Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 135 135. Can't Repent

Chapter 135 135. Can't Repent
Su You didn't notice Meke's actions, because her eyes were fixed on Bu Guo all the time, and Su You didn't turn her eyes to the package until she saw her put her package on the table.

Bu Guo first slowly opened the package, and then she took out handfuls of silver coins from the small package, and these silver coins piled up on the table to form a silver hill.

Su You doesn't know how many silver coins there are here, but she can be sure that the number of silver coins here is definitely more than one hundred, let alone one hundred and three.

"Where did these silver coins come from?" Seeing her appearance at this time, Su You also knew that if she didn't speak, Bu Guo wouldn't be able to speak either, so she just picked up a topic.

Bu Guo paused when he took out the last few silver coins, and then said, "Don't worry, the money is very clean. It wasn't stolen, robbed, or cheated."

As she spoke, she pushed the silver coins towards Su You, and the metal rubbed against each other to make a sound, perhaps because it was the sound of money colliding, so it didn't seem harsh.

In the process of pushing, because of the large number of silver coins in this pile, the silver coin at the top shook slightly because of her movements, and finally rolled down the mountain of silver coins... However, just as it was about to fall from the One hand caught it as it rolled off the table and put it back down again.

"I want to buy a piece of land here and bury someone." Bu Guo looked calm, and he didn't see the gloomy look before.

Since it was buying land, it was obvious why Bu Guo took out the money—these were the money she wanted to buy the land.

"If it is not enough, I will owe it first, and I will definitely pay it back in the future." In fact, Bu Guo didn't know how much money there was here, anyway, it was given to her by others, and she didn't count it carefully. How much they gave, she Take as much as you want.

Anyway, they gave it voluntarily, and she neither stole nor robbed nor lied to, nor was she guilty of holding it.

But having said that, Bu Guo thought it would be cheap to buy a place to bury someone in a small territory like Su You, but when she found out that Su You was silent, she suddenly felt a little regretful—she would have known more if she had known about it. Ask for some money.

Because she subconsciously felt that Su You's silence was because the money was not enough.

If the money is really not enough, Bu Guo really doesn't know how to make more money, because she has no other ability except for deceiving people, but she doesn't want to use deceitful money to buy The place of burial.

As for why the soul burial could be stolen or cheated before, it can only be said that Bu Guo may think that the ritual of burying the soul will dispel the sins on the money.

"Can you give me an accurate number!" Seeing that she hadn't spoken, Bu Guo felt a little anxious in her heart. She gritted her teeth and didn't want to continue to ink.

On Su You's side, she just came back to her senses... She didn't say nothing on purpose just now, but she just received a message to apply to join the territory for no reason, so she ignored Bu Guo's side.

Now that the message has been processed, Su You recalled what Bu Guo said before, and then said: "You want to bury someone? What about you?"

Su You doesn't care whether people are buried in the territory, anyway, a place called 'cemetery' will always be built in the later stage of the development of the territory.

Although the cemetery will not be built for the time being, it is not impossible to plan the location in advance.

Compared with the location of the cemetery, Su You still cares more about Bu Guo's thoughts. She definitely wants Bu Guo to stay, not only because of the time-limited mission, even without this time-limited mission, Bu Guo's ability proves that she is an extremely Valuable npcs.

"I..." Bu Guo lowered his head and did not speak for a long time.

Maybe she didn't think about this issue at all, she just wanted to bury this person well, as for her own fate, she didn't care, after all, after wandering for so many years, could she still starve to death?
"Well, I'll accept the money, and you will stay and join the territory. I'll arrange a separate residence for you." It just so happens that there is a residential house 6 that is vacant over there, which can be left for Buguo to live alone .

"The residential house where two people live is left for you to live alone. The money is used as the money to buy the house. You can put the person you want to bury in another room, so that you can worship her every day." Residential houses are actually similar to a layout of two bedrooms and one living room, so that after two people live in, they have their own independent space.

Bu Guo lives alone and only needs to use one room, so that the other room can be reserved for her for other purposes.

Although this is a waste of space, Su You is not at a disadvantage. It can even be said that she has made a fortune. After all, she has received so many silver coins. These silver coins are not enough to buy a house, even if it is to build a small luxury villa. question.

"Is what you said true?" Bu Guo looked at her suspiciously.

Perhaps it was because she had been cheated too many times, so her suspicion had become a subconscious reaction. Even though she knew that Su You had no need to lie to her, after all, she had already willingly handed over the money.

Su You didn't speak, she directly chose to take practical actions - she was not polite, she just collected the silver coins on the table, then took Bu Guo's hand and went directly to the residential building 6.


"That's right here." Su You pushed open the door of Residential Unit 6, and walked in with Bu Guo.

Because no one has ever lived here, there is nothing here, and no one sweeps the dust, but Bu Guo doesn't care about it. Anyway, she has been wandering for most of her time since she was a child, and she has lived everywhere. A shelter from the wind and rain is considered an excellent condition.

As long as there is such a house, Bu Guo can definitely live quite happily by himself.

Bu Guo was led around the resident's house, and then she stopped, turned her head and said again as if to confirm: "You said, arrange this place for me, and I can't go back on my word."

"Well, it's for you." Su You wished that she would stay, and naturally she would regret it: "When the time comes, you can go to the sewing shop across the street and find a sister named Dolly to get the missing things."

She took only two steps, then walked back, and then took out five silver coins from her backpack and handed them to Bu Guo.

"After dinner, go to the tavern. If you have no money, if you want to work, go to the reward list. There are many tasks there, and there may be ones that suit you." After saying this, Su You really left. I didn't forget to close the door before.

As the door was closed, Su You once again received an application message——

(End of this chapter)

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