Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 153. The End of the Dark Creature Attack

Don't ask why you use this move, it doesn't matter whether the move is new or old, as long as it works well.

Because of the existence of this pit, these dark creatures were caught off guard, and fell into the pit one by one like dumplings.

It's just that although this move is easy to use, it also has disadvantages.

For example, this dark creature can produce a kind of mucus. Although this kind of mucus will not be used as a raw material for making clay figurines, it can become the stone in the story of the crow drinking water. Through continuous increase, it will fill up the space under the hole, Then send this group of dark creatures out of the pit.

'Hoo--' An arrow shot straight into the body of a dark creature.

Although they have a way to come up, it is impossible for other people present to watch them climb up without doing anything.

For Duoya and Jianta, these dark creatures who were trapped inside and couldn't come out temporarily moved slowly, no different from wooden stakes, and they could almost be said to be at the mercy of her attack.

But Duoya's strength alone is still limited, but she is not alone...Because she couldn't go out before, Lyle and Lake didn't have room to use their hands and feet, and couldn't show their true strength.

But now these enemies are right in front of them, they are all a black mass anyway, and there is nothing scary about them except a little disgusting, so the two of them took/wearing their own weapons and directly hit them.

The two of them are smart, knowing that Arrow Tower and Doya are attacking, in order to prevent them from affecting Doya and Arrow Tower, they specially found a corner to beat those dark creatures that tended to climb up, and avoided Arrow Tower and Doya attacked most of the positions.

Originally, this group of dark creatures was not very powerful. If it weren't for the elite monster, these dark creatures would have died long ago, so they fought very easily. These dark creatures didn't fight back while they were concerned about climbing up. Power.

When cleaning up the remaining dark creatures, Meke has never done anything... But it is true that he does not need to do it. It took about ten minutes for three people and a few arrow towers to kill these dark creatures. All were killed.


With the wailing of the last dark creature, Lyle took out a clean cloth and wiped the dagger in his hand seriously.

But even though there were no traces of dark creatures left on the blade, he still seemed a little dissatisfied.

"My lord, if there is nothing else, I'll go clean it first." Not only did he clean the dagger, although he didn't have any major wounds on his body, it was already covered with black mucus of unknown origin.

The slime isn't poisonous, but it's disgusting to watch, and if he could, Lyle would have liked to be next to the tub by now.

Su You nodded, then turned her head and said something to Meke next to her, and then turned back.

"We'll meet you at the tavern later and heal your wounds." Although the wounds on the two people's bodies are not many, since they can be treated if possible, it is better to treat them, lest bad luck trigger an infection state with a very small probability .

"Okay, I understand." After speaking, Lyle nodded towards Su You, and then left.

Lake shook his hands that were a little numb from punching and hitting, and after seeing Lyle leave, he also talked to Su You, and then followed.

As for Doya...

"I'm not injured, so I'll go back and rest first."

Even though she has been shooting with a bow just now, she can perform two combos and even triple combos from time to time, but anyone who knows bows and arrows and knows how to use bows and arrows knows that using bows and arrows for a long time will not only cause damage to hands. damage, the eyes will also become very tired because of the need to carefully observe the target and increase the hit rate.

What's more, the battle vision just now was not friendly at all. In order to seize every visible vision, Duoya undoubtedly put in more energy than before.

In other words, she seemed to be standing on the tower with ease, killing many dark creatures, and because of the long-range attack, she was not injured, but in fact she was the most tired one.

"Well, go and have a good rest. I'll ask Dolly to put the food aside."

Non-combat NPCs like Dolly Yousen, although they also want to protect the territory, especially Dolly who has no less affection for the territory than anyone else.

She also hopes to take up weapons to fight against dark creatures, but they also know that they have no fighting power, and staying here will only get in the way, so why not pray for victory in the battle tonight, rest well, and then have the energy to take care of them in the morning Others who were tired from fighting at night.

"Please clean up the things inside here, please." Su You said this to Meke.

Su You didn't plan to fill in this big hole. Anyway, there will be a batch of dark creatures tonight, and they can continue to be used at that time.

But before that, the slime and some unknown things inside need to be cleaned up, otherwise it will look disgusting and smell bad.

Meke's fire magic just happened to be able to burn the slime inside, so Suyou also made the best use of it.

"All right, all you have to do is leave it to me." Although Meke was also very tired, he could still release some basic fire magic.

Seeing that Su You promised him that after the territory was opened, he would arrange more kinds of kitchen utensils and ingredients for him, so he resigned to his fate and took out his magic wand.

Meke's promise is still very credible, since he said to hand it over to him, then he will definitely settle the matter here.

So Su You felt at ease and handed it over to Meke.

And she herself took out a stone hammer and knocked on the building that had become [Shimen Ruins], and then built a brand new, enhanced version of the stone gate.

The surrounding stone walls were actually damaged to some extent, but it was too late now, and there were no other monsters in the second half of the night, so Su You was going to wait until tomorrow to repair them.



After repairing the door, Su You went to the tavern to wake up Youai who had been waiting for a long time.

"Ah? Your lord..." He had been waiting for a long time, and even unconsciously waited for Yuai, who was asleep, to be woken up, and seemed a little confused.

Su You: "Someone needs your treatment."

As soon as he heard this sentence, Youai immediately became energetic, and all the previous sleepiness disappeared.

Just at this time, the two Lyle brothers also came in from the outside. They looked at Youai, who was staring straight at him, looking excited and eager to try, and couldn't help taking half a step back for a moment.

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