Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 146 146. They still want to thank you

Chapter 146 146. They still want to thank you

No matter how good a person's psychological quality is, they can't be so easygoing, they are threatened like this, and they still look like they don't care.

"The lord is here." Because there were other people there, Meke called out Lord Suyou with dignity.

Hearing Mei Ke's voice, Wang Yi and Wang Er didn't know why, they were suddenly taken aback, and then quickly said hello to Su You.

Wang Yi: "My lord, hello!"

Wang Er: "My lord, hello!"

Su You was silent for a while, and then opened the information panel of these two people.

Ignoring other information, what Su You is most concerned about now is the loyalty value and affection value of these two people... what kind of value is it that they will have such a situation.

【Yi Wang】

Loyalty: 35
Favorite: 8
【Wang Er】

Loyalty: 41
Favorite: 5

Although the values ​​of these two people are obviously too low compared to the previous ones, but as I said before, people like them who are forced to join the territory don't dare to think about the favorability value. Anyway, as long as the loyalty value is above 0 Already considered very good.

In other words, these two people have a loyalty value greater than 30 points, which is ridiculously high!

"What did you tell them? Or what did you do to them?" Su You vaguely felt that something was wrong, so she walked to Meke and asked in a low voice.

She now wants to know what is going on with these two people.

Although Su You doesn't care about the future of these two people, and there is no need to know anything about them, but the current situation is obviously beyond Su You's expectations. She needs to know what happened, so that Can hold everything in their own hands.

Facing Su You's question, Meke spread out his hands, his voice was not lowered like hers, but he spoke at a normal decibel that could be heard by everyone present.

"Didn't you say it? There will be a dark creature attacking tomorrow."

Su You knew that things were definitely not that simple, so she didn't speak, but continued to listen to Meke.

"During the attack by dark creatures, non-territory members will be kicked out, so it's not normal for them to join the territory to save their lives?" As for why they didn't leave directly... it can only be said that there is not enough time.

The caravan was early this morning and left before dawn.

But it's already afternoon now, and it won't be long before they leave. It's well known how dangerous the dark forest is.

What's more, tomorrow, saying it is tomorrow, is actually the early morning of tomorrow morning connected with the early morning of this evening.

If they fail to leave the scope of the territory within this time, then basically there is only one dead end... because by that time, the dark creatures coming from all directions to attack the sunset territory will also attack them on the way.

"Yes, yes, the boss is right."

"Thank you Lord Lord for allowing us to join the territory temporarily and be protected by the fire in the heart of the city!"

Meke raised his eyebrows, then imitated Su You's previous appearance, lowered his voice and said: "I did a good job this time, you see, they both have to thank you."

Su You: "..."

Su You's eyelids twitched, and then ignored Meke's words.

Facing the gratitude from these two people, she nodded and said cooperatively: "As human beings, we should help each other. If you have other things, you can leave first."

However, even though she said so, Su You knew that all of this was false.

Meke was actually lying, and she continued to tell the lie that Meke had successfully woven, and did not expose it... They are both in the same group, and Meke did this because of her arrangement. Only when his brain is flooded will he be exposed!

The place where Meck lied is: when the dark creatures attack, the non-territorial people will not be driven out, and they can still hide in the territory.

But I don't know if it's because these two people really don't know about it, or they are too easy to deceive, or the AI ​​of these two npcs is too low, or Meke has done something to them The matter... In short, they believed Meke's words.

After trusting Meck, the two people withdrew from their original territory and joined the sunset territory.

For them, they joined the Sunset Territory just as a way to delay registration. Anyway, Meke told them that they can leave at any time after the dark creatures attack ends tomorrow...

After these words were spoken, Wang Yi and Wang Er, who originally thought that a magician had no need to lie to them, directly believed Meke's words, and no longer had any doubts.

In this way, even though they were unwilling to withdraw from their original territory, they still did so in order to survive.

As for whether the other traveler joined the territory, although they were curious, they didn't want to disturb Su You and Meke. After all, the life and death of others had nothing to do with them.


"You did a good job." Now that this matter has been perfectly resolved, Su You can also breathe a sigh of relief.

In view of Mei Ke's good performance this time, Su You directly gave him a batch of kitchen utensils.

Such as kiln (instead of oven), grill (barbecue), ceramic casserole (soup), chopping board...

These things not only enrich the types of kitchen utensils in the tavern, but also make it more convenient for Meck to cook in the future.

You must know that he originally only had a stove with a copper pot on it. Except that the barbecue was roasted with his own fire magic, everything else was cooked on this pot.

Although this is not impossible, for an avid cooking enthusiast, collecting all kinds of kitchen utensils is also a unique hobby.

In addition, Su You sent him a bunch of ceramic tableware yesterday. For a while, Meke only felt that Su You, the lord, was pleasing to the eye.

"Hey, that's right, there will be such things in the future, remember to buy them for me as soon as possible." Meike looked at the newly added things with delight, then ignored Su You, and went to his own I went to fiddle with these things.



I don't know if it's Su You's illusion, she always feels that the time passing on the ninth day will be faster than the previous eight days.

She just came out of the tavern, and when she looked up, she saw that the original blue sky was covered with a layer of hazy gray.

Su You opened the information panel of the territory, and when she saw a paragraph of text that suddenly appeared on it at some unknown time, the expression on her face changed a lot——

【Sunset Territory】

Lord: Su You

Territory level: medium-sized camp (the population reaches 10 people, and the prosperity reaches 50, which can be upgraded to a medium-sized camp)

Territory Prosperity: 69
Territory reputation: 13
Territory population: 11/13
Territory Aura: None
Territory events...

(End of this chapter)

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