Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 150 150. Dark Creature Attack 3

Chapter 150 150. Dark Creature Attack 3
To say that Duoya was the first to react. After all, she is used to killing animals. She has seen many bloody and violent scenes. If this scene is equivalent to the previous scene of hunting animals, and then adjust herself, Duoya will soon I have adjusted my mentality.

"Attack the ones that have lost blood first." This is not only because dark creatures with low blood volume are easier to deal with as soon as possible, but also because when the flames fall on these dark creatures, it seems to 'ignite' them.

Originally it was pitch black and nothing could be seen, but now these dark creatures covered in fire are like the brightest stars in the night sky.


'call out--'

Duoya skillfully picked up the enchanted willow bow that Su You had prepared for her, and first performed a double combo, and then added an arrow.
88! (Double hit additional damage) -
75! (Double hit additional damage) -

After all, it is a bow and arrow made of black-striped tiger tendons, and the enchantment is still attack power, so the damage of this willow bow is as high as 55 points!
And Duoya's own attributes are not bad, especially since she is specialized in bows and arrows, so the panel attack power of the bow and arrow she holds is as high as 70 points, which makes her lose only one-tenth of the original after the three arrows are finished. The dark creature with blood volume became only one-tenth of the blood volume left.

'call out--'
With another arrow, Duoya directly scored his first kill, which was also the first kill of the audience in this dark creature attack.

Seeing her deal with a dark creature so easily, Lyle and Lake, who were a little less accepting, quickly reacted.

They took a deep breath, and then began to control the arrow tower to attack the dark creatures that had lost their blood.

After the first round of attacks, Doya had successfully killed five dark creatures, and Lyle and Lake had also killed about six dark creatures together.

Meck didn't get any 'heads'. After all, he has been mainly attacking in groups so far. The damage of group attacks is low, and the attack speed is also very slow, so it is unlikely to get a head.

Of course, he didn't care whether he would get the 'head' or not.

"Stop it first!" Seeing the dark creatures under the firelight suddenly tumbling and surging like magma, Su You immediately told everyone to stop.

The dark creatures are now in the 'transformation' stage.

And the dark creatures in the metamorphosis stage are almost invincible. Unless there is a huge gap in strength, no matter what attack they make now, it will be useless.

Meke had already stopped, and the other three also stopped after hearing Su You's words.

As if to let everyone see what was going on outside, Meke thoughtfully threw a few small fireballs.

Under the illumination of the small fireball, everyone can clearly see that the dark creature that had been killed by them and turned into a mass of mud on the ground suddenly began to change its appearance rapidly.

Just like pinching people, they gradually changed into various appearances, and among these appearances, you can clearly find some old acquaintances.

For example, a dark creature transformed into a ghostly skeleton, or a dark creature transformed into a long-tailed crocodile, or a dark creature transformed into a fire monster...

【Wreck of long-tailed crocodile】

HP: 150/150
Attack: 50
Defense: 10
【Wreckage of the fire monster】

HP: 150/150
Attack: 50
Defense: 10

These transfigured dark creatures can not only obtain attack methods, but also their attack methods and attributes will basically inherit the information data of the transfigured template creatures.

Similarly, this also means that their previous kills are reset, because the dark creatures that were originally 'dead' are 'resurrected' in another form.

Of course, the resurrection here must not be infinite, otherwise the dark creatures would have been invincible long ago, and should have ruled the world long ago, not to mention that this is only the first attack by dark creatures, and the difficulty cannot be so high.

Dark creatures have attack and defense means only after they are transformed. Similarly, they can only be killed after they are transformed.

Although the blood volume of the previous pure wreckage form will be emptied, it will not die, it will only gather together, and then transform into a wreckage monster that can be killed and killed.

The attack of the transfigured dark creatures remains the same, but the blood volume and defense are halved. This is because they are forced to transfigure. If they are actively transfigured, their attributes remain unchanged.

That said, it is still necessary to kill untransformed dark wreckage, as this will make it weaker in a combatable state.

The only bad news is that originally Su You only saw a dozen dark creatures, but now the number of dark creatures below obviously exceeds twenty, maybe even thirty!

This is obviously not the same as before!
It seems that her guess was right. Sure enough, the difficulty of this digital world has increased a lot compared to the previous games!

After all, as mentioned earlier, the number of the first batch of dark creatures attacking in the past was usually 10~20!
But Su You didn't have the time to think about it now. After glancing down, she immediately directed, "Kill the long-tailed crocodile first!"

After saying that, she also half-manipulated the other arrow towers to target the dark creature that had turned into a long-tailed crocodile.

Although the shape is transformed into a long-tailed crocodile, this long-tailed crocodile is like a defective product squeezed out of mud, without green crocodile skin, scales, eyes, mouth and other organs.

With the sound of Su You's voice, Duoya skillfully switched the attack target to 'the remains of a long-tailed crocodile', and then fired three arrows in a row, and these three arrows pierced the tail of the same remains of a long-tailed crocodile. with two limbs.

After all, Lyle and Lake are not people who specialize in bows and arrows, so their reactions will be slower. After finally manipulating the arrow tower to aim at a dark creature, Duoya next door has already killed one, and is about to start attacking the second one. Two dark creatures.

However, although their speed is a bit slower, the hit rate of manipulating the arrow tower is still quite high. Basically, every arrow fired has ruthlessly pierced into the body of a dark creature...Of course It doesn't matter whether this dark creature is the one they aimed at, as long as the output is not wasted.

While they were killing these dark creatures, Su You was also observing in the dark—she had to find the elite monsters among these dark creatures as soon as possible.

Because these little monsters are usually easy to deal with, because their attack methods are too rare and weak, and they are all attribute monsters.

But the elite monsters are different. Elite monsters have skills, just like the 'summoning' skill of the leader of the fire demon. This kind of monster belongs to the 'mechanism monster'.

The attributes of the mechanism monsters may not be powerful, but the skills they possess may have the effect of turning the tide of the battle...

(End of this chapter)

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