Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 145 145. King 1 King 2

Chapter 145 145. King One, King Two
For those who want to harm him, Meke will not let him go with good intentions. He is the smallest person and the most vengeful. Their fate is obviously self-evident.

Of course, what happened to Meke is obviously different from Su You's current request. After all, these three travelers did not provoke Su You, but they were still about to suffer, but Meke didn't care. For him, it was just being replaced. It is not a big deal for someone to occupy a territory and not be murdered for money.

"It doesn't matter which one of the three people is right? It happens that they will come to eat at noon, and then I will pick any unlucky one at random." Meke was too lazy to go out to find someone, so he just waited for the three of them to deliver it to the door.

As for which traveler to choose to threaten, it depends on their luck, whoever comes first, or whichever is pleasing to Meke, he will choose.

"By the way, there is one more thing. Tomorrow is the day of the dark creature attack in this territory. If there is no accident, a batch will come in the early morning, and a batch will come late at night."

"I will help with the dark creature attack tomorrow, but my magic is limited now, so don't expect me to help you get rid of all the dark creatures." Meke glanced at Su You, and then continued to fiddle with the dark creatures in his hand. something went.

Su You naturally knows how Meck is doing now, even better than Meck himself, after all, she can see all his data.

After handing over the matter of 'forcing people to join the territory' to Meck and also notifying the matter of the dark creature's attack, Su You first walked around the territory to ensure that the defensive buildings and offensive buildings were all arranged, So he carved something while quietly waiting for the passage of time...


It was about mid-afternoon, and Su You had already piled up more than [-] wood carvings.

When a re-carved wood carving was casually thrown to the feet, Su You received two notifications for applying to join the territory.

[Wanderer 'Wang Yi' applied to join the territory, do you agree? 】

[Wanderer 'Wang Er' applied to join the territory, do you agree? 】

Su You:?
Su You: ...

When Su You saw the two messages, Su You was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Meke had successfully threatened the two travelers.

Both Wang Yi and Wang Er originally had a territory, so if they want to join another territory, they have to withdraw from the original territory, which is why the application says 'Wanderer Wang [-]' and 'Wanderer Wang [-]' , not the reason for 'Traveler King One' and 'Traveler King Two'.

It is absolutely impossible for the word traveler to appear on this interface.

As for the names of these two people, if it was the former Su You, she would feel that the names were quite perfunctory, simple, and rude, and she couldn't help but make complaints about them.

But now that Su You saw these two messages, she just breathed a sigh of relief - because she will soon be able to complete a time-limited task that is more troublesome for her.

[Congratulations to the sunset territory for reaching the advanced camp upgrade standard, do you want to upgrade the territory? 】


Su You originally thought that the upgrade this time would be the same as before, it was a mandatory upgrade, but she didn't expect that she would have a choice.

After being surprised, she decisively chose... [No]!
Although the time-limited task is imminent, there is still time. Although raising the territory level too early can complete the task in advance, it will increase the difficulty of the dark creature attack.

The difficulty of attacking by dark creatures is mainly affected by three factors - the number of attacks, the number of days, and the level of the territory.

She cannot change the first two factors. After all, she cannot turn back time, delete system data, or modify the number of times dark creatures attack. She can only control the third one.

When playing this game before, the setting at that time was that all levels of the territory can be manually controlled to upgrade, and it will not be automatically upgraded, so she will always deliberately block the level of the territory when there is no need to upgrade, so as not to let It upgrades.

Not only her, but other lord players did the same.

Originally, Su You was still thinking that the territory would be upgraded automatically, and the timing of this time-limited task was also quite coincidental, as it happened to be stuck on the day when the dark creatures attacked.

If she wants the level of the territory to be judged as an intermediate camp instead of an advanced camp when dark creatures attack the territory, then she must control the time to upgrade the territory between the time when the first batch of dark creatures attack and the time when the time-limited task ends .

This is a bit difficult to do. After all, her current way of attracting people is through threats. The instability of this method is too high, and the other party can 'take back' the application at any time.

So in order to avoid not only the task not being completed, but also other troubles in the territory, Su You simply chose to ask Meke to 'persuade' those people to join the territory today, and also chose to agree immediately after they applied.

This is the safest.

As for what to do if these two people withdraw from the territory today... This is not acceptable.

If it is a reality, as long as you have the ability, you must enter whichever territory you want, and exit whenever you want, but this is the data world.

Whether joining a territory or exiting a territory, there is a 'cooling time'. They have only left the previous territory. If they want to leave the sunset territory now, they have to wait for 24 hours.

That's why Su You said that if they want to leave the day after tomorrow, it's up to them. Anyway, she will upgrade the territory tomorrow and submit the task. After the territory is upgraded, the level will not be reverted because the prosperity or population is lower than the original upgrade conditions.


Su You stood up, patted the wood debris on her hands and body, and then went to the tavern, ready to 'care' about the two newcomers to the territory.

Although their reason for joining is a bit special, but sooner or later they have to meet each other. If that is the case, it is better to go and see the situation as soon as possible.


After coming to the tavern, Su You saw two stiff people sitting behind the bar counter of the tavern.

Originally, Su You thought that as the lord who forced them to join the territory, they would not give her any good looks, but what Su You didn't expect was that after the two people looked up and saw her, there was a hint of love in their eyes. Somewhat like the desire to see a savior...

She didn't see a single bit of the negative emotions she imagined before coming to the tavern on the faces of these two people.

Su You:?
To be honest, Su You was really curious about what happened to these two people and what Meke did to them.

Even if he is a magician, it should not be possible for the forced person to have no grievances after forcing them to join the territory.

(End of this chapter)

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