Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 121 121. Double Natural Disasters

Chapter 121 121. Double Natural Disasters

After picking the berries yesterday, Suyou got an accurate data from Dolly - the eight berry bushes collected a total of about three and a half groups of berries.

Note that the three and a half groups here do not refer to the stacking limit of the backpack, but the stacking limit of the warehouse. In other words, there were 350 berries in yesterday's batch.

Under normal circumstances, the yield would not be so high, but because of the addition of Harmony I, the harvest of this batch of berries is quite good.

Even if it is not used for cooking, but eaten directly, one berry will replenish 6 hunger points, and these 350 are more than 2000 hunger points... So, there is really no shortage of food in the territory now.

It is absolutely impossible for Su You, who is an infrastructure madman and a farming madman, to starve to death. It's so embarrassing.

As for the cotton and red grass planted in fields 3 and 4, thanks to Dolly's careful care, they are also growing well.

Although it is the first planting, there is no illustration book yet, and there is no growth countdown, but Suyou judges based on experience that the cotton will mature around noon tomorrow, and the red grass will be later, but it will probably be harvested in the morning of the day after tomorrow. .

And the day after tomorrow is the ninth day of the digital world, just in time to harvest before the dark creatures attack... It can only be said that everything is planned.

As long as there are no more unexpected situations, Su You is [-]% sure that the dark creature's attack can be resolved smoothly.

But the world is unpredictable. Although there was no surprise about the dark creature's attack, the information revealed by another incident still caused a lot of excitement to Su You.


Just when Su You had just planted a piece of wheat, she heard Yun Li calling to herself, she stopped what she was doing, and turned to look at Yun Li.

"Lord Su, may I ask if you have any food for sale here?" After Yun Li put forward his appeal, he briefly talked about the previous affairs of their caravan. Apart from some details about the caravan itself, Su You is now He already knew from Yunli what happened during their trip.

"There is food, and the tavern sells it now, but most of it is cooked with berries and meat, which is relatively monotonous. If Captain Yun doesn't mind, you can go and have a look."

As for the problem that there is no npc in the tavern and you can't pay... Originally, the npc in the tavern was going to let Dolly take over temporarily, but now she has a sewing shop and has more things to do. In order not to waste her time, the tavern is still In a state without npc management.

But it doesn't matter, Yunli just needs to go shopping by himself, and then pay the money to Su You directly.

Su You is not afraid of Yunli eating the overlord's meal. Although she doesn't know how much they earned during this trip, since they can even take out a dozen or so gold coins without blinking, they wouldn't spend a dozen of them just to buy food. A few silver coins will be deducted and searched.

Moreover, this is Suyou's territory, and it is impossible for them to let themselves 'live in the forest' again just to save money for food.

"Don't dislike it! It's never worse than eating dry pancakes." Yun Li's eyes lit up when he heard that there were meat and berries.

Because it is next to the farmland, she can see the berry bushes planted on Farmland 1 and Farmland 2, and she also recognizes that this is a kind of delicious berry. Even if there is no meat, it is good to be able to buy some berries and go back to satisfy the hunger Yes, but now that there are not only berries but also meat, it's even better.

After learning that there was food in the tavern, Yun Li talked to Su You and was about to go directly to the tavern, but before she was about to leave, Su You stopped her.

"Captain Yun, please wait, I still have a few questions I want to ask you."

"Excuse me, Lord Su." Although Yun Li was a little anxious to buy food, she stopped patiently after hearing Su You's words.

"That's right, I just heard from you that the first territory you went to experienced two natural disasters just now? Can you tell me which two natural disasters they were?" Su You had actually heard about the double natural disasters just now. At that moment, I couldn't help but thumped in my heart.

Because the double natural disasters not only occur in the system territory, but also in the territory built by players. Although the probability is very small, Su You still plans to find out the situation in detail.

"It's the plague of locusts and drought." Yun Li didn't hide it, because it wasn't important information in the first place.

But after she finished speaking, she could clearly see Lord Su's brows were tightly frowned.

"Captain Yun, do you still remember how far that territory is from the Sunset Territory?" Under normal circumstances, the Sunset Continent is divided into many regions during natural disasters, and the natural disasters in the same region are either completely the same or opposite in nature. .

If the Sunset Territory is in the same area as the Double Natural Disaster Territory, then there is a high probability that the Sunset Territory will also be hit by the Double Natural Disasters after the mild season of this month ends.

The natural disasters that may occur here include locust plagues, droughts, floods, acid rain, and there may be a special event called 'Forest Carnival'.

Among them, floods and acid rains are the opposite of the nature of drought. One has no water, and the other has "abundant" water sources, and even the abundance is a bit too much.

The locust plague corresponds to the forest carnival. The so-called forest carnival actually means that the entire forest is in an extremely... weird state.

In short, Su You doesn't really want her territory to be in the same area as the territory of the double natural disaster, even if it's in the same area...

"The distance is not easy to estimate, but it took us about six days to get here from the second territory, and although the first territory is still farther away, the journey should not exceed ten days... It shouldn't be too far away, right?"

Hearing Yunli's words, Su You acted out on the spot.

And... so fucking in the same area!

Although it is not very accurate to use the travel time to calculate the distance, the result is obviously obvious when the distance of walking for ten days and a half months all day and night belongs to the same area.

Not to mention that Yunli and the others must stop and go, it is impossible to rush day and night...then the distance will be even closer.

"Lord Su, are you... all right?" Perhaps Su You's resentment was too strong, Yun Li felt a little baffled, and couldn't help asking softly.

Su You twitched the corners of her mouth and didn't want to speak, but facing Yun Li's concern, Su You cheered up and shook her head.

"It's okay, Captain Yun, let's go shopping."

Yunli: "...Okay."

Although Su You didn't look like he was 'all right', Yun Li didn't want to ask too many questions.

(End of this chapter)

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