Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 143 143. Propaganda Territory

Chapter 143 143. Propaganda Territory
The animal tendons here were collected when the black-striped tiger was disassembled. She only collected ten animal tendons in total, so the value of this thing is not low.

The best function of fangs is to make daggers, so Su You used both of them.

But animal tendons are different, its function is not limited to making bows and arrows, and this is only a long bow, not Duoya's favorite light bow.

"The tendons of the black-striped tiger?" Although Yun Li didn't know what the black-striped tiger looked like, she only needed to know that it was the tendons of a tiger.

"I'm afraid it's not suitable. The price of this willow longbow is a bit too high." Although it is definitely not as high as the enchanted dagger, as long as there is a suitable person, he is still willing to pay a few gold coins to buy it, even if the price is higher. It will not be lower than a gold coin.

And the things she gave can only be regarded as some small gifts, let alone a gold coin, the total value is not even ten silver coins.

"I really like these dried meat and dried fruits, and I really need them." Although she was embarrassed to accept the willow longbow, these foods were not worth much, and they really needed these dried meats and dried fruits .

Because there is still a long distance from their final destination, which is their home.

And although the food she bought in the tavern is not small, but those foods have a relatively short shelf life, such as dried meat and dried fruit, which have a long shelf life, because it is not very cost-effective, Su You did not make it How much, so Yunli didn't buy much.

For a dozen people, those barbecue berries and other things can only last for a few days at most. After eating, they can only eat those dry and unpalatable pancakes.

"Captain Gongyun, let's take it." It's impossible for Su You to give away something for no reason, and it's such a valuable thing. She naturally has other purposes for doing this.

"Actually, I also want Captain Yun to help me with some things... I want to issue a regional reward, but Captain Yun also knows that the small territory has no reputation, and no one will respond to the reward, so I hope you can help promote the territory." Responding to the bounty actually means that after seeing the bounty, you will be willing to accept the bounty task.

At present, the ways to improve reputation are too limited. If you only rely on time-limited missions, you don’t know how long it will take... But if you let non-territory residents help to promote the territory, then the reputation of the territory will grow very quickly.

The fast here does not mean that it will increase by hundreds or thousands in a day, which is impossible, but as long as it goes well, a few points of prestige increase every day is already considered very good.

Especially Yunli is still a member of the caravan... The caravan is a wandering organization, and their propaganda efficiency will only be faster.

"Promote the territory? How does Lord Su mean to promote it?"

Yunli knows about regional rewards. After all, she has a friend who is a member of the bounty group. She told her some things about the rewards before, including the requirements of their bounty group to accept the reward mission. The first requirement, and the most important requirement, is 'the territory/individual who issues the reward must have a certain reputation, otherwise he will never accept it'.

Because there is a high probability that this kind of mission will be in vain, and it may even be dangerous.

But if you want to promote, you can’t just talk about a certain territory when you meet someone. If you want to get to know this territory, it’s best to go to this territory for a stroll... This is not called propaganda.

Propaganda must pay attention to a method, at least this territory must have a place worthy of publicity that will attract people.

Hearing what Yun Li said, Su You knew that she probably agreed, after all, this is not a difficult task.

To put it bluntly, even if Yunli promised to come down, Su You wouldn't be able to find out if it didn't come true, and she didn't have a monitor to know whether Yunli was promoting her.

"Tomorrow there will be a group of dark creatures attacking the territory..."



Five minutes later, Yun Li finished delivering the things, and after taking the willow bow and the food from Su You, he left the sunset territory with the caravan.

After Yunli left, Su You sorted and put away the things she sent.

The things in this box were rather miscellaneous, but they were all things that Su You thought were very good - there were a few packets of seeds, a few pieces of associated ore, and a few cylindrical objects the size of the knuckle of a little finger.

Although there are not many things and they are relatively complicated, but in terms of value, they should be worth a few silver coins.

After Su You's inspection, she found that there were four packages of seeds here, but there were only three kinds of seeds.

The first kind is snake vine grass seeds, the second kind is Kodan seeds, and the third kind is silver dew grass seeds. There are two packs of silver dew grass seeds, and only one pack for the other two kinds of seeds.

Snake Vine Grass is a poisonous herb that can be used to make poison in a medicine furnace. As for what the poison can do, it is more extensive, and it all depends on one's imagination.

The more common way to use it is to smear it on the weapon to poison the enemy, and then to poison the bait in the trap, and then use it to catch the prey.

The second kind of Koudan belongs to herbal medicine, which is also poisonous like Snake Vine, but there is another herbal medicine that can relieve the toxicity of Koudan, making it a good medicine for curing diseases and saving lives.

Whether it is to be made into a poison or a medicine for treatment depends on one's own needs.

The third silver dew grass is quite special, it is not a herb or a crop, it is non-toxic and tasteless, and can be eaten directly. Its main function is to eliminate the 'heatstroke' debuff after eating, and add a 'cool' anti-heatstroke buff.

Among the many natural disasters, including 'high temperature', silver dew grass is an important material used to resist this natural disaster.

Although encountering high temperature and natural disasters should be a later thing, it would be great if you could obtain these resources in advance, so as not to need to collect them later.


In addition to these three plants, the other associated ores that are almost indistinguishable from ordinary stones in appearance can be used to make equipment materials in the future, but because there are currently no craftsmen who can use ores to make equipment, Su Yuzu just put them away.

As for those small cylindrical objects, it's interesting. Its name is 'ultraminiature bomb'.

Although it is a bomb, it is actually similar to throwing a cannon. The attack power is basically 0. Its main function is to make a sound like an explosion when thrown, attracting the attention of creatures or scaring them away (for timid creatures) ).

Su You looked at the little cannon, and couldn't help but think of the monster spawner that needs to be dealt with in two days. If it can be used to gather ghost skeletons...

(End of this chapter)

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