Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 154 154. Healing Magic

Yoo:?Are you serious about taking half a step back?

Youai obviously didn't think there was anything wrong with his current behavior, he even seemed a little puzzled: "Aren't you here for treatment? Also, you are all men, what are you afraid of! I won't eat you!"

Lyle, Lake: It's because they are all men that they are afraid!

Su You: ...What the hell is in the database of this execution system?

Looking at the awkward atmosphere here, Su You, who was also sleepy and tired, couldn't help it: "Don't waste time, he is a water magician and he can heal magic."

Water magicians are the only three classes that can learn healing magic.

As for the other two departments that can learn healing magic, they are 'Healing Department' and 'Light Department'.

But because the number of humans with healing elements and light elements is far less than that of other elements, it can even be said to be rare, so in most cases, water magicians will be used as therapists.

This is also the reason why Su You said that the water system was special before, and also felt that it would not be a loss if the skill book was handed over to Youai.

"So that's the case." Hearing Su You's words, Lyle and Lake recalled their purpose of coming here, and suddenly realized.

But...the treatment is the treatment...Why are you looking at them with that strange look?

Do you know that it is really scary to suddenly see a person staring straight at you in the middle of the night with a strangely excited expression!

But now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, and they know that this is a magician and a magician who can heal magic, the attitudes of Lyle and Lake are instantly different.

Although they are not so courteous, and they are not so philistine, they are also quite polite.

"Thank you, Mister Magician." Lake sat in front of Yuai very politely, and then stretched out his hand.

There was a mark on his hand that was scratched by some dark creature.

Although this wound is not big, it still bleeds a lot. Those blood stains have been wiped clean when cleaning it before. He also used the basic healing potion immediately after the battle, so the bleeding from the wound has stopped now. .

Youe was already nervous, after all, this was the first time he used healing magic... After hearing Lake address him as 'Master Magician', Yoey became even more nervous.

"No, no, no! Don't call me a magician... I just learned magic for two days, and this is only my first time... the first time I really used magic..."

"Just call me by my name, I'm Yuai."

Yuai really wanted to be called a magician, not because of vanity.

This title is a dream and a desire for a man who knew that he had the possibility of becoming a magician since he was a child, but after working hard, he realized that because of insufficient talent, he would not be able to become a magician in his entire life. It is also a kind of recognition.

But he clearly knows that he is not even a magician apprentice now...

Only a magician above the elementary level can be called a real magician. Even an apprentice cannot be counted as a magician, let alone him.


Originally, Lake was also a little excited, after all, it was his first time to receive treatment from a magician, but after hearing that it was also the first time for Yuai, Lake's expression was a little stiff.

So... are the two brothers here to be guinea pigs?
Lake's outstretched hand trembled a little, but when he thought that the lord had called them here, and he looked at Youai's serious and professional (illusion) look, he also felt that maybe things were not as bad as he imagined...

Anyway, he was embarrassed to leave directly, so he could only bite the bullet and let him heal himself.

Lyle on the side was a little relieved.

Fortunately, the first 'white mouse' was not him, he can check the situation first, if it is cured, then it will be fine, if it is not cured, then he can find an excuse to sneak away...

" work hard." Lake was mentally prepared. Although he didn't want to look, he still couldn't help but glance at his injured position several times.

Youai didn't know the complicated hearts of these two people, and thought they were embarrassed to watch the magic process, so he smiled at them: "You can watch it casually, it won't affect me."

Lake: "...Okay." Although it didn't mean that, it's okay to misunderstand.

Lyle: ...good luck bro.

Yuai didn't notice the changes between the two of them. He looked at the wound, recalled what Meck had said when instructing him to use magic, and then devoted himself wholeheartedly to the process of casting magic.


An uncomplicated but incomprehensible spell rang in his ears, and Lake could clearly feel a cool feeling coming from his injured part.

It's like a piece of ice, but it's more gentle than ice, like soft water waves floating on the wound, which feels very comfortable to the touch... However, in fact, Lake didn't see anything on his wound.

But he could clearly see that his wound was slowly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye... until the wound was completely closed, only a shallow scar was left where there should have been a wound.

Seeing that although he was not perfect, but it was a successful result, Youai breathed a sigh of relief, the tension of the first real magic casting disappeared instantly, and what filled his heart at this moment was an indescribable sense of satisfaction .

"How is it? Is there anything uncomfortable about you?" Youai looked at Lake expectantly.

Lake had just recovered from the miraculous scene just now. He stretched out his hand and touched his hand, which was completely healed, leaving only a scar representing the place where the wound once existed.

"No, you're amazing!" Lake's praise was sincere, so Yuai looked very happy when he heard his obviously sincere praise.

Seeing the success of the treatment, Su You didn't express anything on the surface, but she felt very satisfied in her heart.

But then she couldn't help but yawned... Looking at the 'high fatigue' status displayed on her panel, Su You knew that she was going to rest too.

She closed the panel and said to Yuai: "I'll go first, Yuai, you heal them, and then all these will be counted as contribution points."

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely heal them!" Youai's eyes lit up when he heard the words 'contribution points', and he immediately patted his chest to promise that he would heal all the wounds on these two people. There must be no holes left.

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