Chapter 139 139. Fertility

He was proud of him, food came first, Su You couldn't help it anymore.

After she washed her hands, she took a large salad and ate it... After eating one, Su You couldn't stop.

Because the shell of the sand snail is thin and the meat is thick, it doesn't take much effort to eat it. In just ten seconds, Su You ate seven or eight sand snails in a row.

There were only fifteen sand snails on this plate. After she ate half of it, Meke also joined in.

It's just that his cooking skills are obviously not as good as Su You's, so he only grabbed three of the remaining seven or eight sand snails, and Su You ate up all the rest.

Although he failed to eat more sand snails, Meke was not angry, after all, Su You's performance was an affirmation of his cooking skills.

"I'll try other recipes. If possible, everyone can eat fresh food tonight." Although Meke is not picky about food, and he has only been in this territory for more than a day, he can't stand the lack of food. Eat meat and eat berries.

Especially since he was originally a high-level magician, no matter where he stayed, he didn't talk about delicacies from mountains and seas on weekdays, and it was no problem to eat delicious food and spicy food.

It was only when he was not good at cooking in the past that he would be a little embarrassed when he went out to carry food with him, but now that he has top-notch cooking skills, can a cook starve himself to death?
Su You was satisfied after eating. She glanced at the sunset flowers in the tavern that were about to bloom, and then reminded: "There are only so many ingredients for now."

Maker paused, and the original rough way of washing the vegetables became gentler.

Su You continued: "I collected these things in the south of the territory in the afternoon. According to my observation, that direction should be facing the sea, and these are special products of the seaside area."

"No wonder I haven't seen it." Meke seldom...or has never been to the area near the sea, plus he has no fixed place to live and wanders around in order to learn cooking skills, so he doesn't know these things. normal.

"In fact, there should be more delicious ingredients by the sea, but it's a pity..."

"What a pity?" Meke vaguely guessed something, but asked along with Su You's words.

"It's a pity that there are usually a lot of sea monsters on the beach." For example, murlocs (not mermaids), water turtles, ice snakes, multi-legged octopus... There are even water elementals (also called water elves) that can attack water magic.

Although the combat effectiveness of these monsters is not particularly high, they have a characteristic, that is, most of them are long-range attack monsters.

For example, the murloc's attack method is to throw a three-pronged spear. The three-pronged spear here is not a real weapon in the true sense, but an illusion of the murloc's energy, so after throwing it, it can reuse its own energy to generate a new weapon. three-pronged spear.

The water turtle's attack method sounds a little funny, but its power is not small. It mainly attacks by launching a powerful water column, and the source of the water lies in its daily reserves. The water turtle has its own water storage organ, which is a bit like The cheek pouches where hamsters store food.

The Ice Snake is not completely ranged, but it doesn't matter whether it is ranged or not. Its most dangerous thing is that its attacks are poisonous, so even if it is not a monster with long-range attacks, unless it can be killed with a single knife, it will not be able to fight back at all. When the strength of the possibility, the best way to deal with it must be to kill it from a distance.


All of the above are monsters that may spawn on the seashore. Although these monsters will not appear at the same time, under normal circumstances, monsters in the same area will only spawn two or three kinds of monsters at the same time. Otherwise, after there are more races, they will fight themselves. .

But no matter whether there are two types or three types, none of these are easy to solve in the early stage.

"...That seems to be a little troublesome. Don't expect me to solve these monsters alone." Although Meke is a little narcissistic, he is by no means conceited. If he was a senior magician before, then he He must have gone straight to the raid with his staff, but he is only a junior magician now, so in the face of this situation, he can only aba aba...

"Don't worry, you're definitely not the only one." Su You wanted to wait until the dark creature's attack was over before unlocking the seaside map, but now she just wanted to talk to Meke so that he wouldn't ask herself for ingredients .

There are fifteen sand snails in a plate, and she only got 57 in total, which is only three plates. The rest can be made into a small plate, and it will be gone after eating.

The amount of other wild vegetables and aquatic plants is relatively large, and the ingredients consumed for cooking are also less.

The recipe of starfish grass is that one serving of starfish grass and a piece of meat can be stewed directly, two servings of starfish grass can be eaten cold, and two servings of hemp cane and green thousand silk can be fried in one dish. A weight close to more than 100 dishes is enough to eat for a while.

But it's not enough to have vegetables without rice, so Su You is going to get some fat to grow up later.

Fertilizers also have grades. The higher the grade, the better the effect, and the more expensive the materials.

For the time being, Su You is only planning to make primary birth fertilizer. The materials for primary birth fertilizer are [bone meal*1, ashes*3].

Not to mention the ashes, there are a lot of them caught in the fire in the heart of the city, and the bone meal is made by consuming bones in the corresponding workbench, that is, [1 unknown bone = 3 bone meal].

There is no special distinction for bones here, as long as they are bones, they can be made into bone meal. Among them, skeleton monsters are the creatures that drop the most bones.

Su You had collected a lot of bones when she took them to kill the ghost skeletons, and she also bought a lot of bones when she bought materials from the caravan, so Su You searched the warehouse and found There are actually 53 bones in his warehouse.

Only about one-third of the 53 bones were dropped by monsters, and the rest were bought.

While Su You took the bones, she also dug out the ashes she collected last time from the box, and then she brought these things and the clay she collected outside to the workbench, ready to start making birth fertilizer and some other s things.

[Do you want to consume bones*10 and make bone meal*30? 】

[Creating: bone meal*3, estimated time: 10 seconds]

[Remaining production: bone meal * 27, estimated time: 90 seconds]


Su You repeated this operation three times, that is, put ten bones in three different workbenches to start making bone meal, which would make the production more efficient.

She originally only had six workbenches, one of which was an intermediate workbench, but after the workshop was completed, she made four more workbenches, expanding the number of workbenches to ten.

(End of this chapter)

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