Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 151 151. Dark Creature Attack 4

Chapter 151 151. Dark Creature Attack 4
Now when Su You found out that the difficulty had increased, she was very worried whether the increase in difficulty would make the elite monsters stronger, or possess more troublesome skills.

According to the current progress, Su You always feels that this group of dark creatures is not difficult to say - although there are a lot of them, the pressure on them is not particularly high.

After all, speaking from the actual situation, they don't even need to open the city gates to let Lyle and Lake go down to fight. Just a few arrow towers plus a Duoya and a Maker can eliminate all the dark creatures in this batch.

Although this is because Su You was well prepared and luckily recruited Duo Ya and Mei Ke, Su You still felt that things were not that simple.

Su You calmed down and carefully observed the situation outside... But because the dark creatures almost merged with the night, no matter how good her eyesight was, she couldn't find them in the dark. Out of the same inky black things.

And I don't know if it's Su You's delusion, she always feels that the dark creatures below seem to be more than these... Obviously they have killed so many dark creatures, but the bottom is still like a black swamp It is generally surging, and after staring at it for a long time, there will even be an illusion that one seems to be trapped in it.

"Lord, there are still many dark creatures below." Duoya frowned, and while attacking, he said what he found was wrong.

Although she didn't know exactly how many dark creatures she had killed, because she didn't count them, since she had already emptied two quiver bags (one quiver bag can hold fifty arrows), combined with her damage, she could Roughly calculated, she killed at least twenty dark creatures!

Even if the number of kills by Meck is not counted, no matter how bad Lyle and Lake are, they should have killed more than a dozen of them, right?
What's more, there are other intermediate-level arrow towers that attack automatically!

These arrow towers have killed at least a dozen of them, right?
This adds up to close to fifty dark creatures!This amount is obviously wrong!

And after observation, Su You also found a problem——

These dark creatures seem to be moving towards the territory all the time, but something seems to be affecting them, so that their movements are very slow, and they are often killed before they can get close to the territory.

Now the defensive buildings in the territory only lost some durability when they were attacked at the beginning, and then they hardly suffered any damage. The durability has always been close to the full value.

"Lairlake, go down and guard the stone gate." After Su You found out that there was a problem, she immediately asked the two people to guard the gate below.

Although the durability drops slowly, it doesn't mean that it doesn't decrease. It is impossible for her to watch the durability empty.

These dark creatures obviously have a tendency to be endless. Since they can't be killed, then don't do anything for the time being, lest the chain reaction produce bad results.

As long as she guards Shimen, she will have time to think...

The strange phenomenon outside is obviously impossible to be caused by ordinary dark creature mobs. If they are so powerful, then she doesn't have to play anymore. It can't be finished, and it looks like it can't be killed...

"It's the elite monster that has a problem..." Since it's not the mob's problem, it must be the elite monster's fault.

Although it was very dark outside, because Meke's attacks were flames, which always had a bit of light, she was able to barely see the situation outside.

But she looked carefully for a long time and did not see any traces of the elite monsters. There were ordinary dark wrecks piling up everywhere... Unless there were no elite monsters among this group of dark creatures, it must have been hiding itself.

In addition, if it is a combat-type elite monster, even if it won't rush to the forefront, it won't be able to hide. If it doesn't charge with the younger brother, is it possible to wait for the younger brother to die and then fight n by itself?

Su You seriously suspects that she has encountered non-combat elite monsters. Non-combat elite monsters have almost no combat ability. They are similar to lord players, but they generally have many strange skills. The common feature of these skills is to increase the dark The attack strength of the mob.

If she guessed correctly, the skill of this elite monster should be a skill like summoning or resurrection, which can explain why these dark creatures keep coming.

I came to the following conclusions, but it was useless, because Su You couldn't find it, because it was really too dark outside.

The night is simply a natural invisibility cloak for dark creatures.

Su You thought for a while, and then continued to ask Meke for help: "Something is wrong, Meke, I need lighting magic, and an elite monster is hiding."

"Understood." After another fireball hit the bottom, Meke picked up his staff, "I can only release it for five seconds."

Although lighting magic is the most basic magic in primary magic, but because it is too dark outside, the range that Meck needs to illuminate is too large, and his own strength is suppressed, so in the case of illuminating the entire range outside, It can only maintain this magic for five seconds.

"The lighting range can be narrowed down, mainly lighting the edges, not the center part." The center part is the most dangerous, even the splash of AOE (area damage) may affect other monsters, so it is absolutely impossible for elite monsters to hide in such a place. dangerous place.

In addition to lack of combat effectiveness, another characteristic of elite monsters is their fragile bodies, which can be killed casually.

Meke: "Ten seconds." As he spoke, his magic wand was slightly raised.

"Lair Lake, pay attention to defense!" Seeing that Meck was about to release the lighting magic, Su You immediately shouted.

A few seconds later, the outside world seemed to be lit up by a super-large watt light bulb, illuminating the surrounding area as if it were daytime.

Su You could clearly feel that the dark biome outside seemed to freeze for a moment.

Afterwards, as if they had been given some kind of stimulant, they rushed towards the gate of the territory and the stone wall of the territory.

Accompanied by their collision, the gate and stone wall, which only lost dozens of points of durability, now began to decrease in durability, and the rate of decline became faster and faster... Faster and faster...!
Fortunately, Su You strengthened the stone wall and gate. The durability of the stone gate, which was originally only [-] points, has now doubled to [-] points, and the durability of the stone wall has also changed from [-] points to [-] points.

Lyle and Lake, who had already come down from the arrow tower, guarded the door very nervously. They clenched their fists and looked at the stone door, which was a bit crumbling due to the strong impact outside, but still solid...

(End of this chapter)

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