previous residential house 4, except that the former is used as a 'warehouse', and this one is used as a 'workshop'.

Although it seems that this self-built vacant house has many advantages, such as short construction time and less material consumption, its disadvantages are also obvious, that is, when the territory has a self-built vacant house, the prosperity will decrease.

The more vacant houses you create, the larger the space you occupy, and the more your prosperity will drop, and the reduced prosperity is not a fixed value, but a linear increase.

For example, building one self-made empty house reduces prosperity by ten points, building two self-made empty houses of the same size may reduce prosperity by thirty points, and building three may reduce prosperity by eighty points or even one hundred points... This is also Su The reason why Yu didn't build her own vacant house before was because she needed to upgrade her territory, and her prosperity couldn't afford it.

But it doesn't matter for now, although she is still eager to upgrade, but after building a self-built vacant house, the prosperity of the territory is still greater than [-] points, which is still enough to upgrade to a large camp, and what the territory lacks now is not prosperity, but population.


After the self-made vacant house was built, Su You first opened the information panel of the territory—well, that's right, the prosperity dropped by five points.

The prosperity that was originally close to 54 points is now only [-] points... But Su You already knew that such a thing would happen, so she is not surprised, as long as it does not fall below [-] points, it will not affect Just upgrade the territory.

After reading the information, Su You took out the hammer, and then recovered all the workbenches near Chengxinhuo. In this way, the space around Chengxinhuo was instantly vacated.

These workbenches were brought by Suyou to the interior of the empty house he built for placement. The basic workbench was placed on the left, and the furnace was placed on the other side.

Because the wooden box cannot be recycled, Su You built several wooden boxes inside the matchbox to hold the raw materials for making items and the output of the workbench.

After all the workbenches were laid out, Su You moved out the pile of materials that she bought earlier.

The cotton and soft cloth have already been sent to the sewing shop, and she only has some of them here, which are reserved for spares, and the animal skins are no exception, and they are also in Dolly's sewing shop.

As for the feathers and ores, the feathers were made into balanced arrows by Suyou... The so-called balanced arrows are actually arrows with arrow feathers added.

The original arrows did not have arrow feathers. Although they can be used, the balance of the arrows will be much worse.

There are 51 sets of feathers. Su You bought about two and a half sets in total. One feather can make two balanced arrows. The materials here can make about 250 balanced arrows.

Su You used two sets of feathers to make stone balanced arrows, and kept the remaining half set of feathers temporarily. She planned to make copper balanced arrows after a while.

After the first batch of stone-balanced arrows were made, Su You put down the things in her hands, and took a look at the attributes of the arrows——

[Stone Balanced Arrow] (Consumption: Wood*2, Stone*1, Feather*5, can make 10~12 Stone Balanced Arrows)
Category: Weapons

Quality: white
Attributes: attack power (10), armor penetration (6%), attack distance (+1), hit rate (+1%)

Introduction: Stone arrows with arrow feathers can be used as ammunition for bows and arrow towers. Compared with ordinary arrows, they have a longer attack distance, faster attack speed, and higher armor-breaking probability, because the arrows are balanced. Increase, using this arrow will increase the hit rate of the attack.

The attributes of stone arrows without arrow feathers were originally only [attack power (10), armor penetration (5%)], but just because of the addition of an arrow feather, the attributes have been significantly improved and changed.

Naturally, this batch of balanced arrows, Suyou, must be handed over to Duo Ya, after all, she is the only combatant in the territory who uses bows and arrows.

After handing over the balanced arrows to Doya, Suyou also gave Doya part of the animal teeth used to make intermediate traps.

After getting these things, Duoya took the red maple bow and arrow Su You made for her and left the territory, preparing to go to the forest for a wave of "rehabilitation training".



Because she bought a lot of things, Su You also didn't go out all day today.

Although she hasn't been out before, Su You doesn't feel bored.

Building a few buildings at random, or making something casually, the time passed quickly, and she hardly had any free time.

After the balanced arrow was made, she continued to make materials, such as using smelting to burn sand into glass, making quills from charcoal and feathers, and smelting iron ore into iron ingots...

(End of this chapter)

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