Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 155. 155. Ripe Potatoes

Chapter 155. 155. Ripe Potatoes
Although he also wanted to become a magician through his own efforts, he knew that it would be very difficult, so he still pinned his hopes on the magic rune book that could directly convert people into magicians.

And if he wants to exchange the Magic Rune Book, he must contribute points.

After Youai finished speaking, Su You's figure had disappeared from the tavern.

Lyle and Lake didn't know what the contribution value Su You was talking about. They wanted to ask, but they still had injuries to be treated, and Su You was also tired and left to rest, so they could only wait until tomorrow to ask.

In the following time, Youai finished treating the wounds on the two people, and then the three of them also went back to their respective homes, allowing themselves to be wrapped up in fatigue, and then quickly fell into a deep sleep.



It was a very restless night, and everyone slept well, because they were indeed tired and sleepy, but in fact, it can be said that they didn't sleep well, after all, they all remembered that there was still a 'tough battle' to be fought at night.

Su You still woke up very early, as if she wasn't among the people who stayed up so late yesterday.

The first thing she did after getting up was to repair all the durability of the stone wall to full value.

There are many ways to repair the stone wall. What Su You used here is not the most material-saving method, but the simplest method-directly open the information interface of the stone wall, and then directly repair it by consuming the corresponding materials.

Since it is a stone wall, the repair material is naturally stone.

After spending some stones to complete these stone walls, Su You first went to the ground outside the territory to pick up all the dark creatures that dropped yesterday.

Because most of the dark creatures died in the potholes in the territory, there were also many things in this big pit, and Su You also put all of them into his backpack.

After cleaning up the scene, she walked around the edge of the territory... When she reached a corner of the territory, she saw a stone wall with a corner missing.

The wall was also repaired first, and then she found a few copper coins less than three meters away from the stone wall—this should be dropped by a dark creature.

Dark creatures are not only refreshed in the front, that is, the direction of the gate, there is a probability that dark creatures will be refreshed in all directions of the territory to attack the territory.

It's just that the number of such non-frontal invading dark creatures is very small, usually no more than two at the same location.

Su You had already placed arrow towers around the territory, and had already turned on the automatic attack of these arrow towers before the dark creatures attacked, so these dark creatures naturally became the harvest targets of these arrow towers.

Walking around in a circle, the stones in Suyou's backpack were empty for a group and a half, but at the same time, copper coins and some other drops were also harvested a lot.

"My lord!" Yousen clenched his hands into fists, as if he was holding something, and then trotted over excitedly.


When he came in front of Su You, he didn't hold back, just stretched out his hand, and then spread his palm, so that Su You could see what he was holding - a round potato.

After seeing the potatoes, Su You quickly realized why Yousen was so happy... because the potatoes in the farmland were ripe!
As a half foodie, when Su You saw the potatoes, her mind was instantly filled with the recipes of the potatoes——

Potato cakes, baked potatoes, fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, French fries... There are so many recipes that only use potatoes as an ingredient.

If you add berries and meat and those three wild vegetables she collected earlier, it will be even more!

Such as potato stew, potato fried meat, berry potato chips, vegetable potato cakes...

"Are the potatoes ripe?" Su You cleared the recipe in her mind, and asked again as if confirming.

Since Yousen came, Su You never paid attention to the farmland again. She just remembered that the time when she planted potatoes seemed to be around noon on the seventh day, and it should be less than three days today. Time... But the growth cycle of potatoes is five days, even if there is a harmonious effect, it is only reduced by ten hours.

Calculated according to the normal time, it is definitely impossible for these potatoes to mature today, but Su You just gave Yousen a lot of fertilizer before...

"Yes!" When talking about farming, which he was best at, Yousen chattered a lot, but Su You didn't listen too much, and only summed up two results.

First, the potatoes did ripen and the yield was about 150.

Second, although there is a birth-enhancing fertilizer, the potatoes should have matured two hours later. It was Yousen who made the potatoes ripen a few hours earlier through his own ability.

"Very good, continue to plant potatoes in the vacated fields, and send the harvested potatoes to the tavern to Meck, who will give you money." Of course, the money here cannot be Meke's own money, but the tavern's money.

Although the tavern has not been in operation for a long time, it has only been in and out, so it has saved a lot. Su You also has money on her own, so she does not plan to use the tavern's money. The tavern's money is only used for purchasing ingredients and paying wages for the time being.

"Yes." After the most important news was finished, Yousen still had no intention of leaving. He pointed to the stream near the farmland, and his expression suddenly became a little strange: "My lord, there is something I want to tell you A sound, although it may be my illusion, but I always feel that there seems to be a living thing in that stream."

It would be fine if he only heard the sound of water once or twice for no reason, but Yousen had heard something like something hitting the water surface many times one after another.

But when he looked in the direction of the voice, there was nothing.

This kind of thing has happened four or five times so far, and every time I only hear the sound and see nothing.

"At what time did you hear the sound? Morning, afternoon or night?" Su You frowned, and her mood became a little bit worse after the potatoes ripened.

This's not over!
Can you let her live a good life for a few days? !
The dark creature attack is not over yet!
"All of them, the first time I heard it in the morning when I got up to water, the second and third time I heard it when I came to inspect the farmland in the afternoon, and I heard it once in the evening when I just finished dinner. "

Su You: "..." Very good.

For a while, Su You didn't expect that the situation could correspond to this. In addition, this digital world still has changes compared with the original game, so she can't rule out whether this is a new incident.

"Don't go to the stream for now, all the water will go to the well in the future, and I will build another one then."

(End of this chapter)

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