Chapter 130 130. Happiness
This person was a member of the caravan, not only him, but other caravan members also walked into the tavern one after another. They took out money one after another, and then told Meck the food they needed.

"Okay, what you want." Meke took the money with a smile, and then took out all the things they needed in order.

"Thank you boss, the food you made is delicious." Caravan member A took the barbecue and said with a smile.

What he said was not flattering. Meke was arranged by Su You to be the owner of the tavern just after finishing the skill book yesterday afternoon, so the food they ate yesterday was actually made by Meke himself, not Chengxin. Soulless dishes made with fire.

I don't know if there is a bonus of advanced cooking skills, but the food made by Maker is indeed more delicious than that made by Chengxinhuo.

Maker likes cooking the most, watching others eat his own food, and prefers others to sincerely praise his food.

Just because of the words of caravan member A, Meke's affection for this person soared.

If it weren't for the fact that the tavern was owned by Su You, and the ingredients were also provided by Su You, Meke might have given this person a free order.

"It's good if you like it, if you don't have enough." Meke suppressed his inner joy, and his whole body was filled with happiness.

Although he has only been in this territory for less than a day, the joy he has gained in this day is simply more than he has in the past few decades!
Although caravan member A sincerely praised it, he felt a little weird seeing Maker so happy for a while.

He actually knew that the middle-aged man in front of him, who seemed a bit simple and honest, was actually the senior magician who caused the huge explosion yesterday... Then the question came, why would a senior magician praise him because of others? Is it so happy to make something delicious?
Caravan member A couldn't understand, but he was too embarrassed to ask, and he didn't dare to ask.

After all, no matter how easy he looks to talk now, he is still a high-level magician. It would be bad if what he said accidentally touched the pain point of the other party.

In fact, caravan member A is not the only one who feels strange, other caravan members also feel strange, but they are all the same as caravan member A, they only dare to peek at Meke's expression, but they dare not do anything. ask.

In this way, in a somewhat weird atmosphere, everyone finished today's lunch.

"Lord Su!" Before they left, caravan member A came to Su You, "We are leaving the territory tomorrow morning, the captain asked me to speak to you."

As if afraid that Su You might misunderstand something, caravan member A hurriedly added after talking about this matter: "Originally, the captain should have told you about this in person, but the captain has some urgent matters today and is not here right now. Territory, so let me tell you in advance."

Yunli did have something urgent to do, but when she was about to leave the territory, Su You and Lake went to the mine, and they were not in the territory, and she couldn't guarantee whether she would come back tonight, so she had to ask other members of the caravan to do it for her. tell.

Su You nodded to show that she understood. Caravan member A also left with the others after saying these words.

In fact, it was expected by Su You that Yunli would leave tomorrow, because the day after tomorrow would be the tenth day, and it was also time for dark creatures to attack.

This can be understood as something special that caused Yunli to make the decision to leave, so that the caravan can perfectly avoid the attack of dark creatures whose countdown is less than 24 hours away .

After Su You finished eating, she also left the tavern. Before she left, she glanced back at Meck and found that he was still tossing the so-called new dishes. Su You thought about it, but she didn't stop it...after all, it was the advanced cooking skills No matter how weird the food comes out, it shouldn't be so weird that it can't be eaten.

After leaving the tavern, Su You was going to check the situation on the farm.

Yousen has just arrived, and although he has the traits of planting skills and perfect matching skills, Suyou still needs to go there to see the specific conditions of the farmland. After all, Yousen's previous behavior of posting backwards seems a bit weird to Suyou.

When she came to the farmland, she saw Yousen put away the bucket.

As the bucket fell to the ground, You Sen raised his head and saw Su You on the opposite side.

"My lord, I have finished taking care of the crops here, and they are growing very well now."

While he was talking, Su You also took a look at the conditions of the ten farmlands. Just like what he said, the nine farmlands were indeed in good condition.

As for why it is nine yuan...

"By the way, my lord, the cotton in this farmland has just matured, and I'll put it here temporarily." Yousen pointed to the cotton on the ground, and then continued: "After the cotton is harvested, this farmland Then it’s free, what does the lord want to plant?”

"Keep growing cotton, you should have harvested cotton seeds?"

Different from wild plants, domesticated (farmland) plants can not only harvest fruits/plants, but also directly harvest seeds after maturity, and there is no need to continue to use plants to make seeds.

Plants that grow in cycles, like Berry Bushes, drop seeds when they are last harvested.

Hearing Su You's words, Yousen nodded, and then took out about seven or eight bags of cotton seeds from under the pile of cotton.

"The things planted in other farmlands will also remain unchanged for the time being. After the harvest, whatever was originally planted, then continue to plant." Su You is very satisfied with the current planting arrangement, and she does not plan to change the planted things until there are no other seeds. .

"Okay, I see." Yousen nodded obediently.

"If you want to make money after planting things, you can go to the reward list to see if there are any suitable tasks for you."

Yousen smiled a little shyly, and then the expression on his face became a little hesitant, as if he hesitated to speak.

Su You was planning to leave, but seeing his appearance, she didn't leave directly.

"Did you encounter any problems?" Su You asked, and opened You Sen's information panel, and found that the above data were the same as when she recruited him this morning, except for a slight increase in loyalty and favorability. exactly the same.

You Sen nodded, and then he looked a little embarrassed, and his demeanor at this time was almost the same as that of a shy little daughter-in-law.

Su You could even see the faint... blush on his face? !

Su You, who had confirmed that she was not dazzled, expressed a confused face.

(End of this chapter)

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