Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 147 147. Forest Ruins

I: [A dark force seems to be approaching the territory. They are coveting the bright flames that disgust them, trying to destroy the flames when the night is filled, and plunge the whole world into endless darkness...Maybe they will fail, but They will never give up...]

II: [The plants are restless, the beasts are restless, and the whole forest is plunged into an inexplicable gloomy and weird atmosphere. Every night, an inexplicable energy will be emitted from a high tower, and it will be enveloped by this energy The area seems to be affected by some...]


"Could this be... the forest ruins?" Su You frowned, staring at the incident in the second territory for a long time, and then came to a conclusion.

The first one is obvious, this is a reminder and hint of the day before the dark creature's attack.

'Already close to the territory' proves that they are coming soon, 'disgusting flames/destroying flames' means that their ultimate goal is to destroy the fire in the center of the city, and 'when the night is filled' means that their attack time is in night.

As for the last paragraph, 'Maybe they will fail, but they will never give up', this not only expresses that this group of dark creatures will attack twice, and if the first fails, they will attack the second time, and it also represents that this group of dark creatures will attack twice. An event does not occur only once, but an infinite loop of events.

After parsing the first event, let's look at the second.

Su You suspects that this brand-new territory incident that appeared inexplicably has something to do with a building called 'Forest Ruins'.

The reason for this is just suspicion, because the text describing the forest ruins was not like this... But this is not important for the time being.

The so-called forest relic is actually similar to the monster spawner, and it is also a randomly refreshed field building. The function of the monster spawner is to spawn monsters, while the forest relic represents 'guardian' and 'treasure'.

Guarding means that within the range covered by the energy of the forest ruins, no resources can be collected, whether it is cutting trees, mining, fishing, collecting berries, fibers... these behaviors are all prohibited.

The prohibition here is not that you can't do it, but that you can't do it.

You'll find that trees can never be felled, stones can never be dug up, berries can never be gathered from bushes, and fishing can never be hooked...

If you want to remove this influence, you must destroy the ruins.

Here we must mention the second representative of the forest ruins - the treasure.

The method of destroying the forest relic is similar to destroying the monster spawner, it is to enter the 'copy', and then it can be destroyed by meeting certain conditions.

The difference is that there are not many monsters in the forest ruins, and some ruins even have no monsters at all, but its difficulty lies in the pressure of the dark environment, the twisted maze, and countless traps.

While there are many dangers, there are countless treasures and 'treasures' inside the forest ruins.

The former is genuine and has a chance of obtaining treasures, while the latter is part of the relic mechanism/trap.


Now that this event has occurred, it proves that the relic must have been refreshed not far from the territory, otherwise it would not have affected the territory, and the territory would not have refreshed this event.

Su You opened her map and looked at it, then used a quill to circle a few locations with a high probability that the forest ruins would be refreshed, and then put the map away.

Although destroying the forest ruins is also very important, tomorrow's dark creature attack and No. 12 unblocking the monster spawner are more important than this matter.

At most, she would go to these locations on the map on No. 11 to find out the specific location of the ruins, but if she wanted to solve the ruins, she would have to wait until the monster spawner was solved.

Anyway, there is already a monster spawner at the mine, so it is impossible for this relic to be spawned in the same place as the monster spawner.

As long as the ruins don't appear in the mine and won't affect their collection of stones, no matter where it is refreshed, it won't have a particularly big impact on Su You.

So what if you can't collect resources?

At worst, I won’t go there to cut trees. Anyway, can such a large forest be short of trees? !

Even though he said so, Su You still vaguely felt that this world was much more difficult than the previous games.

From the very beginning, they were forced to create a territory within three days within a limited time, so that they would definitely be attacked by dark creatures tomorrow, Su You had already seen it.

At that time, Su You could also explain that the executive system wanted to screen out bad players, but everything that happened now proved that the truth was clearly not the case.

She has never encountered it before, and she has never heard of it from others. The monster spawner, the ruins, and the double natural disasters will appear in the same area at the same time, and it is only the ninth day!

The ninth day has been so full of disasters, Su You can hardly imagine what No. 19 days, 29 days, or even 99 days will be like...

Because it is strange to find that the difficulty of this world has increased, so in order to avoid the difficulty of the dark creatures attacking tomorrow will be higher than what she had experienced before and overturned, so Su You built four more primary arrows near the territory tower.

In addition, she recycled all the elementary arrow towers on the left and right sides of the city gate facing the enemy into materials, and then changed them into intermediate arrow towers.

Because there were too many arrow towers, Su You made another batch of stone arrows, and put them one by one into the 'ammunition box' of each arrow tower.

Not only that, she also took out the miniature bomb that was originally intended to be used to deal with the monster spawner and put it in the backpack, so that she could use it at any time in case of emergencies.

While doing these things, Su You went to the tool room to look at it. The black snake that she saw resting in a corner in the morning had disappeared. Not only that, but the food she left for it was also gone. Down.

Su You looked for other places in the tool room, and after confirming that the black snake had left, she didn't care, closed the door of the tool room and left directly.



When Su You was busy, Doli, who hadn't left the territory, watched her go up and down, and couldn't help feeling a little more nervous.

She knew that there would be an attack by dark creatures tomorrow, because Su You had written and posted this on the bulletin board early in the morning. Not only she knew, but everyone in the entire territory knew about it.

When Su You finally stopped to rest, Dolly pursed her lips, then trotted to Su You with the things she had made.

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