Chapter 144 144. Join or Die

She put this ultra-miniature bomb in a box of commonly used items, and was going to see if she could use this thing to make a trap after tomorrow's dark creature attack was over, so that she could deal with the monster spawner later. .


After the caravan left, the territory seemed deserted, but because of the increase in population and the fact that the three travelers hadn't left yet, even if it was deserted, it was more lively than it was before the caravan came a few days ago.

Su You looked at the number of people displayed as '9', and recalled that the time-limited task was only a countdown of [-] hours, and she couldn't help being a little annoyed.

In the last thirty or so hours, a traveler and a wanderer came, and she had seen it just now, and the two events representing the traveler and the wanderer had disappeared, which meant that it was almost impossible for her to pass Recruiting homeless increases the population...

Originally, Su You didn't want to use this method, but she couldn't help it. Who made her unlucky, and didn't get an extra homeless person yesterday.

Su You was thinking about something, and then went to the tavern to find Meke.

Because cooking was interrupted, Meke was very upset at first, but when he saw Su You's uneasy expression, he swallowed back the words that he almost blurted out, and finally turned it into a sentence: "What's wrong with you?"

"I need your help." Because the breakfast time had already passed, Meck was the only one in the tavern for the time being.

Youai, who was supposed to help here, just accepted the task of the reward board to make money because Meck said that he wanted to make new dishes by himself and told him not to disturb.

"Tell me what you want to do first." Under normal circumstances, Mei Ke would not refuse Su You's request for help. After all, he joined the territory as a "bodyguard" on the one hand, and on the other hand, he also saved some favors thought.

After these few days, Meke has a very deep understanding of how powerful the advanced cooking skill book is, so he can be said to have a good impression of Su You, the lord who is willing to give the skill book to him.

In particular, Su You was very kind to him, she had everything from ingredients to kitchen, and she wouldn't bother him with trivial things... But!
But Su You's expression is not right at first glance, Meke can guarantee that Su You will definitely not be easy to ask him to help this time.

Facts have proved that Meke's guess is right, it is indeed not normal for Su You to ask him for help this time.

"Do you still remember the three travelers who came to the territory in the past few days?"

Meke nodded, and then asked speculatively: "Do you want to do something to them?" Apart from this, Meke couldn't think of the reason why Su You suddenly brought up this matter.

But if this was the case, he couldn't understand why Su You wanted to attack them. After all, these travelers didn't seem to have anything special about them.

Figure money?

They don't look like they have much money.


Meke thinks that Su You's eyes should not be blind yet.

"Yes or no, I want one of them to join the territory, but they are all travelers, so I can only use some special means if I want them to join the territory." Now that Su You has come to Meke, here The special method is either the threat of force value, or the use of the identity of the Maker magician to lure them to stay.

But the latter is not easy to achieve. After all, not everyone is Yuai. They think the magician is powerful and noble, but it doesn't mean that they will change their decision for the magician.

So the easiest way is to be more violent and use force to solve this problem-either join the territory or die.

The reason why Meck was chosen to do this is also very simple, because Meck's identity is more deterrent than others, and other people are indeed not suitable for doing this kind of thing.

To put it bluntly, Meck is immoral (not derogatory). Although he may not agree with Su You's approach, he probably won't reject it, and he won't feel any psychological pressure.

If it was Duoya or Lyle, although they would not refuse, after all, they have a high enough affection for Su You, but there will always be some conflicts in their hearts.

"...That's it?" Meke thought it was some big deal at first, but he didn't expect that he was going to threaten one of the three people, and then let him join the territory.

This matter is not difficult, but Meke doesn't quite understand it.

"Well, that's it, isn't it difficult?"

Meke: "It's really not difficult, but have you considered whether they will do bad things to the territory after you threaten them to join the territory... In other words, don't you worry about their loyalty to the territory? "

There is obviously a difference between voluntarily joining a territory and being forced to join a territory. The former will have higher loyalty and favorability values, while the latter will be thankful as long as the two data are not 0.

That's right, there are negative numbers for these two values, but they basically don't appear among the residents of the territory.

After all, usually if the loyalty value is lower than 30, there is a possibility of leaving the territory. If it is lower than 10, basically all npcs will choose to leave, unless he wants to stay and take revenge on the territory.

"Don't think about it, they just need to join. If they join before tomorrow, they can leave the territory the day after tomorrow. If they want to do something to the territory, they can kill them at that time." Su You said such cold-blooded words expressionlessly, but It made Mei Ke's view of Su You a big change.

Originally, he was still thinking that this little girl had established a territory at such a young age, and he didn't know how long it would last, but he didn't expect...

"Okay, leave this matter to me." To be honest, Mei Ke didn't think there was anything wrong with Su You's way of saying "kill". Strength, or strength in terms of combat effectiveness.

Including what I said before, no one will accept the rewards offered by small territories. This is because many small territories are deliberately created by others. They use the territories to deceive people and then murder them for money.

While this is obviously wrong, no one would find it strange that this kind of thing happens because it happens so often.

Moreover, Meck himself had killed people, but he did not kill for no reason.

That person knew that he was an intermediate-level fire magician (he hadn't been promoted to a high-level one at the time), so he came to the door to give gifts and asked for work, but he became annoyed when Meke refused. trick.

I don't know if he overestimated himself, or underestimated the combat power of an intermediate magician. Anyway, they definitely couldn't defeat Meke...

(End of this chapter)

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