Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 149 149. Dark Creature Attack 2

Chapter 149 149. Dark Creature Attack 2
For a moment, they felt as if their breathing was about to stop, and when they came back to their senses again, they could feel an inexplicable and disgusting aura in the air.

Meke was obviously more familiar and sensitive to this kind of breath, so the moment he felt the smell wafting, he stood up from the bench with a frown, and then walked all the way to the high tower that Su You built in the afternoon.

There are only three such high towers near the city gate. The ones on the left and right are where Mei Ke and Duoya stood during the battle, and the other one is a little farther away, which Su You left for her OB (observing the battle) in use.

As for Lyle and Lake, the two of them will not fight these dark creatures for the time being, because if they want to fight, they can only go out to fight, but again, the night without the protection of the city center fire is very dangerous.

Only when Duoya and Meck can't deal with it, plus these intermediate arrow towers near the city gate, will they consider opening the stone gate directly, letting those dark creatures enter the territory, and then let Lyle Lake help solve or resist part of the attack pressure.

"Here we come..." Duoya seemed to feel something too.

Then, like Meck, she went up to another tower.

"Do you two know how to use arrow towers? Or do you have experience in using bows and arrows?" Su You looked at Lyle and Lake, who were also nervous, but bored because they had nothing to do.

Lyle and Lake shook their heads: "No."

This was within Su You's expectation. After all, if they had skills in this area, they would all have them on the information panel.

But even so, Su You pointed to two of the intermediate arrow towers and said, "No, it doesn't matter. If you want, you can try it."

Although the skills may not be good, as long as they don't not only have no cooking talent like Maker, but have negative cooking long as they don't have negative talents related to bow and arrow, it can also improve the combat effectiveness of the arrow tower to a certain extent.

Even if they stand on the arrow tower and do nothing, after all, they can also give the arrow tower a certain attribute bonus.

"Let's try." Lyle and Lake climbed up the two arrow towers pointed by Su You respectively.

While everyone was getting ready, the already dark night outside seemed to be in a strange state. Su You was also standing on a high tower that was convenient for observation. Like a pot of boiling oil.

Although it was pitch black, it was inexplicable to see something surging.


A group of 'black mud' hit the stone wall.

Su You frowned. Before she could speak, Meke used magic to wrap the black mud until it was completely burned.

"These are dark creatures, everyone be careful." That's right, the black mud-like creatures just now are actually dark creatures.

The dark creature has no specific appearance, it looks like a ball of black plasticine...or is it a slime?

No matter how you describe it, it can be described as a dark creature, and it is also the object of the battle with them tonight.

Dark creatures don't have a specific shape, they all change at will with their own thinking, only when they need to attack or defend, they will choose to 'pinch' a normal shape for themselves as a means of attack and defense.

Because they are still slimes, they can't attack yet, but this is not a turn-based game, they don't attack, Su You directly turns on the automatic attack of the arrow tower to aim at the nearest group of slimes.

【Dark Wreck】

HP: 300/300
Attack: 50
Defense: 10

The dark wreck is the name of the slime form of these dark creatures. Before changing into a specific form, it is characterized by high attack, low defense, and medium blood volume.

As the two arrows attacked and landed on the nearest dark wreck at the same time, two huge '-20' slowly floated out from above the dark wreck, and the original 260 HP came to [-] .

Before Su You attacked, Meke, who was upset because of staying up late, had already started chanting a fire magic that could cause area damage-he just wanted to get rid of these black things quickly, and then go back to sleep!
'Rain of flames——' the moment the chanting ended, a large piece of fiery red fireworks suspended in the air suddenly appeared above the location outside the city where the most dark creatures gathered.

Before these dark creatures could react, the fireworks bombarded the ground like raindrops.

Because of the lighting brought by the flames, everyone could clearly see the black mud-like traces everywhere on the original dirt road.

Su You counted a little, and there are about seventeen or eight of these black masses that she can see at present, which means that there are at least seventeen or eight dark wreckages in this batch... As for whether there are other wreckages hidden in other places, That is unknown for the time being.

After she roughly finished counting, the hot burning flame fell on the black mud all over the ground, as if an oil drum was ignited, the black mud suddenly exploded, and the sticky and disgusting black mud splashed around——



Although the flame rain is powerful, Meke is only a junior magician after all, unable to display its true power. After the flame rain, these dark creatures only lost about one-tenth of their HP That's all.

But this is already very powerful. After all, one-tenth is 200 points of blood, and there are at least seven or eight dark creatures that were attacked just now, which is equivalent to this flame rain directly causing more than [-] points of damage!
Otherwise, why does Su You have to have a magician? The group attack of a magician is really too powerful.

As the flames burned the black mud and land, the dark creatures outside wailed and roared miserably or angrily... These sounds pierced through the bones, and at the same time, it was very obvious, but it also made people feel inexplicably shuddering.

Su You is okay, she has seen this thing many times, she will not have any adverse reactions to it, and she can even cook a bowl of rice with no expression on her face.

Meke also belongs to the kind with a good psychological quality, so there is no fluctuation, and even because these things are too disgusting, he also speeds up the speed of singing, wanting to quickly burn these disgusting things from his eyes to ashes.

But others have not fared so well.

Doya, Lyle, and Lake, although these three people are not flowers in the greenhouse, after all, they have never seen dark creatures with their own eyes, so for a while, they still can't accept this sticky and disgusting nausea screen.

(End of this chapter)

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