Chapter 141 141. The Eighth Night

In fact, Yousen is not sure whether he likes Duoya in that way, but she is the person who saved him after all, and she is the person who saved him after all, so the favor and status in Yousen's heart must be extremely high... …

After understanding the general plot, Su You gave a dry cough to show her sense of existence, and before the two of them spoke, she handed over the pile of primary fertility fertilizer that she had made earlier to You Sen.

"This is primary fertility fertilizer. You have planted land before, so you should know what it is, and I will leave it to you." After saying that, Su You didn't give them any time to react, and went directly to the tavern to prepare dinner.


Perhaps because it was meal time, there were quite a lot of people at the tavern. Dolly, the Lyle brothers, and Bugoyuel were all there. Besides, the people from the caravan also came here to prepare for the last meal. a dinner...

The 'last' here means that they will leave the Sunset Territory early tomorrow morning, so naturally they will not have the chance to have a second dinner here, unless they will come to this Territory next time, but no one can say such a thing Not allowed.

The originally empty tavern was full of people, and there was even a shortage of tables and chairs. Fortunately, Su You had already prepared it, and she directly brought out a few sets of brand new seats from the warehouse.

"Braised sand snails? Starfish grass broth? What is this?" Caravan member A looked at a few extra wooden signs hanging on the wall with some surprise—these signs were made by Meck.

The size and thickness of this wooden sign was about the same as that of a mobile phone. Each sign was punched and threaded, and the name and price of the food sold in the tavern were also written on it.

These signs were hung on the walls with stone needles, mainly serving as a menu.

In fact, this wooden sign was added by Meck when he became the owner of the tavern, so what surprised everyone was not the wooden sign, but the quantity and content on the wooden sign.

There were eleven wooden signs in total, and they were divided into three types according to different raw materials——

The first is only berries as ingredients: roasted berries, berry juice, dried berries.

The second is only meat as an ingredient: small roast, large roast, broth, small jerky, large jerky.

The third is both berries and meat: Berry Roast, Luxurious Roast, Berry Broth.

In fact, Su You didn't think it was necessary to divide it in such detail, but Meke was willing to do so, so she let him go, and she didn't bother to entangle with a stubborn person like Meke in such a small way.

The original wooden sign was eleven, but now people in the tavern can find that there are five more wooden signs. In other words, there are five more dishes. These five dishes are: braised sand snails, starfish broth , Stir-fried Starfish Grass, Stir-fried Rattan Vegetables, Stir-fried Green Thousand Shreds.

The prices of these dishes are temporarily calculated according to 1 copper coin = 10 hunger points. As for the previously set price of 1 copper coin = 20 hunger points, it is only for the residents of the territory, and the price for non-territorial residents is doubled.

Of course, this is only a temporary price. After the territory is opened, it is impossible to have such an obvious price difference. Otherwise, if some residents in the territory cannot resist the temptation and collect money from non-territory residents to buy food on behalf of them to make money, then this problem still remains. It's serious.

Hearing the question from caravan member A, Meke pointed to a few new dishes that had already been fried and introduced: "These are new ingredients that the lord just found in the afternoon. There are not many ingredients, and everyone wants to eat them quickly. Click to buy."

It seems true that the amount of ingredients that Meck said is not many, because there are indeed only the last three plates of braised sand snails left. As for the ingredients for the other four dishes, there are still quite a lot.

I don't know whether it is the trust in the identity of Maker's magician, or the trust in the cooking skills of Maker that they have eaten in the past two days. Everyone basically bought a new dish for a try.

Braised sand snails are the first to be sold out because of the least amount of ingredients. Originally, everyone thought that it would be okay to change dishes if they couldn’t buy them, but when everyone smelled the aroma of this dish, they couldn’t avoid Some regret.

There were three plates of braised sand snails, and Dolly snatched one, and Bu Guo, who entered the tavern on the back foot, was taken care of by Dolly and called over to eat together.

Originally, Bu Guo was a little reluctant, not because she didn't like Dolly, on the contrary, she still had a good impression of Dolly.

When Bu Guo listened to Su You's words and went to find Doli to get her clothes and quilts, Doli was afraid that she couldn't carry them alone, so she helped her to the resident's house.

She didn't want to just get used to being alone, and she wasn't used to getting along with strangers...but she was eventually pulled by Dolly.

As for the other two games, one was taken by one of the travelers, and the other was taken by the caravan.

Smelling the aroma of the sand snails, everyone who didn't grab this dish couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

But fortunately, with the help of Yuai, everyone bought other things and they also had something to eat, so they finally didn't have to watch others eat.

Because of the outstanding performance of braised sand snails, everyone also had a little expectation for the other four new dishes.

After hesitating, the few people who were only planning to buy a piece of barbecue to deal with the past still added money and ordered a few more dishes.

For a time, the tavern was filled with praises from everyone.

Meke enjoyed others' compliments on his cooking skills, and then put money into the money box in the tavern, while secretly frying the remaining sand snails that were not enough to make a plate, and prepared to eat them.

It's just that the aroma of the sand snails is too obvious, so Meke's behavior of stealing food was actually discovered by other people in the tavern, but everyone was busy cooking, and Meke was a magician. Teacher, so they just took a few more glances and didn't make any other moves.

In such a beautiful atmosphere, Su You happily finished her dinner.


After dinner is over, Su You is going to go to the reward board to adjust the data of other tasks a little.

Regarding the tasks in the territory, although Su You said that they should take the tasks according to their actual situation, the few of them basically have some basic tacit understanding. This tacit understanding is that they generally will not accept tasks that are repeated with others.

There are few people in the early stage, so it is necessary to divide the labor to ensure that every kind of material will not be missing. If everyone does the same personal task and collects the same kind of material, then other resources will only be used less and less, which is definitely not possible.

It seems that the current arrangement is very good——

Lyle cuts trees, and only when there are too many woods to put down, will he occasionally see what other tasks can be done.

(End of this chapter)

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