Chapter 156 156. Devouring
"Okay, don't worry, lord, I will remind other people." Although he is the only one who will go there, there is no guarantee that other people will go there occasionally to see the growth of the crops, and then what will happen Accident.

Su You nodded, but suddenly thought it was not enough, and finally followed You Sen to the farmland.

After Yousen brought her over, he planted the potatoes. After planting, he pushed a wooden cart and took a cart full of potatoes to the tavern.

Su You, on the other hand, checked the creek and found no problems as expected, then took out a lot of fences and surrounded the creek.

Originally, according to her way of enclosing the land, this creek is already considered to be in the territory, and there are generally no strange things that will be refreshed in the territory... Unless the game mechanism is changed, or this strange thing has been around since the beginning existing.

But she obviously doesn't have the time or the ability to explore this creek now, so this matter has to wait at least until the end of the dark creature's attack, and until Yuai becomes a junior magician.

With a water mage around, it would be very easy to explore places with water sources, especially places that are almost full of water sources.


After doing all this, Su You came to the reward board, opened the information panel of the territory, and upgraded the territory to the 'advanced camp'...

At this time, there were less than twelve hours left before the countdown to the end of the time-limited mission to upgrade the territory.

[Congratulations to the sunset territory for reaching the upgrade standard and successfully upgrading the territory to a high-level camp. The upgrade rewards have been distributed to the treasure chest in the mission hall. 】

There is still a treasure chest?

It seems that there should be rewards for every level up in the future... Su You thought so, and then received another message.

[The time-limited mission 'Development Territory' has been completed, you can submit the mission to the reward board. 】

Su You paused, then opened the reward board, and found that although she hadn't submitted the task called 'Developing the Territory', the countdown on it had stopped... After a few seconds, the countdown even disappeared.

【Development Territory】(Completed, ready to submit)
Publisher: Unknown
Mission objective: upgrade the territory to a large camp (1/1)

Task Reward: Unknown, Territory Prestige
Task limit: time limit 120 hours
Failure penalty: Territory Prosperity -10, Territory Prestige -10, Potential Decreased


So the time-limited task means that as long as the conditions are met, the countdown will stop directly, and then the task can be submitted at any time?

Su You wasn't sure, but the countdown had indeed stopped now.

On the contrary, this made Su You, who had always wanted to complete this task as soon as possible, a little hesitant... Hesitating whether to submit this task now.

"It seems that there were such time-limited missions before..." It's just that it wasn't a system, or it wasn't issued in the name of a system.

She used to have a good relationship with the elves, so she was often able to receive exclusive missions from the elves, including many time-limited missions.

When doing this time-limited task, Su You discovered a feature, that is, the refresh of the time-limited task is to wait for the previous task to be submitted before refreshing the next one.

No one cared about this refresh mechanism before, including Su You, who didn't have a deep impression. She also recalled it for a long time before confirming it.

"Forget it, let's not submit it yet." Anyway, the countdown was over, and she wasn't worried about the task failing.

But if, as she guessed, the rule of refreshing the time-limited missions on this bounty board is also 'submit the previous one, refresh the next one', then it would be good for her to delay the mission.

Because the reward board is a mandatory task, the ghost knows what the next time-limited task will be.

Before leaving the reward board, Su You confirmed the task again, and after confirming that there was indeed no countdown, she dared to leave with confidence to do other things.

Speaking of other things, in fact, it is to replenish the arrows consumed last night, and then send a recipe about potatoes to Meck, and then organize my backpack to see if there are any useful things dropped by the dark creatures ...



The day time passed quickly. Because of the combat power of the previous batch of dark creatures attacking, Su You strengthened the defense of the territory again while repairing the defense buildings of the territory during the day.

The way to strengthen the defense this time is to add a circle of stone walls. In this way, if these dark creatures want to break into the territory, they must attack and destroy the durability of the two layers of stone walls before they can enter.

Although the defensive power has been enhanced, a lot of stones have been consumed, and now there are less than two groups of stones left in the warehouse.

The rest of the people in the territory didn't go out all day today - those with fighting power had to gather up enough energy to deal with the dark creatures tonight, and those without fighting power didn't dare to go out at this time.

After all, when the event of dark creatures invading the territory is triggered, dark creatures will be refreshed around the territory for 24 hours. It is not limited to night, but the difference is the number, combat strength, and whether they will actively attack.

In this way, the Sunset Territory ushered in the second batch of dark creature attacks today. As long as the attack and defense are successful this time, this incident will be considered as an end, and the next dark creature invasion will be at least dozens of days later. up.

It was also night, and the surroundings were also pitch black. So far, the plot was exactly the same as it was in the early hours of this morning.

The first time was raw and the second time was acquaintance. This time, when facing a pile of dark creatures, everyone seemed calm, including Su You, but what really made Su You calm down was that she saw the creature in the dark at a glance. An elite monster in the middle of the biome.

You don't need to look at the data to know that this is obviously a fighting elite monster, otherwise it would have hidden itself long ago, so it wouldn't be so open to put itself in a position similar to 'the stars hold the moon'.

But Su You still has to watch, because she needs to know the specific information of this elite monster, so that she can make reasonable arrangements for everyone to attack these monsters.

【Elite Strong Dark Wreck】

HP: 2000/2000
Attack: 50
Defense: 30
[Swallowing]: Every once in a while, you can recover your blood volume and enhance your attributes by devouring the surviving dark creatures around you.


The moment Su You saw this skill, she immediately told everyone to stop attacking this elite monster.

"Hit the tallest and strongest one first, and hurry up and kill all the dark creatures around it!" The combat power of this thing itself is actually not particularly strong, the only thing is that it has a higher blood volume and is more fleshy.

(End of this chapter)

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