Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 136 136. Take it easy

Chapter 136 136. Take it easy

[Wanderer 'Bugo' applied to join the Sunset Territory, do you agree? 】


【Current Territory Population: 9/13】

Only the last person left...

Su You confirmed the population, and then she was going to see the person who suddenly wanted to join the territory while she was chatting with Bu Guo.

This man was the only wanderer among the four, and his name was Yuai.

Although the probability of a wanderer joining the territory is very high, basically as long as the impression of the wanderer is not too bad, the other party will not refuse to join, but this kind of person did not come for a long time, and nothing happened, so he joined inexplicably Territorial... Unless it is another 'Yousen' with a special purpose, otherwise it is somewhat illogical.

Coincidentally, Su You was still wondering where that person was, but ended up walking half a circle around the territory, and then saw some 'sneaky' people squatting at the entrance of the tavern.

"My lord!" Youai was startled when he saw an extra shadow in front of him, and then he looked back to see Su You, and was startled again.

Seeing him startled, Su You asked him what he was doing here, and then opened Youai's personal information panel——


Sex: Male
Age: Youth

Loyalty: 69
Favorite: 32
Talent: Magic (55)

Skills: none

Traits: Mediocre (no traits)
Introduction: A wanderer with a certain amount of magical talent, but nothing special about him.


Although Su You had already read his information on the interface where he applied to join, but because Bu Guo was there at the time, Su You just glanced at it hastily and didn't take it too seriously.

After reading it, Su You found that she didn't seem to need to read it too seriously, because the information about You Ai was really too little compared to those people before.

But although there was little information, Su You still understood some things... such as why he stayed here at this time.

"Why are you squatting here? You can go in directly." Su You's voice was not loud, but it was enough for Meke inside to hear.

Meke, who finally stopped his work, played with the little flame in his hand, then looked up at the two people standing near the door.

"Hey, you haven't left yet." Meke actually noticed someone squatting outside the door a long time ago, but the other party didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, and it didn't affect him, so Meke didn't care if anyone was peeping outside.

Of course, he also knew that this was Su You's territory. Even if he didn't like people peeping, he had to give Su You some face and not do it directly.

But now everyone has been discovered by Su You, even if Meke is too lazy to answer, it is impossible to be blind.

"No... I'm just..." Youai spoke hesitantly, looking a little embarrassed.

Obviously he didn't do some excessive behavior, but he always felt as if he had done something heinous.

He really wanted to leave directly, but under the watchful eyes of Su You and Mei Ke, it was not easy for Youai to leave directly, so after hesitating for a long time, he still stated his purpose.

"I, I just want to see the boss's magic..." Yuai glanced at Meke out of the corner of his eye as he spoke, trying to see Meke's expression.

His small movements looked a little cautious, as if he was afraid that Meke would get angry or show disgust because of his words, but Meke didn't have any mood swings, as if the person who was peeped just now wasn't him.

"Do you want to learn magic? Or are you simply curious about magic?" Su You can see his information, and in the case of seeing his magical talent, it is not difficult to come up with 'Yue's high probability' through reasonable speculation. I want to learn magic' this conclusion.

Although Youai's talent is very low, as I said before, there are not many people with magic talent on the mainland, so no matter how low the talent is, as long as you have this talent, you have surpassed 99% of the people.

"I want to learn magic!" He has already been caught peeping, and he has told the truth before, and they all know that they want to peek at Meke using magic, so there is no point in lying at this time up.

That being the case, it's better to tell the truth, so as not to leave a bad impression in front of the mage and the lord... Although he felt that his impression before the two of them was already good just because of his peeking behavior no more.

If someone else had said this, Su You might have nodded and left, but Youai was different, he had a talent for magic, and he was also a member of the territory.

Even if the current combat power is enough to deal with the attack of dark creatures for two days, Su You definitely hopes that the territory will have more and more combat power. After all, there will be a monster spawner to deal with in a few days, not to mention the dark creatures Attacks are a recurring event, not just this one time, they get stronger and more numerous each time.


Hearing Su You calling him, Meke pouted, a little reluctantly.

He could give up magic for cooking, so how could he waste his time learning cooking to teach others magic?

This is obviously impossible!


"You can help test his attributes first. I have something for a job-changing magician. You don't need to bother to bring him in. You just need to teach him how to use magic, and then teach him some simple basic magic. If he Learn quickly, and then I will equip you with a brand new set of kitchen utensils." Su You knew Meke's temper well, so when she said she needed his help, she also directly offered an offer that Meke couldn't refuse.

Ingredients, kitchen utensils, recipes, cooking secrets...these are all great rewards to attract Maker.

"it is good!"

Sure enough, Meke rushed out of the tavern immediately after hearing Su You's promise, and grabbed Youai's hand.

Yuey was taken aback again.

If he hadn't heard the conversation between Meke and Su You just now, then he must have thought that the magician was going to attack him.

Because it was the first time he was in contact with the magician he dreamed of, Yuai seemed a little nervous, so that his hands were shaking, especially the one caught by Meke, shaking like Parkinson's.

Meke glanced at him, and while thinking about the reward, he resisted the urge to curse, and then he thought he was gentle and showed a slightly distorted smile to You: "Calm down, don't be nervous, I'm just checking It's just the elements in your body."

Because of the tension, the magic element in Youai's body was very active, so active that it could be described as disorder.

(End of this chapter)

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