Chapter 119 119. Buying Food

After the materials are produced, continue to build the territory...

Although the territory has been renovated once yesterday, just like Yunli's evaluation of the sunset territory, there are really too many buildings missing in the territory now.

Su You wants to gradually complete these buildings, but the construction of the territory is not something that can be completed overnight. It is like completing a work of art. Only part of it can be completed every day. After a long period of time, there will be a perfect final result.

In addition to the previous ones, there are three other buildings that Su You plans to build today. These three buildings are: the City Lord's Mansion, the training ground, and the water well.

The City Lord's Mansion, I mentioned this building before, it is actually not only the place where the City Lord lives, but also has some other special functions, for example, she can issue announcements in the City Lord's Mansion, adjust taxes, modify the regulations and policies of the territory, etc... Without the City Lord's Mansion, Su You would not be able to carry out these actions.

There are a lot of materials to build the City Lord's Mansion, but after these few days of accumulation, Su You has already accumulated enough materials.

Wooden board*10, slate board*10, marble brick*10, glass*20, cloth (or soft cloth)*10... These are the materials for building the Santo's Mansion.

Because soft cloth is more precious, Su You naturally chose cloth made of fiber to build the City Lord's Mansion.


Although the caravan didn't have much sand, there were still 60, so Su You used this batch of sand to burn the glass blocks, and then used the workbench to synthesize the glass blocks into glass.

As for the three materials of wood, slate, and marble bricks, there is nothing to say. They are all familiar old materials that have been used many times before. Suyou has a certain amount of these materials in stock, and she doesn't even need to synthesize them. She can directly Take out the finished product and use it.

[Do you want to consume wood boards*10, stone boards*10, marble tiles*10, glass*20, cloth*10 to build the city lord's mansion? 】

[The City Lord's Mansion is being built, estimated time: 12 hours. 】

Twelve hours, so it can be built almost late at night tonight.

Su You placed the location of the City Lord's Mansion at the end of the road in the middle of the territory... To put it bluntly, it is the gate of the territory, the city's heart fire, the City Lord's Mansion, three points and one line.

After setting up the City Lord's Mansion, Su You continued to prepare the materials for the next building.

The next building to be built is the 'Training Ground'. As the name suggests, this building is used to train npc's fighting ability.

There are targets, dummies, and sandbags in the training ground, where fighters can practice their combat skills to their heart's content.

Although there is no training ground, it is not impossible to practice skills, but practicing in the training ground has bonuses, faster speed, higher efficiency, less time-consuming, and it can also increase the upper limit of proficiency that can be obtained from non-combat practice every day.

The construction materials of the training ground are similar to other buildings, nothing more than a certain number of wood planks, stone slabs, and marble bricks.

【Do you want to consume wood planks*5, stone bricks*10, marble bricks*5 to build a training ground? 】

[The training ground is being built, estimated time: 300 minutes. 】

The training ground was placed by Su You at the back of the tavern, near the gate of the city.

The previously self-built vacant house was placed behind the sewing shop. The location is very close to the sewing shop and warehouse, which is convenient for the access of materials. It is a more suitable location for construction.


The third building is the last building that Su You plans to build at this moment: the well.

Needless to say, the function of the well is mainly built for the convenience of water intake, and the significance of building a well here is that the water in the well can be drunk directly, and it will not cause negative states even if it is not heated.

In addition, the water in the well is renewable and refreshes quickly.

The wild water resource point is different, although it will also refresh, but the refreshing speed is extremely slow, and it will also be affected by natural disasters, such as drought (exhaustion), acid rain (pollution) and so on.

Although part of the reason for building next to the water source is to be able to get water nearby, this is in the early stage when there is no resource to build a well. After conditions are met, the well can still be built earlier.

The materials for building water wells are quite special. The materials needed for other building constructions are wood and stones, etc., but the materials needed for building water wells are mainly tools.

And it's two tools.

One is a pickaxe and the other is a shovel.

Not only that, but the well can also be upgraded. After the upgrade, the upper limit of the water volume that the well can hold and the refresh rate of the water can be increased. The materials consumed for the upgrade are also mining picks and shovels, as well as a small amount of other materials.

The difference is that first-level wells need stone picks and shovels, and second-level wells need copper picks and shovels.

There happened to be a stone pickaxe that had been eliminated in Suyou's warehouse, as well as a stone shovel, so she took it out directly.

According to the plan, she plans to dig two wells for the time being. Well 1 is placed near the farmland for watering the farmland, and Well 2 is placed next to the training ground, which is behind residential house 1. daily use by residents.

[Do you want to consume stone mine pickaxe*2, stone shovel*1, stone material*10 to build a well? 】

[Water well is being built, estimated time: 120 minutes. 】



After resting for several hours, Yunli and the rest of the caravan can be said to be full of energy.

But although their mental state was rested, they encountered some other physical problems, and this problem was related to what they ate.

After resting for such a long time, everyone was a little hungry, but there were not many people who ate.

This is not because they have no food, on the contrary, the food hoarded on them is actually not too little, but the food left on them is dry multigrain pancakes.

This kind of multigrain pancake is cheap and easy to fill, but the disadvantage is that it tastes bad and the texture is not good, and it is easy to get stuck in the throat if you eat it too fast.

There was no way to do it before, and they didn’t encounter a territorial city for supplies along the way, but now they finally came to a territory, and they said that they didn’t want to continue eating pancakes anymore.

"Captain, did the lord here say that they have any food for sale?" A man rubbed his stomach that had started to growl, looked at the hard pancake in his hand, and lost most of his appetite in an instant.

Yun Li is actually the same, she doesn't have much appetite looking at these dry food... Although she is not a spoiled and squeamish lady, she hasn't been so 'difficult' for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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