Building infrastructure in a digital world

Chapter 167. Building a God Statue

Moved is moved, he didn't say those words of thanks very politely.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Lyle knew that Su You still preferred to see their hard work and dedication in actual actions compared to this kind of thank you that could be easily expressed with their mouths.

"I just saw that you have been looking at it. Is there any problem with this door?" The favorability has already been so high that Su You can directly talk about any problems or needs now. There is no need to go round and round. They Basically, there are answers to all questions and responses to requests.

After adjusting his emotions, Lyle said: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with it, but I always feel that it is dangerous." He also knew that he said a meaningless nonsense, but this is how he really felt.

Obviously he was cutting trees here a few days ago, but he didn't have such a strong sense of danger. Only today, this pile of ruined buildings gave him a strong oppression, as if there were thousands of trees all the time. Both eyes are staring at him.

But every time he looked over, there was nothing there, as if all this was his hallucination.

... It can't be said to be like, this is an illusion, because there is indeed nothing there.

"...It's almost like this. Ever since I came here, I've been feeling eyes watching me." Even though Lyle comforted himself that there was nothing here, the inexplicable feeling still made people shudder.

"I probably know what's going on." After listening to Lyle's words, Su You vaguely guessed the reason.

"Do you still remember that I sealed this monster spawner before? Tomorrow morning is the time for it to be unsealed." She thought that the monster spawner would be unsealed soon, and the monsters in the monster spawner felt that the seal was crumbling. , so they gathered at the exit, waiting for the seal to disappear, and then they rushed out in one fell swoop.

" that so?" With a reasonable explanation, Lyle felt relieved... But when he thought about the unblocking of the monster spawner tomorrow, he felt a little headache.

"I came here to make some arrangements, so that we can deal with those monsters tomorrow." After speaking, Su You took out a bunch of materials, "You are busy with your work, don't worry about me."

As she spoke, she picked up the shovel and began to dig the hole skillfully.

Lyle didn't know what she was going to do, but since Su You didn't intend to ask him to help, Lyle didn't bother her either. After a few glances, he took an ax and prepared to continue cutting trees.

Time passed by every minute and every second until Lyle was tired from cutting. When he was about to take a rest, he turned his head and was shocked by the scene in front of him - a huge pothole appeared beside him.

That's right, it's a familiar pit again.

Su You didn't even know how many holes she had dug in the past ten days. She felt that if she was proficient in the skill of digging holes, she would at least have the 'intermediate level pit digging skills'.

The hole she dug just now was centered on the monster spawner, and this hole was deeper than the previous ones, at least five or six meters deep.

The bottom of the pit is covered with dense spike traps. In addition, the pit is surrounded by stone walls.

There are pits, traps, and defensive buildings. Su You built a ladder from below to climb up, then dismantled the ladder, and continued to build towers and arrow towers behind the wall.

Lyle: what the hell was he worried about just now?
Seeing this scene, Lyle didn't know whether he should worry about how many seconds these skeletons could live, or how they would make contributions under this arrangement... because the two of them couldn't fight monsters at all in close combat.

The day before the dark creatures attacked, Su You opened the territory contribution system. Currently, there is only one way to obtain contributions, and that is to participate in team activities and then obtain contributions based on actual merit.

For example, for the two batches of dark creature attacks, kills count as contributions, and damage counts as contributions (for group attack npcs that cannot grab heads), Su You can see the complete data, which greatly facilitates the calculation of contributions.

In addition to the dark creature attack that has ended, there is a high probability that the 'siege monster spawner' this time will also contribute.

Although Su You hasn't mentioned the role of contribution for the time being, Lyle knows that as the territory develops better and better, the role of this contribution value will only become greater and greater. If you don't take advantage of the opportunity to make more contributions, later When you want to use it, you can only stare blankly.

"That's about it, but tomorrow there may be at least ninety ghost skeletons. There is not enough space below here, and it can only accommodate about sixty or seventy ghost skeletons at most." The space here is limited, so we can only dig such a big pit, Ghost skeletons that cannot be accommodated will naturally be refreshed outside the trap.

Su You looked at Lyle, and he instantly understood what she meant: "Understood, the ghost skeletons outside the trap will be handed over to Lake and me."

Although there were only two of them, they had the experience of dealing with more than a dozen ghost skeletons at one time. Besides, they were not Su You, they could be upgraded, and they still had combat skills and could wear equipment.

After this period of training and the accumulation of actual combat experience yesterday, they only feel that they are much stronger now than before.

"Safety is the main thing. Remember to ask Dolly for a complete set of strengthened animal skin equipment when you go back." Duoya was lucky yesterday and caught a lot of small animals. Although there was not much meat, there were a lot of animal skins. In addition, Su You also opened a lot of animal skins when opening the box, so Dolly can be said to be busy now without touching the ground.

She has to hurry up and use all these animal skins to make equipment, keep some of them for her own use in the territory, and use the other part for sale.

In addition to having animal skin equipment as a guarantee, Yuai will also come over tomorrow.

On the one hand, he was asked to come here because someone would help him treat him, and he was not afraid of special circumstances. On the other hand, he wanted him to use water magic to accumulate practical experience.

Meke said that although Yuai's talent is not good, he is hardworking enough. Although he can't make up for the lack of talent, his learning progress is no worse than that of ordinary apprentice magicians.

At least a few water bomb attacks should be no problem.

Of course, there is another more obscure reason, which is to give him a chance to obtain the contribution of the territory, otherwise he does not know when and when he will be able to accumulate the contribution to exchange for the magic rune book.


In the following time, Su You took the pickaxe and went to the chain mine to dig marble with Lake. After digging enough to build the statue, Su You returned to the territory.

[Do you want to consume stones*1000, marbles*500, statue remnants (Doris)*1, and build the god of life Doris? 】

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