Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 129 129. The Upside Down Yosen

Chapter 129 129. The Upside Down Yosen

Because of her carelessness, the snake, which was originally a long creature, was wrapped in such a way that it directly turned into a white mummy.

Black Snake originally had a bad feeling in his heart when he saw Su You take out the bandage, but now it is too seriously injured and can't move at all. You won't harm yourself, so you let Su You bind herself into a mummy.

There were three bandages in total, and Su You used two. When she was about to use the third one, the system had already reminded her that the target was no longer bleeding, so Su You casually put the bandages into her backpack, and waited until the time Throw it into the wooden box when going to Residential House 4.

"Heal yourself, I'll put the food here, and leave as soon as you're done, or I won't care if the magician wants to kill you next time." Saying that, Su You put some food, and then left The tool room, but the door was not closed, but a gap was left.

She didn't care that the black snake was bound up and down, how it would eat and how to break free was out of her consideration. If a majestic forest leader couldn't even get rid of the bandages, he might as well be tied up. Forget about starving to death, she is already doing her best to achieve this.

As for why she didn't take the opportunity to kill the black snake and get a lot of rewards, I have already said it clearly before. Compared with rewards, it is more important not to let this place spawn a new, threatening unknown creature.

What's more, don't look at the black snake's dying appearance, but Su You doesn't know its actual condition. She also lost the investigation just now and wanted to see the black snake's attributes, but unfortunately she could only see a lot of it. '? ? ? '.

You can't even see the blood volume, let alone attack and defense.

It is not Mei Ke's opponent, but it does not mean that it can be easily dealt with by oneself. If it does not react in time and it bites, Su You will most likely lose most of his life, and may even enter a near-death state.

From the current point of view, establishing a friendly relationship with this black snake is the choice to maximize the benefits.



In the blink of an eye, another day passed, and on the afternoon of the eighth day, Su You returned to the territory and met the last npc she recruited—Yousen.

Different from recruiting Bu Guo and Mei Ke, the process of recruiting You Sen was extremely easy and simple, and even simple cannot be accurately described.

If the difficulty of simple recruitment is 1, then the difficulty of recruiting Yousen is 0.

When Yousen came to the territory, Su You was not there. She took Lake to the mine and arranged for him to dig copper ore and marble. When she came back, she found that there was a young man in the territory.

This young man is You Sen.

You Sen didn't know who knew that Su You was the lord, so he directly proposed to her that he wanted to join the territory. Before that, Su You had never said a word to him, and the first sentence between the two of them was it is this.

If it wasn't for when he applied to join the territory, the data Su You saw was normal—both the favorability value and the loyalty value were normal, Su You would have wondered if there was something weird about this npc, after all, the one who took the initiative to "post" npc is really rare.

But since You Sen couldn't see any problems, Su You needed to recruit him, so he directly agreed to join him.

After Yousen joined the territory, Su You arranged to live in Residential House 5.

The current arrangement of residential houses in the territory is as follows——

Residential House 1 (Dolly, Doya), Residential House 2 (Lyle, Lake), Residential House 3 (Merk), Residential House 4 (serve as a warehouse), Residential House 5 (Yosen).

As for Su You, she moved directly into the City Lord's Mansion after the construction of the City Lord's Mansion.

After all, Meke is a high-level magician. Although his level has been suppressed to the elementary level now, Su You still reluctantly shows him some respect and arranges a single room for him.

And in order to gain favor, Su You also helped him modify the vacant place into a small kitchen, and also gave Meke permission to use all the ingredients in the territory.

Meke, who was dissatisfied with the crude conditions at the beginning, disappeared instantly after seeing the small kitchen, especially when Su You told him that he could use the ingredients in the warehouse unconditionally. A full ten points of favor!

Just... Although this guy is good and loves to play, as long as he knows what he likes and does what he likes, he is still very easy to be satisfied.

If it was before, Su You would not have dared to grant him warehouse access, but now that he is a cook with advanced cooking skills, Su You has nothing to dare.

Although Mei Ke's cooking skills are not good, it is good that there is no problem with the program set by the system.

With an 'employee' who is willing to work for free and is full of enthusiasm for the work, Su You can be said to have relieved another burden on her body - she finally doesn't have to be a cook herself!

In addition to the ingredients authority, Su You also let Meke temporarily act as the owner of the tavern. After all, the tavern is now a temporary place to sell food.

Meke didn't have any objection to being the owner of the tavern. He even added a little favor to Su You when he sold food for the first three times, and the three times were three favors.

Although I don't know if he has been activated for some special hobbies, but it is a good thing that his favorability can increase.

Su You ate the barbecue made by Meke, feeling inexplicably emotional - she really never dreamed that she would be able to eat the food made by Meke alive in her lifetime.

Because the dark dishes made by Mek in the past are not only unpalatable, but also blood will be deducted after eating, and there may even be a debuff of continuous blood loss.

As a lord player, Su You cannot be upgraded, and her blood volume is always only [-] points without special props, which means that she is not far from death if she just eats two mouthfuls of dark food.

So even though Mei Ke had the habit of catching people to try food, he never bothered Su You, not only because he didn’t dare (for fear that Su You would dismantle his small kitchen and confiscate his treasures), but mainly because he didn’t I hope that after Su You dies, I will have to find another 'gold master' who is willing to waste food for him like this.

Here Suyou ate the barbecue very deliciously, while Meke saw Suyou eating very deliciously, and his mood became better and better.

After all, this is the first time in his many years of living that he has seen someone willingly eat something he made, and some people are even willing to spend money to buy it!
"Boss, I want two berry roasts." A man waved at Meck and took out ten copper coins.

(End of this chapter)

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