Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 157. 157. The Second Batch of Dark Creature Attacks

Thick blood just takes a long time to fight, and the difficulty is not very high. The biggest problem with this elite monster lies in its skills——


It can restore its own blood volume by eating the living dark creatures next to it, and it can also enhance its attributes. Although it doesn't know the exact value, Su You is not going to give it a chance to use this skill.

Since this skill can only eat living creatures, then kill all the dark creatures next to it, then it will have no living dark creatures to 'eat'.

After hearing Su You's words, Duoya and Meke have already turned to the ordinary dark creatures next to them.

This batch of dark creatures seems to have less than [-], but their attributes seem to be higher than the batch in the early morning, so Doya used half as many arrows as before. , to be able to kill a dark creature.

This speed is not enough.

Su You looked at the slow moving speed of the elite monster, then turned to the two brothers and said, "Where's the copper lamp I gave you?"

There are not many dark creatures outside, and this batch of dark creatures is different from the previous batch, so the two of them can actually go out to fight, but the prerequisite is that they must carry a light source.

Although Su You didn't know exactly what would happen that night, she was still ready to let the two of them go out to fight.

Although the light source will cause the dark creature to fall into a short-term rage, it will also provide some protection, because the dark creature cannot forcibly approach the light source.

"Bring it!"

"it's here!"

The two of them took out the copper lamp that Su You had given in the morning, and hung it on their waists. The light from the copper lamp illuminated them both.

"Be careful, you don't need to attack, you just need to drive other dark creatures away from that elite monster... Do you understand?" She just saw that all the dark creatures were attacking the territory, and the hatred was very stable.

After they go out, if they carry a light source, as long as they don't take the initiative to attack to attract hatred, the dark creatures will not give up attacking the territory and attack them in a short time.

"Lord, don't worry, we know what to do." The two of them had already learned from Su You that the big guy would eat other dark creatures to improve his combat power, so they also knew the significance of Su You's arrangement.

Drive away all the dark creatures, so that the elite monsters cannot use their devouring skills, and give Doya, Mek and the arrow towers enough time to clean up these ordinary dark creatures. After they are all dead, you can start attacking the elite monsters up.

Time was very urgent, they didn't say any other nonsense, and left the territory directly.

The moment they opened the stone gate, many dark creatures wanted to take advantage of the moment the gate was wide open to sneak in, but Su You had already discussed it with Meke——

The moment the door opened, a wall of fire appeared between the stone door and the dark creature.

The dark creatures wanted to break in, but the moment they touched the wall of fire, they were engulfed in flames and burned. The pain made them howl and subconsciously backed up a few steps... No matter how low the AI ​​of these dark creatures, It is also impossible to stand and be roasted by the fire.

With the disappearance of the wall of fire, these dark creatures surged up again like a wave, but at this time the stone gate was already closed heavily.

The dark creatures that can't get in can only attack the Shimen with all their strength like crazy beasts, and wait for the moment the Shimen falls, they can rush in and extinguish the flames!

Lyle and Lake have gone out smoothly, just as Su You expected, although these dark creatures felt very manic because of the sudden appearance of two 'creatures' like light bulbs, but none of them tried to attack the two of them .

And because the two of them are the only light in the darkness, no matter whether it is Duoya, the arrow tower controlled by Su You, or Meke, it is absolutely impossible to accidentally injure them, because it is too obvious.

In this way, the two of them came to the side of the elite monster without any injuries.


Although the elite monster is more powerful, it is also a dark creature. It also has the characteristics of dark creatures. It also hates light very much, so both Lyle and Lake can clearly feel that when they approach, the elite monster first turns its head towards He roared at the two of them, and then took a step away from the two of them.

After discovering this, Lake and Lake did not continue to approach, because they still remembered their mission, their mission was to drive the dark creatures close to the elite monsters, and the elite monsters could move however they wanted.

The two of them just need to be the same as the 'bodyguard', making sure that there are no other creatures beside them. It would be bad if they forcibly approached and annoyed the elite monsters.


Without the intervention of other elite monsters with strange skills, this group of dark creatures attacked and defended very smoothly.

The remaining dozen or so dark creatures were all dead before even destroying half of Shimen's durability, and then there was only the last elite monster left on the scene.

After killing the little monsters, Lyle and Lake did not return to the territory, but directly took out their weapons and started fighting.

In the process of attacking this elite monster, Duoya was lucky, and the fire damage attached to the fire demon suit was triggered many times.

Su You could clearly find that the elite monsters that had been hung with the burning state had obvious flame burning effects, and the elite monsters also noticed it, so it tried to extinguish these small flames.

But I don't know if it's because of the wrong way of 'extinguishing the fire', or because this state cannot be dispelled by physics, so it has tried many times without success, but because of this reason, it wasted a lot of attack opportunities.

Lyle and Lake were in close combat. They slashed and hammered at the elite monsters. Although they also suffered a lot of injuries, because the elite monsters moved slowly, most of the attacks were avoided by them. .

The few attacks that could not be dodged did not cause particularly great damage. After all, both of them were equipped with a complete set of animal skin armor at this time-clothes, bottoms, shoes, and even a hat.

These equipments were all made by Dolly, who already had sewing skills. As for the raw materials, Doya went hunting in the forest, or obtained them from the traps she set up.

With such a set of equipment, even if it is not strengthened, the defense power has already reached 18 points, not to mention that Dolly has worked so hard to cobble together a set of strengthened animal skin suits.

Although the suit here is not the kind that can trigger the suit effect, the defense has reached a full 30 points!

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