Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 137 137. Elemental Stone

Chapter 137 137. Elemental Stone

They are like a bunch of elastic and dynamic balls flying around, which makes it impossible for Meck to detect the type and amount of these elements.

Of course, he actually has a simpler and more brutal way to calm Youai down, which is to knock people out directly. If people are fainted, they will not be nervous, and the elements will naturally not be alive and kicking.

But Meck naturally couldn't do this, so he could only wait patiently for Yuai to calm down.

Originally, Yuai was still in a state of tension, but the tension now was not because he had come into contact with a magician, but because he knew that he was about to become a magician.

The wish I have had for many years since I was a child can finally be fulfilled. No matter who I change to, my emotions will definitely not be stable.

Seeing that Meke was about to run away violently, Su You sighed, and then tried to distract Youai with other topics.

"Why did you join the territory? Just because you saw that he was a magician?"

Youai froze for a moment, then really started to think about this question, and quickly gave an answer: "Actually, there are factors in this aspect, but I originally wanted to find a suitable territory to join."

But the big territory is too difficult to enter. If you want to join a powerful territory, you have to pay a lot of money as an 'application fee'. In addition, the price of the big territory is also very 'beautiful'.

Due to various factors, Yuai did not expect himself to be able to join those powerful territories, he knew very well that he was not worthy.

Since you can't go to a large territory, Youai is going to find a small and medium-sized territory to settle down.

Although the economy of small territories is not good and they lack everything, they also lack people, so generally they don't charge any 'application fee'.

In addition, developing from scratch is also easier to take root in this territory. If someone with a little ability can even contribute to the development of the territory, he can find a job as an official after the territory develops.

Here I have to talk about the difference between a wanderer and a traveler - the biggest difference between these two types of npc is whether they have a territory to belong to.

To put it simply, a traveler is a person who already has a territory to which he belongs, while a wanderer is a person who has not joined any territory.

A vagabond means living without a fixed place and wandering around, so they become possible objects to join the territory.

Generally, travelers will not join a territory, because they already have a 'home', and unless there are special circumstances, they will not choose to leave the original territory.


Because of Suyou's problem, Youai relaxed a little, and when the magic element in his body quieted down, Meke seized the time to check his body with his own energy.

While checking, he still complained in a low voice: "It would be great if there were elemental stones, why is it so troublesome to use..."

Elemental stone, a special item that can check the types of elements in the human body.

If elemental stones are used, then no matter when and under what circumstances, as long as the person is still alive, as long as the person does not deliberately conceal it, then he can check out what the person's main element is.

But if a magician uses his own energy to inspect someone else's body, he must calm down the person being inspected.

About two or three minutes passed, Meke frowned, and then couldn't help but rolled his eyes, speaking with strong disgust: "'s actually a water system."

Maker was already a little impatient because of Yuai wasting time, but now that the inspection results came out, the most element in Yuai's body is actually water element!

Meke is a fire element, even if he doesn't want to be prejudiced, water and fire don't mix at all, so it's no wonder he is so disgusted at this time.

Su You could guess the reason for Meke's disgust, but Youai didn't know, he thought it was the magician who was disgusted and impatient because he wasted time before.

"It doesn't matter which department, can't you still teach it?" Su You raised her eyebrows and asked, with a slight doubt in her tone.

Su You's aggressive method is not very clever, but it is indeed effective against Meke, and he also knows that Su You said this on purpose, but for the sake of the new kitchen utensils, he is not going to care about it.

Meke snorted softly, and his tone was a little proud: "I'm a high... magician, can I still have problems teaching a junior kid who hasn't just started yet?"

"It's fine if you can teach it." Su You nodded, then turned to Youai and said, "You follow him to learn the basic magic knowledge..."

"I will definitely study hard! Please don't worry, my lord!" After knowing that he had the opportunity to learn magic, Youai immediately assured loudly.

After he finished speaking, he realized that he seemed to have interrupted Su You just now, so he quickly apologized, and then scratched his head in embarrassment.

"My lord, please continue."

Su You understood his excitement, so she didn't care that he interrupted her. She took out the magic pattern book that was used to directly transfer to a magician.

"It would be the best if you can learn to become a magician independently. If you can't, then I also have something to change to a magician here, but I won't give you this thing for free. You need to accumulate territory and contribute through your own efforts." and money to buy."

Although things like the magic pattern book are not expensive, it is a good thing if you can save a copy. If you can't, it doesn't matter if you use it directly. After all, the water magician is quite special compared to other magicians.

In the case that there is already a fire magician, it can be said that the first magic rune book is a good choice for changing to a water magician.

The "territory contribution" mentioned by Su You refers to a kind of numerical data that will be obtained when she completes the tasks she released.

Because these tasks are very simple at present, and contributions are special, they cannot be distributed casually, otherwise the contribution value in the territory will collapse, so Su You has not released contribution tasks for the time being, and there is currently no way to get sharing.

But, soon there will be.



Youai followed Meke to learn magic knowledge, and Su You found a place to sit down, and then opened the information panels of all npcs to start comparing and checking.

Originally, an npc like Youai who didn't have any high talent, no skills, and no background story should be a common ordinary npc.

NPCs like Dorituoya who are highly talented in a certain field, have at least one primary skill, and have a relatively complete background story are special npcs.

Apart from the different data information, there is actually no big difference between these two npcs. The only difference that may be considered a difference is that the AI ​​of ordinary npcs will be lower, and the AI ​​of special npcs will be higher.

(End of this chapter)

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