Chapter 140

Ten is an upper limit. The current level of the territory can only place ten workbenches of the same type at the same time.

After that, Suyou built a thing called 'Kiln'.

This thing is also a workbench, mainly used for making ceramics, if necessary, it can also be used as a substitute for the oven for baking food, such as toasting bread, roasting potatoes, roasting corn, frying popcorn and so on.

Su You has just collected a batch of clay, and the purpose of building this kiln is also obvious at this time - she wants to burn porcelain.

What kind of ceramic bowls, ceramic plates, ceramic pots, ceramic water cups... In short, as long as they are useful for daily use, she is going to make some first.

For example, Suyou made [-] of the most commonly used bowls, plates and water glasses.

Among them, the water cup consumes 'clay*1', and the ceramic bowl and plate consumes 'clay*2'. These sixty pieces consume a total of exactly one hundred lumps of clay.

As for the remaining 3 or so balls of clay, Su You plans to make five ceramic pots (consumption: clay*5), plus a ceramic pot (consumption: clay*[-]), then stop, and put the remaining materials first, and wait for the follow-up Reproduction is required.

Because there is only one kiln, Suyou can only fire these things in batches.

Although the construction materials of the kiln are simple, it is not impossible for her to make more, but there is not much space in the workshop, and she will not even have room to walk and turn around after putting it down, so Su You can only make do with it.

After pouring the clay, the bone meal over there has been made. There are a total of [-] bones, and [-] parts of bone meal have been made. After that, there are also [-] parts of materials and a workbench. The ten workbenches have basically entered the working state.

[Do you want to consume bone meal*10, ashes*30, and make primary growth fertilizer*10? 】

[Creating: primary spawning fertilizer, estimated time: 30 seconds]

[Remaining production: birth fat * 9, estimated time: 270 seconds]


Five minutes later, Su You found Yousen and Mei Ke with a pile of birth fertilizer and a bunch of pots and pans, and then gave them the things.

It is worth mentioning that Su You went to Yousen first, and when she found Yousen, she happened to see Duoya coming from the direction of the reward list.

"My lord." Duoya nodded towards Su You.

Su You also responded: "How is the harvest today?"

Because it was annoying, Su You turned off the system notification of the reward list, otherwise every time someone accepted or submitted a task, her brain would be buzzing for a while.

Since Duoya came from that direction, he must have just submitted the reward list task.

"Although Harvest didn't meet any valuable guys, I have gained a lot from placing traps." When it comes to hunting, Duoya's words seem to be a little bit more, after all, this is what she is best at. favorite thing.

Su You chatted with Duoya for a few words, and then she took out the copper balanced arrow she made earlier from her backpack.

"Same as last time, this is an arrow with fletching, but the arrowhead is made of copper, and the power will be higher."

Duoya paused, then nodded, took the arrow, and took out three silver coins to give to Su You.

The most expensive material in the formula of this copper balanced arrow is copper ingots, and other materials are not worth anything. Previously, an iron ore was a silver coin, and copper ingots, that is, copper ore, usually cost fifty. copper.

Calculated in this way, three silver coins to buy these arrows, plus labor and other costs, the price is about the same.

But Su You didn't accept it.

"It's my gift this time, and it's the reward for killing the long-tailed crocodile last time." The drops they fight monsters have always been collected by Su You himself. Su You was lucky, and the npcs he met at the beginning They are all obedient and sensible, they don't care about Su You collecting these drops, but Su You can't help but take these things to heart.

Maybe this is just a small matter, but after this kind of small matter accumulates, if other things happen in the future, it will always trigger more serious conflicts.

If you look at it from a more profitable perspective, the long-tailed crocodile dropped a green-quality beast core. The value of this beast core alone is several times the sum of all the money Su You currently has. !

In comparison, these arrows are indeed nothing.

Duoya thought for a while, but didn't bother with this question, and withdrew her outstretched hand.

"That... hello!" Just when Su You and Duo Ya had finished chatting, a person suddenly appeared from the side.

Su You looked at Yousen, and remembered the past - Yousen seemed to be interested in Duoya.

So they know each other?

But Su You looked at Duoya's eyes with confusion and confusion, she felt that Duoya probably didn't know Yousen.

Doya: "Hi, are you...?"

Seeing that Doya no longer remembered himself, Yousen looked a little disappointed, but the disappointment did not last long on his face, so he immediately reminded: "It was just a few days still remember that you killed a Deer?"

Whether Duoya remembers or not, Su You remembers anyway, because although the meat of that deer has been eaten, there is still one antler left in the warehouse.

As for the other velvet antler, it was naturally eaten by her in order to save Duoya.

So these two people had a 'meeting' that day?
Su You didn't speak, pretended that she didn't exist, and continued to watch the subsequent development of the plot.

"Oh, you are the one who was hunted down by the deer?" Duoya thought for a while, and finally found Yousen in his memory.

Chased by... a deer?

Su You: ...Yes, this plot is very strong, the beautiful sharpshooter kills the deer and saves the weak young man by the way.

Because his previous embarrassing things were told, Yousen seemed a little embarrassed. Through observation, Su You found that Yousen was just embarrassed, and he didn't show any bad emotions because Duoya exposed his shortcomings.

"That's right, that person was me! Thank you so much at that time, otherwise I would..." Maybe it was because he was a big man who was chased by a deer for eight streets, so Yousen's words were a little hard to say.

Facing his thanks, Duo Ya waved her hand indifferently: "You have already thanked me before, and speaking of which, I also want to thank you for sending a deer to me." After all, she heard Su You said , She was seriously injured at the time and was rescued by deer antler.

Although the deer antler has little to do with Yousen, after all, he didn't do anything to kill the deer, he just accidentally brought the deer to Duoya in the process of escaping... I don't know if it's a coincidence, or something in the dark However, it is still very interesting.

Yousen: "..." Is this to thank him for being the bait?Should he be happy?
(End of this chapter)

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