Chapter 128 128. Bandages
[Reminder: Due to the level limit of the territory, after a high-level npc joins the territory, the skill level will be sealed. The seal can be lifted by upgrading the level of the territory, or by consuming certain materials and props in the professional hall. 】

Su You roughly confirmed Meke's information, and then directly agreed to Meke's joining.

When she agreed with Meke to join, Meke seemed to sense something, he stood there for a few seconds, and then returned to his previous impatient look.

"Hurry up, I want to learn skills!"

"Okay, okay, learn, learn." Su You gave this advanced cooking skills book to Meke, allowing him to read and learn at will, while she bent down and picked up the black snake again.

'Why did you save me?Wouldn't it be nice to have that guy look after your home for an extra year? 'Black Snake's mood is a bit complicated.

No one wants to live, and it is no exception, but it is ready to die, but suddenly finds itself rescued by a seemingly powerless human being.

And the price of saving it... Although Black Snake dislikes Meke, it also knows what a senior magician represents in the human world.

Because it knows, it doesn't quite understand why this human being does this.

But Su You didn't intend to explain more to it, but took it directly to the workshop.

Putting the black snake aside, Su You took out two things from the wooden box, and put them into the workbench.

[Do you want to consume cloth pieces*3, flowers*1, and make bandages*3? 】

[Creating: bandage*3, estimated time: 300 seconds]

Bandages, similar to basic healing medicines, are also one of the most commonly used medicines in the early stage, and can be used to restore blood volume.

The difference is that the flower grass used in the bandage can only be used externally, so it cannot be used as a substitute for red grass to make basic healing potions. In addition, the bandage can only be effective when there is trauma, and it cannot be used without trauma. will restore blood.

So although the two are similar, the difference is quite obvious.

During these 5 minutes, Su You took out the paper made of tree bark and the feather pen that she had made before, and then began to write and draw on the paper... Black Snake didn't know what she was doing, but she didn't open her mouth The meaning of asking.

In just a few minutes, Su You filled the paper with words.

There is no way, too many things happened today, she needs to spend some time to organize her thoughts... Double natural disasters, the treasure chest exploded, and there was a monster spawner that was sealed. Much and bad.

The net is some unlucky things!

Su You took a deep breath, and then began to read the information she had sorted out, to see if there was anything that needed to be revised or supplemented——

First, she went to seal the monster spawner this morning. The sealing time is five days. After five days, it will be the No. 12 morning of the digital world. She must bring people there in advance to prepare.

Calculated based on the speed of refreshing 25 ghost skeletons a day, five days is 120 five, but fortunately, the refresh rate will drop by 30% after sealing, so after five days, you will actually face nearly [-] ghost skeletons.

...Although it is about one-third less than the original number, the number is still quite a lot, but Meck has been recruited now, Doya is also a good fighter, and Lyle and Lake are not bad.

At present, there are only five people in her territory besides her, but four of them are combat power. With this configuration, as long as there are no accidents, it should not be a big problem to solve the monster spawner.

Second, regarding the attack of dark creatures on the tenth day, it is now the seventh day, which means she has less than three days to prepare.

The attack of this dark creature was divided into two batches, one batch was in the early morning of the tenth day, and the other batch was in the middle of the night on the tenth day.

If the attack mechanism is still the same as before, then the number of these two batches of dark creatures should be around 10 to 20, and there must be at least one elite-level dark creature among them.

But this is the same as the previous one, because the combat power is sufficient, so it shouldn't be a big problem to solve it.

Third, double natural disasters.

Now the types of natural disasters have been narrowed down to locust plagues, droughts, floods, acid rain, and there is also a forest carnival.

There are three combinations of these natural disasters:

1. Locust plague, drought

2. Forest orgies, floods

3. Forest carnival, acid rain

If Su You was allowed to choose, she would definitely prefer the first combination, because the first combination was the only natural disaster that Su You could fully prepare for in advance.

The locust plague is actually not that terrible, she has a way to deal with it, and the drought is nothing more than a lack of water, but the water in the wells will still be refreshed, but the number will be smaller than before and the speed will be slower, but the water resources can be advanced hoarding, so the drought is nothing.

In fact, floods and acid rain are not difficult to deal with. One only needs to do water blocking and drainage in advance, and the other is to prepare anti-corrosion materials for making some props.

Of these, the hardest to deal with is the forest orgy.

Forest carnival refers to the fact that the entire forest is in an 'active' state, and the plants will mutate at an accelerated rate, and they are very active.

The activity here is not easy to explain, but it can be understood that these plants will actively interact with humans as 'friendly' or 'unfriendly'.

In addition to plants, animals will also fall into a state of frenzy. Even peaceful and docile animals will become very enthusiastic, not to mention some animals with very violent tempers.

And Suyou's territory is in the forest. If the forest carnival event is really triggered, then during the duration of this event, the efficiency of all activities related to going out in the territory will be greatly reduced, and may even be impossible.

The only good thing now is that Su You knew the information about the double natural disasters in advance, and also knew that the specific time of the double natural disasters was on the No. 30 day.

Fourth, time-limited tasks.

This time-limited task is automatically accepted when the territory is upgraded, and the territory is upgraded on the fifth night, and the task time of the time-limited task is five days, that is to say, on the day when the dark creatures attacked, she was the last to complete the task period.


This is the more important information. Most of the rest are things that Suyou needs to prepare, the order of buildings to be built, materials to be collected, and so on.

After finishing writing this piece, the bandage that Su You threw to the workbench and made earlier has also been finished.

She took out the bandage, grabbed the snake with one hand, and didn't take it seriously. She just wrapped it around the black snake indiscriminately. Anyway, the system judged that it was used, and it didn't matter how she used it.

(End of this chapter)

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