Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 132 132. Clothing, Food, Housing and Transportation

The fifth-level backpack is so powerful, and the sixth-level backpack is even more incredible.

The level [-] backpack has [-] grids, except that it also has an effect that almost all players wanted to have at that time, that is, the food in the backpack will enter a 'fresh' state, as long as it is not taken out, it will be It will not deteriorate for a lifetime, let alone rot.

In fact, it's not just food. Except for some special items, any items that will rot and deteriorate can be kept fresh forever if you put them in your backpack.

Although the functions of these backpacks look very powerful, according to the statistical results of a certain game played by Su You at that time, among all the players, the players whose backpacks have successfully upgraded to level 2 accounted for only 0.4% of the total number of players in the game. Only [-]% were promoted to the fifth level, and less than ten people were promoted to the sixth level.

As for the players who have reached level seven... none of them.

Su You had only reached level [-] and then gave up upgrading. Although she had the ability to purchase the materials to upgrade the backpack to level [-], the consumption and harvest were completely out of proportion, and the [-] grids of level [-] were completely exhausted at that time. It was enough, so she didn't continue to upgrade.

In the middle and late stages of the game, lord players don't say they don't go out at all, but they don't go out often, and the role of backpacks gradually decreases, so there is no need to upgrade.

Because she didn't continue to upgrade, Su You naturally didn't know what special effects were added to the seventh-level backpack.

Besides her, several other people have no idea of ​​upgrading the backpack, so apart from rumors, there is no information about the seventh-level backpack at all, and the game company itself has not released the data in this regard.

The backpack was upgraded, and the copper balance arrows were also made. This time, a total of 55 arrows were produced. It is not lucky, but it is not bad, it can only be said to be average.

Because Duoya was not in the territory, Su You put the arrow in her backpack, and only gave it to her when she met Duoya who came back.

The task that Su You arranged for Lake today was to dig copper ore and marble. Among them, the copper ore was used by Su You to make arrows and upgrade backpacks. She still has other uses for the remaining part, so she temporarily stored it in the warehouse.

As for the marble, she needs this to build buildings... She needs to replenish all the infrastructure in the territory before the dark creatures attack.

The first dark creature attack is not just to increase the difficulty of the game. After the territory successfully survives the first dark creature attack (whether it is the tenth day or the No.15 day), the territory will gain a lot of prestige ( Famous for successfully resisting the attack of dark creatures), you can also choose whether to open the territory.

When Yunli first came here, he mentioned that the Sunset Territory was not 'open to the outside world', which is what it meant.

The difference between an open territory and a non-open territory is somewhat similar to the difference between a 'open' store and a 'non-open' store.

After the territory is opened, the number of visiting travelers/vagrants will increase, the number of visiting caravans or merchants will also increase, and the population growth rate will also increase.

Su You needs to complete the construction of the necessary buildings in a territory before the dark creatures attack, so that as long as those travelers or merchant caravans come to the territory and live happily here, they will increase their reputation.

After they leave, the higher the satisfaction, the more prestige they get, and there will be 'word of mouth'.

Under their propaganda, more people will come to the territory...this is a virtuous circle.

The "must-have" buildings referred to by Su You can be summed up as "basic clothing, housing and transportation".

In order, the first is 'clothes'. Regarding this point, Suyou already has a sewing shop here, and Dolly has also successfully upgraded her sewing skills.

Although the skill level is only elementary, and you can't make too many powerful things, you can still make daily necessities such as clothes and bedding.

The second is 'food', which is the place where food is sold.

Regarding food, Su You already has a tavern and a serious and fanatical owner and cook, so there is no need to worry about it.

The only possible problem is that the food is a little too monotonous, because the ingredients are limited to meat and berries, so the recipes in the territory cannot be enriched.

However, Suyou has already planted wheat, rice, potatoes and corn, and with Yousen here, after this batch of crops are harvested, the diet of the territory will be expanded.

Bread, burritos, rice, crispy rice, baked potatoes, hash browns, grilled's all just a matter of time.

Then there's 'live'.

Regarding housing, the buildings related to it are nothing more than residential buildings and post stations, both of which are habitable buildings.

Housing is actually more important than the first two. After all, when someone else comes to the territory, they can't let them sleep on the floor, right?
In order for them to have a place to live, Su You built a station in front of Warehouse 1 with the station card she obtained earlier. ten.

Because the wood has other uses, this matter is just a plan. Su You just used the building card to build the station for free.

A post station can accommodate many people, and a residential house can only accommodate two people. After there is a post station, unless there are caravans like Yunli staying overnight, the living space is enough.

Residential houses are generally for the residents of the territory to live in. For example, most of the outsiders live in post stations. There are not no people who want to live in residential houses, and it is not impossible, just add money.

The last "line" here actually refers to roads, as well as vehicles such as horse-drawn carts and donkey carts.

Suyou's road is already being built, not only in the territory, but also outside the territory.

As for things like carriages and donkey carts, the related buildings are 'mount shops', but only shops are useless because there are no 'goods' to sell.

Horses and donkeys need to be purchased from caravans that specialize in selling animals. Su You only has one caravan here, so don’t expect to meet a second caravan in a short time, let alone A caravan is not necessarily a caravan selling animals, so the preparations for the 'travel' only need to repair the road surface.


After solving the basic necessities of life, Su You found some other common commodities from the building list——

For example, a "tool shop" that sells tools such as axes, shovels, mining picks, and fishing rods; a "weapon shop" that sells various types of weapons; and an "armor shop" that sells various types of armor, etc...

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