Chapter 120 120. Fat Sheep
It's fine if they don't have the conditions, but now they have money and supplies, and they have successfully found a territory as a foothold. There is really no need to continue to wrong themselves to eat such unpalatable things.

She looked at everyone who was frowning, and sighed slightly.

"I'll ask, but don't have too much hope." After all, although this is a territory, the conditions of this territory can be said to be obvious to all. Even if they can't buy any good food, they will not be surprised.

Looking at the back of Yunli leaving, one of the caravan members also sighed.

"Hey, if I knew it earlier, we would have bought more food and prepared it when we were in the second territory."

However, his words quickly received a response from another person: "Where are there so many people who knew earlier? When we set off, we brought some food with us."

Yes, they did bring a lot of food before they set off, but when they passed by the territory where the locust (locust) plague and the drought came at the same time, they decisively traded most of the food on their bodies.

That's why they gained so much from this trip.

It can be said that the price of the territory visited by the two natural disasters at the same time can be said to be sold at a sky-high price as long as it is food.

You must know that the pancakes they eat now are only two or three copper coins a piece in the town where they live, but in the territory after the natural disaster, such a pancake was looted for seven or eight silver coins, or even a dozen silver coins!

Not to mention that they have some other food on them, such as bread, barbecue, preserved fruit... They only spent a few dozen silver coins to prepare food at the beginning, but the other products have not been sold yet, and the food alone has made them Earned dozens of gold coins!
"Let me ask you, that bread can be sold for 25 silver coins. Do you want to keep it for yourself or sell it to them?"

"Of course it's for sale!... Hey, I'm just talking..." With money, what delicious food can't be bought?

If you want to eat good food, you can eat it anytime, but such an opportunity to make money is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and when you encounter it, you feel that it is impossible to miss it.

They were able to hold back from selling these pancakes and keep some food for themselves, which is considered pretty good.

What's more, if they didn't make a lot of money, they really wouldn't have enough money to buy the dagger. You must know that before they set off, they didn't even have ten gold coins in all their belongings.

However, earning a lot of money is a good thing, but it also put them in danger. If they didn't have a smart and decisive captain, it's hard to say what their current situation would be.

"Actually, it's also my fault. If I hadn't slipped my tongue, everyone wouldn't have to be so nervous..." When this topic was mentioned, one of them said in a guilty tone.

In fact, they went to two territories during this trip, one of which was the territory that had just experienced natural disasters, and the other was a normal territory.

They made enough money in the previous territory, and when they arrived at the next territory, they started normal transactions.

While all the goods on them were sold, they also began to use the dozens of gold coins they had earned to buy some local specialties or other goods at low prices.

Perhaps it was because it was the first time for them to do such a large transaction, they had little experience, and they had forgotten the word low-key in their behavior, so their situation could be said to be exposed in front of many people.

They had just arrived in that territory within two days, and someone with a heart deliberately came to inquire about the news. Because they were unprepared, one of them said that he had slipped his mouth.

He not only exposed the fact that they made a lot of money, but also exposed that their caravan only had a dozen people, and the number of combatants was less than ten.

With money and not much fighting power, this kind of caravan is like a 'fat sheep' in the eyes of some people.

Although the person who said that was really capable, the person who was told that was not a fool.

After the quilt was over, he also understood that he had said something he shouldn't have said, so he quickly told the matter to the captain, that is, Yun Li, and Yun Li decisively arranged for everyone to immediately stop all transactions in hand. Stuff left overnight again.

The person who leaked his words must be responsible. If he hadn't leaked his words, they would have stayed at least a few more days, and the supplementary supplies would naturally be more sufficient.

But everyone didn't mean to blame this person. After all, although he was responsible, others were also responsible.

Because his actions were too ostentatious, he wasn't the only one who was ostentatious. This time's experience can be regarded as gaining experience for them, as long as they don't make such mistakes in the future.

"Forget it, forget it, the matter is over... Everyone, why don't you think about what we will do if Sister Yun doesn't buy food later."


Just as the caravan group was praying sadly for Yunli to buy some food, Yunli had already found Suyou near the farmland.

The current time point is after all the six new farmlands have been built. After the farmland is built, Suyou is preparing to plant the second batch of crops.

In this second batch of seeds, the maturity cycle of wheat is ten days, that of rice is also ten days, and that of corn and potatoes is seven days and five days respectively.

According to her plan, she plans to use Farmland 5 and Farmland 6 to grow wheat. After planting these two farmlands, there are only two packets left of a total of ten packets of wheat seeds.

Rice is planted in Farmland 7, and only the last bag is consumed out of five bags of rice seeds.

Farmland 8 is divided into two parts, one half is used to grow potatoes, the other half is used to grow corn, two packs of seeds are consumed respectively, and one pack of seeds is left...Although there is no way to trigger Harmony I in this way, there is no way, who let potatoes and corn There are only three packs of seeds, but it takes four packs to plant a field.

As for Farmland 9 and Farmland 10, Suyou chose to use all of them to grow cotton.

Although the red grass is also very important, the growth cycle of the red grass is too long, a total of seven days, and the efficacy of the basic healing potion is somewhat weak. In the case of the debuff of the drug resistance, the basic healing potion cannot be unlimited Therefore, this potion needs to be stored, but it does not need to be stored in a particularly large amount.

The batch of red grass planted with berries and cotton a few days ago yielded about 30-40 plants, which is more than enough for use.

After all the seeds were planted, Su You checked the situation of the first four farmlands by the way.

Field 1 and Field 2 are planted with red berries, which were harvested once yesterday afternoon.

There are a total of eight berry bushes in the two farmlands, and each berry bush can harvest 30-50 berries.

(End of this chapter)

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