Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 133 133. Traveler Visitor

Chapter 133 133. Traveler Visitor
The construction materials of this type of shop are the same, they are all made of composite wood boards, composite stone boards and marble bricks.

Among them, the composite wood board is composed of wood boards, 5 wood boards = 1 composite wood board, in other words, 60 wood = 1 composite wood board.

The same is true for composite stone slabs, which are synthesized from stone slabs, 3 stone slabs = 1 composite stone slab, which is equivalent to 48 stones = 1 composite stone slab.

Whether it is a tool shop, a weapon shop or an armor shop, the predecessors of these shops are 'blacksmith shops'.

After the blacksmith shop is upgraded, you can choose to upgrade the tool shop/weapon shop/armor shop or other shops. Before the upgrade, the blacksmith shop can sell all the items produced by the blacksmith.

The significance of the upgrade is that these products will be classified after the upgrade.

Commodities belonging to the same category are placed in the corresponding store for sale, and the price will be higher, and customers will also get higher satisfaction points. At the same time, the store can also gain a reputation exclusive to the store, so as to attract more for the territory. people.

For example, a stone ax may be sold for 25 copper coins in a blacksmith shop, but it may be 35 copper coins if sold in a tool shop.

The same is true for other things. The corresponding products are sold in the corresponding stores, and the prices will increase.

Buildings similar to blacksmith shops include artisan shops and sewing shops, both of which are shops that can be upgraded to sell certain types of goods.

But now it is the early stage, there is no need to divide it in such detail, and Su You doesn't have so many materials to build and upgrade so many buildings, so she is going to build a blacksmith's shop, a craftsman's shop, and a sewing shop for the time being.

With these three shops, plus the tavern and post station, the basic commercial facilities of the territory are complete.

【Do you want to consume composite wood boards*5, composite stone boards*5, marble bricks*5 to build a blacksmith shop? 】

[Under construction: blacksmith shop, estimated time: 300 minutes]


[Do you want to consume composite wood boards*5, composite stone boards*5, marble bricks*5 to build craftsmen? 】

[Under construction: Artisan shop, estimated time: 300 minutes]

The blacksmith shop and craftsman shop are built in the same row as the sewing shop, next to the sewing shop is the craftsman shop, and next door is the blacksmith shop.

After choosing the location, these buildings entered the countdown to construction. Su You also sorted out the remaining materials and counted the quantity a little by the way.

Because of the lumberyard, now Lyle saves the effort of transporting the trees back and forth. In addition, the building of the lumberyard can also be used as a shelter from the wind and rain in addition to transporting wood, so now Lyle harvests wood. The efficiency is 50% higher than before.

It was already tiring to cut seven or eight hundred lumber a day, but now harvesting one thousand, one hundred and two hundred lumber a day is a very easy task.

Now in the warehouses in the territory, the number of wood has reached more than 2000, and the number of stones will be less, only more than 700.

In addition to wood and stone, there are also a lot of other materials, such as strings... Because the fibers take up too much space, all of them were synthesized into strings by Suyou, and the strings are now only about More than 300.

Originally, there were a lot of threads, but Doli, who was originally in charge of collecting threads in the territory, was now arranged by Su You to go to a sewing shop, so that no one collected fibers, so the threads were always in a state where they could only come out. advanced state.

But even in this state, after a few days, there are still more than 300 threads left, which is enough to show how hard Dolly worked before.

But now cotton is planted in the territory, and cotton is planted in three full farmlands. Cotton is used as a substitute for fiber. With it, it doesn't matter whether the fiber is collected or not.


'Boom thump-'

When Su You was about to finish inventorying the warehouse, there was a sudden knock on the door of the tool room. Before she could open the door, she heard Dolly's voice from outside——

"Miss Lord, the little girl you brought back with Doya before, she is back..." When Dolly spoke, the door in front of her was already opened.

"Is it Bugo?"

Dolly nodded, "Yes, she said her name is Bugo... That's right! Besides her, there are also a few travelers and a homeless person who came outside the territory, and they want to stay here."

"Wanderers?" Su You was a little surprised. She didn't expect that there would be wanderers visiting the territory at this time.

But having said that, the territory is very short of people, not to mention that there is a time-limited task pressing her down, so Su You can say that the arrival of the homeless is very welcome, and even hopes that there will be more.

"Yes, it's a homeless person, and there are about three or four travelers. I didn't see clearly just now, and now Lake is receiving them." Dolly said while taking Su You to the tavern.

It can be said that Lake was very tired after digging stones all morning today, so he didn't leave the territory to continue digging stones after submitting the task, but prepared to rest in the territory.

Just now that the training ground has been built, he wanted to go over there after lunch to see what the training ground looks like, and then practice by the way.

But on his way to the training ground, he saw a few people hovering at the gate of the territory... Out of curiosity and for the safety of the territory, Lake took the initiative to ask them about their situation.

Then, when Lake learned that they wanted to stay in the territory for a few days, when Dolly passed by, Lake called Dolly to inform Su You, and he himself took these people to the tavern first.


"This is a new territory for you, right?" Traveler A sighed while gnawing on the barbecue, "I didn't expect there to be such a superb cook in such a small territory. There is even better roast meat in the taverns of that big city."

Most importantly, not only delicious, but also cheap.

One must know that he spent more than [-] copper coins for the piece of barbecue, but the piece of barbecue here only costs ten copper coins!
It is said that it was made by a chef with intermediate cooking skills, so the price is so expensive... But now it seems that this chef is nothing more than that.

The price is more than half cheaper, the taste is better, and the portion is quite large. As a standard foodie, this piece of meat can be said to have directly captured the heart of traveler A.

Lake smiled and did not speak, because it was not his turn to speak. Meke had already chatted with Traveler A when Traveler A praised his cooking skills, and he couldn't get in at all.

As for Traveler B, Traveler C, and the homeless man, the three of them were relatively quiet, eating their own food quietly after paying.

(End of this chapter)

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