Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 122 122. Unpacking Failed

Chapter 122 122. Unpacking Failed

Of course, the most important thing is that she still remembers that there are still a bunch of hungry, screaming guys waiting for her in the station, and she can't continue wasting time here.

After Yunli left, Su You looked at the half-planted fields, sighed, and then continued to fill in the remaining unfinished parts.

Although the double natural disasters had a great impact on Su You, she was also a person who had experienced strong winds and waves after all, so Su You had already adjusted her mentality after farming a field.

Isn't it two natural disasters? It's not difficult. As long as you can prepare in advance, any natural disaster is not difficult.

While comforting herself, Su You began to plan the next thing in her mind.

Originally, she wanted to find out what the natural disaster would be one month later by exploring the map and understanding the surrounding terrain environment, but now it seems that there is no need to determine it, because the double natural disaster has no characteristics.

But she still needs to explore the map, and even because of the double natural disasters, she has to speed up the search, because only by opening all the maps can she know where there are resources and collect what she needs as soon as possible.


In the following time, after Su You received the food money from Yunli, she locked herself in the tool room with the things she got from behind the long-tailed crocodile pool.

Long-tailed crocodile plus water pool, this is a classic treasure hunting point before.

The so-called treasure spawn point is the place where the wild treasure chest is refreshed, which can also be understood as a "gift from nature", and the long-tailed crocodile is the "guardian beast" of this treasure chest.

There are all kinds of things that can be refreshed in this treasure box, purely by luck, but basically no one will let go of the opportunity to obtain this treasure box. Earn a fortune.

Especially in the early stage, any resource may greatly promote the development progress of the territory.

However, this kind of treasure chest is not only not easy to get, after all, you have to fight the Guardian Beast, and even if you get the treasure chest, this treasure chest is not so easy to open directly.

Because the treasure chest refreshed by this kind of treasure point is locked, under normal circumstances, it must have a key made by a craftsman, or a master key obtained through a special way to open it.

Under abnormal circumstances, if there is no key, it can only be opened by special means such as picking the lock.

Although the method of picking the lock is quite special, when playing games before, I don't know if it is to satisfy the player's bad taste. The game company specially added the setting of picking the lock, and even improved it.

In other words, the locked treasure chest can indeed be opened in this way, and it is not a bug discovered by the player.

But this method has a big disadvantage, that is, once a step in the middle fails, the treasure chest will directly destroy itself, and all efforts will be in vain.

There are no artisans in the territory, let alone keys, so Su You naturally wants to open the treasure chest by picking the lock.

After an afternoon of hard work, Su You successfully opened the first lock... Yes, only the first lock was opened, which means that there is a second lock.

Su You saw that after the treasure chest was opened, there was a second locked treasure chest inside that looked like a matryoshka doll, and her mood was very delicate.

If she knew it was a matryoshka box, she would definitely not open it, she would rather use this time to explore the picture.

But since they have already driven here, it is definitely impossible to give up. After all, although the matryoshka box is disgusting, at least it can prove that the things inside are of certain value and will not be rubbish.

What she hopes most now is to get a recruitment card, or some other props that can recruit npc.

Although the probability may be relatively small, there is still hope.

Originally, although the first lock was opened very slowly, it was relatively smooth overall, but the second lock was different. Su You's lips were tightly pursed, and her brows were also tightly furrowed. Something very difficult happened.

"...Why did you even change this damn thing?" After almost failing again, Su You decided to relax first, so as not to accidentally lose the treasure chest.

She shook her hands that were a little sore from maintaining a posture for a long time, and her resentment towards this digital world was almost overflowing.

The process of unlocking the lock is actually to manipulate the unlocking tool to drive the buckle out of the groove inside. The previous locks had several fixed templates. As long as you are proficient in those templates, unlocking is very simple. things.

At that time, someone even specially made a "lock unlocking simulator" in order to be able to unlock the lock smoothly.

This simulator is actually simulating the process of unlocking, and it is provided for everyone to practice. Su You has also used this simulator, and successfully maximized her lock-picking proficiency (physics).

But the groove of this second lock is different from all the grooves that Su You has seen before. In other words, it is not the template of the previous locks. try, and then take the lock out of the groove.

Because this is not a simulator, she has no chance to do it all over again, so Su You can only be careful and drive the lock to move bit by bit.

I don't know how long it has passed, Su You finished her rest, and then continued to open the lock.

But just when she had successfully moved the lock to the distance from the exit, and it seemed that the treasure chest could be opened just by moving it a little further, but at this moment, Su You suddenly heard a loud noise.


At the same time, Su You's hand slipped, and the lock hit the edge of the groove——

【Unlocking failed this time. 】

Suyou: ...grass (a kind of plant)!

She didn't have time to think about what happened with that loud noise, the first thing Su You did now was to look down at the treasure chest...but it turned out to be empty.

Because the lock failed, the treasure chest disappeared.

To be reasonable, if it is not the city lord, the player cannot learn combat skills, what Su You wants to do most is to improve her combat power and destroy the world against her.

I won't mention the little things before, since she created the territory, it can be said that everything is not going well.

It was a monster spawner and double natural disasters, but now there was a movement similar to an explosion inexplicably, which made her fail to open the treasure chest. The previous long-tailed alligators could be said to have been killed in vain.

After all, this box was what she was after, and the beast core could barely be regarded as a surprise, but its value was far inferior to this treasure box.

(End of this chapter)

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