Chapter 165 165. Doris

It takes enough time to swipe their Loyalty Points and Favor Points for Dolly to level up.

As for the other three recipes, the first-level recipe Dolly has already learned, she doesn't need it, Suyou can keep it for other uses, there is no production process for the fourth-level and fifth-level ones, and this will be a long time later, so Su Yu Yuzu also kept it to himself.

Su You also recorded the second and third level formula materials. Except for the space stone, she recognizes the rest of the ingredients and knows the source, so it is not difficult to collect...

"The rest of the time will focus on making animal skin equipment, and other things can also be made. According to your habits, there is a high probability that outsiders will visit the territory tomorrow..."

Dolly: "I see."

After chatting with Dolly about the sewing shop, Su You didn't know what to think of, turned around and took out a golden box from the back.

Dolly looked at the pure gold box, opened her mouth slightly, her surprise was beyond words,
"This is..." It was the first time she saw a pure gold box, this one probably worth hundreds of gold coins, right?

Some people can't earn hundreds of gold coins in their lifetime...

It's true that some people can't earn hundreds of gold coins in their lifetime, but what Su You wants to support is a city, not just a person.

If it wasn't for bad luck, she would definitely not choose the magical operation of 'melting the box to make gold coins'. You must know that construction cards, recruitment cards, reward cards and other rare materials or formulas are almost impossible to buy. The only way to get it is to open the box.

Bad luck for her, OK!

She doesn't open the box anymore, she looks for foreign aid!

"Dolly, do me a favor and open the box."

Many things have proved that Dolly's luck has always been good, at least better than hers. It is best if she opens the box and finds something good. If she doesn't open it, she can comfort herself that the problem is the box.

"Open, open the box?" Dolly was a little nervous, looking at the golden box in front of her, her hands trembling... After all, in her eyes, this is not a prop box, but a golden mountain.

"It's okay, you can open it as you like, don't feel pressured." Su You directly put the box in Dolly's hands.

After Su You said that, Dolly stared at the box for a while, then took a deep breath, supported the box with one hand, and slowly opened the clasp on the gold box with the other hand.

When the box opened a gap, Su You vaguely saw a golden light leaking from the gap.

Just when she was thinking about what a 'golden legend' this was, the golden light gradually dimmed, and Dolly opened the box directly, revealing all the things inside.

【Elementary Sewing Skill Book*1】

【Magic Rune Book*1】

【Obtain Space Stone*1】

[Get sycamore wood*1]

[Get the Remnant Soul of the God Statue*1]


Although there are only five things, one is more valuable than the other.

Dolly didn't know the value of these things. She only knew that after she opened the box, the box worth hundreds of gold coins disappeared, leaving only two books and a stone that was the same as the space stone she had used before. There is also a turbid gemstone that looks light blue, and a piece of wood that looks nothing but dark red in color.

These things were not worth hundreds of gold coins, so Dolly was a little nervous. She felt that she had broken the box, and looked up at Su You in a daze.

"Miss Lord..."

Before she had time to say anything, Su You, who knew the value of these items, hugged her directly.

"I knew it was right to let you open the box!"

I won’t talk about the first three things. The skill book is useless and can be sold. The magic rune book can be kept or sold. The space stone can either be used to upgrade the space pack or make more space packs.

The sycamore tree, symbolizing auspiciousness, is the place where the legendary phoenix inhabits... Although it is only a legend, it will naturally be endowed with a more special meaning in the game.

Although it is not a rare material, it is not as good as dragon bone, but it is also one of the rarer materials.

Most importantly, sycamore is a balsa wood that can be used to make light bows!

"When the time comes, I will ask Doya to thank you very much." After Su You told Dolly about the role of the sycamore wood, she also breathed a sigh of relief.

At least the wood wasn't as worthless as she imagined... She was relieved.

"Then what is this?" Dolly asked, pointing to a blue gemstone.

It is said to be a gemstone, but it is not as transparent as a gemstone, and even because of many impurities, it looks extraordinarily muddy and ugly.

"This is the remnant soul of the idol."

The remnant soul of the god statue is one of the materials for constructing the god statue, which is what was built with the god statue card chosen from one of the three when the territory was created.

While Su You introduced the function of this thing, she took this light blue 'gem' to see which 'god' it was.

【Idol Remnant Doris】

Category: special

Quality: Red
Introduction: This stone retains a part of the soul of Doris, the god of life. After the statue is built, it can be put into the statue. The statue will use the incarnation of Doris to bestow blessings on those who worship her.


Doris, the God of Life, although she has never enshrined this one before, she has heard that her aura is pretty good.

The blessings that can be bestowed by each idol are related to her own title, and the title bestowed by the "God of Life" is naturally related to life.

Doris can bless the health of those who enshrine her, and can also strengthen their physique, improve their physical fitness and endurance.

The translation in digital language is 'decrease the probability of infection', 'accelerate the recovery of blood volume', 'increase the upper limit of blood volume/defense', 'accelerate the recovery of physical strength' and so on.

Overall, a pretty good remnant.

The materials for building the statue are [stones*1000, marbles*500, remnant soul of the statue*1], the stones are enough, the remnant souls are there, and the only thing missing is some marbles.

For things like god statues, they should be built and enjoyed early, so Su You directly put this matter on the agenda.

Coincidentally, when she went to dig the marble later, she could stop by the monster spawner to check the situation, and arrange it so that it would be convenient to deal with the monster spawner tomorrow.


After opening all the boxes, Su You tidied up everything, and then took out two space bags.

"Keep one for yourself, and give the other to Doya. Remember to teach her how to use it."

Dolly's loyalty and goodwill are already at full value, so it is almost inevitable to give her a space bag, not to mention that this is what she made.

As for Duoya, although he doesn't have full points, his loyalty has reached 90 and his favorability is 89, which is also qualified.

With the space bag, it is more convenient for her to go hunting.

"Okay, is there anything else the lord lady has to do?" Dolly didn't have any objection to Su You's arrangement.

"Go and do your own business and pay attention to rest."

(End of this chapter)

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