Chapter 166 166. Vivian

After Doli left, Su You went to the tavern, planning to recruit NPCs first.

Because it was not meal time at this time, there was no one in the tavern, and even Meke was not here, and he didn't know what to do.

Su You skillfully opened the recruitment panel, and before looking at it for a few seconds, she directly selected an NPC to recruit.


Gender: Female
Age: teenager

Loyalty: 65
Favorite: 25
Talents: Physician (85), Magic (70)

Skills: Junior Physician, Elementary Healing Magic
Traits: drug sensitivity (increased success rate of drug-related judgments), bad personality (has a quirk of enjoying other people's intense emotions)

Introduction: [Vivian's father is from a medical family, and her mother is the daughter of the head of a famous performing troupe (including but not limited to: magic, acrobatics, drama, etc.).

Influenced by her father, Vivienne has a very high medical talent, and she has learned medical skills from her father since she was a child.

But this is just due to her talent, it doesn't fit her character.

Vivienne's natural personality is like a little devil, mischievous and vicious... She prefers to play pranks rather than calm down to cure diseases and save people, but she doesn't like the process, but the result.

She also likes to stand on stage and show jaw-dropping performances, and she enjoys all kinds of intense emotions on other people's faces...whether it's surprise, nervousness, or fear, panic.

In a certain acrobatic performance, Vivienne who joined the performance stage without authorization was injured, but was accidentally discovered by a magician off the stage, so Vivienne allowed her to go on stage after "studying magic well" Entered the Guild of Wizards under the promise of acting'.

But it is a pity that after Vivian 'graduated' from the Association of Magicians, the performance troupe of her mother's family disbanded for some reason, and Vivian's dream of acting was shattered...]


Not to mention Vivienne's own personality traits, just her two skills and talents are enough for Su You to make a direct choice.

Although Youai can barely act as a magician who can heal magic now, the healing ability of water magicians is the weakest. According to the order of healing ability, healing magicians > light magicians > water magicians.

Yuai's healing magic can only restore the wound, but not the blood volume, and the effect of the skill is very limited.

What's more, Vivienne also has the skills of a doctor, which made Su You, who was still thinking about 'whether there is a need to build a medical center in the territory without a doctor', make a direct choice.

And to be honest, Vivienne's negative traits are actually not particularly bad... Don't you just like to see people look scared?
Su You not only has a way to satisfy her eccentricity, but can also use this to make Vivian stay.

After recruiting people, Su You left the tavern, and then took the materials to build a medical center in front of the residential area.

The materials used to build the medical center are still the old three—composite wood boards, composite stone boards, and marble bricks.

Although Su You needs marble to build the statue, marble should not be consumed, but regardless of whether the medical hall is built or not, marble is not enough to build the statue, and now there is a quarry... so it doesn't matter.

[Do you want to consume composite wood boards*5, composite stone boards*5, marble bricks*5 to build a medical center? 】

【Under construction: Medical Hall, estimated time: 300 minutes】

In addition to the medical center, Su You took some wooden boards to repair a few residential houses, increasing the number of residential houses to ten, so that the other party will have a place to live when they recruit people tomorrow.

After placing the building, Su You took the building card of the quarry, two first-level space bags, and some materials and tools, and went straight to the mine.



"My lord, this is..." Lake looked at the quarry building that suddenly appeared in front of him, and he was stunned for a moment, but he didn't think it was a strange thing that a building suddenly rose from the ground, he was just a little surprised That's all.

After Su You told him the function of the quarry, Lake immediately realized that it was a building similar to a lumberyard.

"This is for you. Keep it well. It is similar to a wooden cart, but it can only store three things." Su You handed him a space bag, and then looked around, as if she was looking for something.

"I'll keep it safe." Lake seemed to understand the usefulness of the space bag, and nodded seriously.

He didn't ask where the space bag came from, but directly hung the backpack on his body.

"Where is Lyle?" It stands to reason that it is nearby, and Lyle should be here too, but she didn't see Lyle.

"My lord, are you looking for Lyle? He is in the ruins of the stone gate that you sealed before... He said he wanted to look at that place, so as not to cause trouble." Although Lake felt that this was unnecessary, and this behavior It was also very dangerous, but he couldn't screw the opponent, so he let him go.

Anyway, he is also here, not far away, and he can hear any movement over there.

"I see." Saying that, Su You walked in the direction of the monster spawner, reminding Lake to dig the marble first before leaving.

There are still about 120 pieces of marble in the warehouse before the statue can be built. According to Lake’s speed, and now that there is a quarry, these 100 pieces of marble can be collected soon.

Lake: "Okay, I'll go right away."


As Lake said, Su You did find Lyle in the monster spawner.

While cutting the tree, he stared at the monster spawner from time to time, his expression was a little complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing Su You approaching, he stopped what he was doing.

"This is for you." Su You first gave the space bag to Lyle, and then repeated the introduction of the space bag to Lake, and also mentioned that Lake also has this bag.

Lyle was obviously much smarter than Lake, he understood the value of this seemingly inconspicuous little package almost immediately, and also understood Su You's trust in them.

"This thing is very precious." Su You is used to being a player, and has and still has a full [-] grids of space, so naturally she can't personally understand the value of this space bag in their eyes.

For Lyle, this is a prop comparable to the level of 'space magic' that can only be used by senior magicians in the legend.

"It's very precious, but you deserve it." Although the loyalty and affection of the two brothers did not reach 97, the lowest has reached [-]. With such a high statistic, it is only a matter of time before the full value is reached, and this time Definitely not too long.

Moreover, Su You is not blind, so she can naturally see the contribution of the two brothers to the territory.

If it weren't for the two of them, Su You would have been exhausted just collecting materials.

After hearing Su You's words, Lyle was very moved.

(End of this chapter)

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