Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 134 134. The Big Liar

Chapter 134 134. The Big Liar

Oh, by the way, there is also a little girl named Buguo. She didn't ask for barbecue, but just ordered a glass of berry juice, and then sat in the corner of the tavern with her package in her arms, sipping it by herself, quietly and calmly. It doesn't look like a child at all.

Here, Meke and Traveler A are chatting more and more happily. If it wasn’t for Lake knowing that they are just meeting for the first time, those who don’t know may think that they are brothers who have been separated for many years... Why are they chatting and chatting? ? !
The promised magician is arrogant and conceited?

Lake twitched the corner of his mouth, and then began to observe the other two travelers and the wanderer.

These three people seem to be not talkative, or they don’t like to talk to strangers, so no matter how happy Meke and Traveler A are chatting, they have no obvious reaction, and they have been working hard all the time. , until……

"This is……!"

"Fire magic?! The owner of this tavern is actually a fire magician?"

"I'm not mistaken! It seems to be magic!"

Originally, Lake also wanted to take out the things he bought before, but he just took out the barbecue and took a bite, and then he heard exclamations one after another in his ears.

And the content of these exclamations made him have an inexplicable guess in his heart.

He looked up, and as expected, he saw that Meke, who was supposed to be sitting there chatting, had returned to the stove at some point, and saw that he was controlling the flame that appeared out of nowhere with one hand, and then using this flame to start roasting Chunks of meat.

As the flame wrapped the meat, the barbecue made a sizzling sound, and drops of golden hot oil slid down the distinct lines, and finally dripped into the pot, converging into a small golden ball.

Not only the visual impact, but also the unique aroma of meat penetrates into everyone's nasal cavity.

Obviously, whether it is the barbecue in hand or the barbecue that Meck is cooking at this time, the materials and production methods are actually the same, but they will feel that the taste of the barbecue in Meke's hand will be more delicious.

Seeing Maker use his magician ability to show unique cooking skills, Lake was shocked at first, but after the shock, the original image of a magician that should have been "mysterious" and "noble" in his heart collapsed, and finally became It looked like a middle-aged man used fire magic just for the down-to-earth appearance of barbecue.

Not only was Lake shocked, but the other three people who didn't speak much and didn't move at all, when they saw Meke using fire magic to start grilling meat in order to show off his cooking skills, all of them opened their mouths wide in shock.

What Meck didn't know was that with his superb culinary skills, he successfully led these newcomers into a misunderstanding--fire magicians are born with cooking skills, and their cooking skills are extremely good. good!

", you are a magician?!" Traveler A stumbled after finishing this sentence, and suddenly felt that he was about to faint.

Especially after seeing Meck's affirmative nod, he closed his eyes—he wasn't dizzy, but he was almost there.

The status of a magician in this world is rather special. After all, less than one percent of people in the entire continent have magical talent... To become a magician, talent is not enough.

The number of people who are both talented and able to successfully become magicians has been cut in half, which also makes magicians have a special status in this world.

Thinking of this, Traveler A suddenly realized a problem - he is too fucking awesome!

He was actually able to hang shoulders with a magician!

If this experience is shared, he can brag about it for a lifetime!

...that is, Traveler A doesn't know that Maker is actually an advanced magician. Although he is only a junior now, as long as he leaves (exits) the territory and loses the level restriction of the territory, then he is an advanced magician.

It's just that you are so excited when you meet a magician. If you knew that the person who was hooking up with him just now was a senior magician, wouldn't you faint with excitement?
But, before they knew Meck's identity, they still met the lord of this territory first.

"Hello Lord Lord..." Including the homeless man, the other three travelers all proposed that they would like to stay here for a few days. I am very interested in the territory where the master comes to be a cook.

Because station 1 is occupied by Yunli's caravan, and station 2 is built with a building card, there is no construction time, so these few people can live in station 2 directly.

"This is the residence arranged by the lord for you." Lake brought the four people who were full to the empty station 2, and then briefly introduced the situation here.

The price of the station is also set according to Yunli's previous price.

If you want a single room, it is fifteen copper coins, and if you want a double room, it is ten copper coins per person.

The furniture for two people is arranged in the double room, so the overall space will be smaller. If you want to live more comfortably, you must still live in a single room.

Traveler A: "I want a single room."

After hearing what he said, traveler C also raised the same demand as him.

Traveler B and the homeless man muttered a few words, and finally chose the double room.

Lake collected the money and took them upstairs...



When Lake settled the four of them, Su You also came to a small corner of the tavern, and sat in front of Bu Guo.

"You're right." Bu Guo felt that someone was coming, looked up and saw that it was Su You, and then spit out a sentence without beginning and end in a sullen tone.

Although Su You didn't know what Buguo went through after leaving yesterday, she could also guess that what Buguo meant was 'that priest is a liar'.

Bu Guo took a big gulp of berry juice for himself, and almost choked because he moved too fast.

...To be honest, if it wasn't because Bu Guo was still a child, and Su You also knew that what she drank was just fruit juice, in this place, combined with Bu Guo's expression and behavior, her behavior just now would have been nothing more than Like a decadent drunk.

"He's a liar, a big liar!" Bu Guo forcefully put the wooden cup on the table, and the huge movement attracted Meke's attention.

Meke glanced at Suyou, then at Buguo... If he was a normal person, he might be interested in the gossip over there, but Meke is obviously not a normal person, he curled his lips, changed his position and continued to barbecue .

For him, magic wasn't as fun as cooking, let alone gossip.

(End of this chapter)

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